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INDEX NO; 2625920

DAD 359
Select 9 advertisements that resonates with 3 advertising
objectives that has been discussed perception, cognitive,
affective objectives, indicate how the objectives reflects in the
advertisements,3 for each.

Advertising objectives are the aims that marketers pursue while creating
 Perception objectives are the aims of advertisements that seek to
affect how the audience views a good or service. The goal is to
imprint a particular picture or impression on the audience. This could
entail giving the good or service an air of excellence, exclusivity, or
luxury. The objective is to affect the audience's perception of the
good or service and to establish an emotional bond that will
encourage audience members to make purchases.
 Cognitive objectives in advertising refer to the goals of ads that aim
to educate or inform the audience about a product or service. The
objective is to create brand awareness and increase knowledge
about the product or service. This can include providing information
about the product's features, benefits, or uses.
 Advertising's "affective objectives" are those that try to elicit an
emotional response from the audience. The goal is to change the
audience's thoughts and feelings for the good or service. This may
entail generating positive emotions such as joy, nostalgia, or
excitement surrounding the good or service. The objective is to build
a satisfying emotional bond that will influence purchasing choices.
PERCEPTION OBJECTIVE - One ad that plays with perception is this
"Mercedes Benz" ad, which shows how a Good spanner to show it's a
mechanic thing, and the shadow of it is Dinosaur, meaning dangerous.
With a Good message " unofficial service can be dangerous" which
meant if you are sending your car to the unofficial service may cost your
problem. Giving the people perception that their official service is better
than any mechanic

PERCEPTION OBJECTIVE- Another ad that plays with perception is this

Milwaukee Health Department service ad, giving the audience a
perception about infant mortality, by showing the outcomes of
expectant moms who live healthier lifestyles and have stronger babies

PERCEPTION OBJECTIVE- Finally, the "RE-NUTRITIV" ad plays with the

perception that it’s a secret to infinite beauty and using this luxury
product improves and lifts face status and makes ones face youthful,
superior to other brands.
COGNITIVE OBJECTIVE - One ad that plays with cognition is the "Hubtel"
ad, which encourages people place calls to hubtel for their stuff to be
delivered to their door steps. This creates brand awareness to the

COGNITIVE OBJECTIVE - Another ad that plays with cognition is the

"Apple" ad, which increase the knowledge of their product. Talking
about its privacy features.
COGNITIVE OBJECTIVE - Finally, the "Fanta" ad plays with the cognitive
idea of a new improved product introduced to the market making
audience aware of the change made.

AFFECTIVE OBJECTIVE- Another ad that plays with Affection is the

"dettol" ad, which shows two siblings having fun washing their hands.
This commercial plays with the concepts of emotional attachment and
AFFECTIVE OBJECTIVE - Another ad that plays with affection is the
"NIKE" ad, which shows an athlete trying to positively motivate the
audience to believe in their goals.

AFFECTIVE OBJECTIVE - Finally, the "COCA-COLA" ad plays with the

affective idea of love and the desire to express love and affection
through drinking coke.

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