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Emily King

MedSafeZone Reflection
My preconceived thoughts on LGBTQ and transgender populations changed after
watching the presentation by being more educated. I know a fair amount of information about
LGBTQ, however, I do not know much about transgender individuals. Today, I learned a lot
more about being transgender and the struggles these people must face every day. Especially
with the state laws we discussed, learning that teenagers in many states cannot transition, is
heartbreaking. Knowing that many of these kids are facing suicidal ideation, and threaten this
when parents wont let them transition, is even more heartbreaking. This information really
makes you open your eyes to the struggles that this population faces. As a healthcare provider,
this training would be incredibly valuable in my provision of care. With this training and
education, as a nurse, I can provide much better and quality care to transgender individuals.
Everyone deserves the same quality care, no matter the background. In the healthcare setting, I
will now be able to better speak with someone and use correct pronouns for people in the
LGBTQ community. My big takeaway from this MedSafeZone is the struggles and hardships
transgender people deal with in the healthcare setting. This population often gets hate crimed
and judged, even in the healthcare setting. It is up to me, as an individual, how I decide to speak
and treat people in my own practice. I will practice empathetic, safe, and quality care to every
patient I have. I will also go out of my way to show a patient that I am an ally.

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