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Agric Hum Values (2017) 34:559–572

DOI 10.1007/s10460-016-9746-8

Dietary regimes and the nutrition transition: bridging disciplinary

Anthony Winson1 • Jin Young Choi2

Accepted: 6 October 2016 / Published online: 1 November 2016

Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2016

Abstract The nutrition transition concept developed by Introduction

Popkin has gained wide currency within the nutritional
sciences literature as a way of understanding population The rapid changes in body composition of humans across
wide changes to diet and energy balance and their related the globe in just the last few decades—captured by the term
health outcomes in society. It offers a useful template of ‘‘the obesity crisis’’—and the recognition of the importance
different nutritional patterns societies progress through, but of diet in producing this crisis, are the essential context for
it has not provided a comprehensive understanding of the this paper. These changes are most stark in the developing
why and how of dietary change. Building on insights from world. Here, the reality of under nourishment and starva-
the literature on food regimes in the social sciences, this tion that blighted the populations of many countries is
paper argues the concept of dietary regimes can augment being rapidly replaced by a new reality among the emer-
the nutrition transition model and can serve as a bridge gent middle classes: overweight, obesity and associated
between social and health sciences around nutrition and chronic diseases (Popkin 2006; Uauy et al. 2001; Wild
dietary change. The political economy analysis of the et al. 2004; World Health Organization 2015). Most of the
dietary regime approach provides insights into the histori- existing literature has described and documented this
cal degradation of food and the diffusion of nutrient-poor phenomenon but has been much less illuminating on the
products throughout food environments today. It also question of why population-wide weight gain and the
engages analysis of the key actors shaping food environ- health calamity it is producing has come about at this point
ments and diets in the industrial era. The dietary regime in history.
approach can provide fruitful directions with respect to The Nutrition Transition (NT) model has provided an
concrete policy options to address the major issue of important conceptual tool to describe the global nutritional
population wide weight gain that the nutrition transition shift and its related health consequences for more than two
model has sought to confront in recent iterations. decades. Popkin (1993, 1994) conceptualized the nature
and pace of nutritional transition and its relationship with
Keywords Nutrition transition  Dietary regimes  Food economic, social, and demographic factors. He also noted
regimes  Food environments  Degradation of food the roles of broader structural factors such as urbanization,
economic growth, new technologies reducing energy
expenditure in at work and leisure activities, mass media,
& Anthony Winson the spread of supermarkets and changing regulatory envi-
ronments with free trade agreements (Popkin 2009; Popkin
Jin Young Choi and Gordon-Larsen 2004; Popkin et al. 2012). In his recent
work, he has given some attention to the food system as
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of well (Hawkes and Popkin 2015; Popkin 2014). However,
Guelph, Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, Canada he does not analyze the genesis of these factors and how
Department of Sociology, Sam Houston State University, they operate to foster weight gain among populations
Box 2446, Huntsville, TX 77341, USA around the globe. In this regard, we need an analytical

560 A. Winson, J. Y. Choi

model that can provide better understanding of how the The nutrition transition
socio-economic, technological and political factors have
reshaped food into nutrient-poor edible commodities and Popkin brought into focus global dietary change and the
saturated our food environments with them. As a result, too related health outcomes in different regions of the world,
often what we eat subverts our health and promotes particularly in the developing countries. He developed the
disease. concept of the Nutrition Transition in early 1990s to
This paper introduces the concept of dietary regimes as describe these changes (Popkin 1993, 1994). He outlined
a valuable complement to the NT model. Its focus is on the five broad nutrition patterns based on ‘‘historical condi-
fundamental structural factors that shape food environ- tions,’’ which were not tied to ‘‘specific historical periods’’:
ments and the choices people make around diet, rather than Pattern 1 Collecting Food; Pattern 2 Famine; Pattern 3
cultural factors that may also play a role in determining Receding Famine; Pattern 4 Nutrition-Related Non-com-
what people eat. The dietary regime approach attempts to municable Disease (NR-NCD) due to changes in diet and
understand the political economic ‘‘black box’’ that lies activity patterns; and Pattern 5 Behavioral Change to
between food producers and consumers/eaters, whereas the reverse the negative health outcomes of Pattern 4 (see
NT model focuses on how the dietary shift is reflected in Fig. 1). Popkin argued that the Nutrition Transition was
changes in body composition and the prevalence of asso- closely interrelated to two historical processes—the
ciated chronic diseases. By focusing attention on the demographic transition1 and epidemiologic transition.2
business of processing, marketing and retailing of edible Large shifts in dietary and physical activity are reflected in
commodities, the dietary regime approach offers analytical nutritional outcomes such as changes in average stature and
tools to understand two essential processes underlying body composition, and health outcomes including mortality
dietary change: (1) the degradation of whole foods over the and morbidity patterns as well as the levels of chronic and
last one hundred years or so, and (2) the diffusion of a host NR-NCD (Popkin 2006; Popkin and Gordon-Larsen 2004).
of nutrient-poor edible products into all manner of food Popkin has focused on the shift from Pattern 3–5, par-
environments that has had the effect of virtually trans- ticularly on the shift from Pattern 3 (receding famine) to
forming them into obesogenic food environments that Pattern 4 (NR-NCD), which has led to changes in body
undermine our health. composition and high levels of NCD and obesity. Based on
Dietary regimes builds upon in the pioneering work in a substantial number of studies, he argued that, along with
the social sciences by Friedmann and McMichael (1989) a decline in physical activity, many low- and middle-in-
on food regimes, which has been particularly fruitful as a come countries experience a rapid change to the ‘‘Western
conceptual frame for understanding the structural nature diet’’ characterized by a high intake of refined carbohy-
and dynamics of the world food economy throughout the drates, saturated fat, sugar, caloric beverages, animal-
industrial era. Its focus is on the production side of the source foods, and processed foods low in fiber (Popkin
food commodity chain and the dynamics of global mar- et al. 2012; Popkin and Gordon-Larsen 2004). Such dietary
kets for food and the role of the state in shaping them. In changes are paralleled by a significant shift from malnu-
this paper, we argue that dietary regimes, coupled with trition to over-nutrition as predominate issues and the
food regimes, can serve to enhance the explanatory emergence of a high prevalence of obesity and other NCD
potential of the NT model with respect to better situating in these countries. The burdens of poor diet, physical
dietary change historically, and offering a more powerful inactivity, obesity, and chronic diseases are shifted from
explanation of the real world forces that underlie dietary the rich to the poor (Popkin and Gordon-Larsen 2004). In
change and the degradation of food environments in the more recent times Pattern 5 (health conscious behavioral
modern world. The complementarity of these models change) has been observed in some subpopulations in the
would provide a more complete picture of the process of United States and European countries (Popkin 1994). In
nutrition transition from food producers through to the this pattern, the dietary changes initiated by consumers or a
eaters of food. This paper contributes to the literature on combination of government and consumers are oriented
nutrition transition by attempting to bridge social science toward healthy eating and entail the increased consumption
models of change in the food system with a model of
dietary change and related health outcomes found in the 1
Demographic transition describes ‘‘the shift from a pattern of high
health sciences. fertility and high mortality to one of low fertility and low mortality
In the next section, we review the NT model. Since the (typical of modern industrialized countries)’’ (Popkin 1993, p. 138).
concept of dietary regimes was built upon in the food Epidemiologic transition describes ‘‘the shift from a pattern of
prevalent infectious diseases associated with malnutrition, periodic
regime approach in its formulation, we briefly review its
famine, and poor environmental sanitation to a pattern of prevalent
essential features before we discuss the dietary regime chronic and degenerative diseases associated with urban-industrial
model and the analytical benefits it provides. lifestyles’’ (Popkin 1993, p. 138).

Dietary regimes and the nutrition transition: bridging disciplinary domains 561

Fig. 1 Stages of the nutrition

transition. Source Popkin (n.d.) Urbanization, economic growth, technological changes for work, leisure, & food processing, mass
media growth

Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 Pattern 4 Pattern 5

Paleolithic man/ Settlements Industrialization Noncommunicable Desired
Hunter-gathers begin/ / Receding Disease societal/
Monoculture Famine Behavioral
period/ Famine Change

• Reduced fat,
• Increased fat, increased fruit, veg,
• Wild plants • Cereals • Starchy, low sugar, processed
variety, low CHO, fiber
& animals dominate food • Increase water,
• Water fat, high fiber • Caloric beverages
• Water Reduce caloric
• Labor • Water • Shift in beverage intake
• Labor
intensive • Labor intensive technology of • Replace
intensive sedentarianism
work job/home work and leisure w/purposeful activity

Nutritional MCH Reduced body

Lean & Obesity emerges
deficiencies deficiencies, fatness,
robust, high range of other
emerge, stature weaning disease reduced NR-
disease rate NR-NCD’s NCD
decline stunting

Low fertility, High fertility, Slow mortality Accelerated life Extended health
Low high MCH decline expectancy, shift aging, educed
expectancy mortality, low to increased DR- DR-NCD
life expectancy NCD, increased
disability period

of fruits, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates, as well as were related to changes not only in income, food avail-
the decreased consumption of meats, sugar, dairy products, ability and prices, and household food preparation and
and refined foods. Popkin (1994, 2002) argued that these purchasing patterns (e.g., away-from-home purchase and
changes are related to consumer preferences resulting from consumption), but also to the food industry and the mass
health concerns (e.g., NCD prevention and health media (Popkin 2001, 2009). Coupled with the dietary
promotion). change, the decline in physical activity driven by the
Popkin (1993, 1994) acknowledged the importance of remarkable shift in the occupational structure, technology
economic, social, and demographic factors to understand of work, and leisure led to a notable increase of obesity
the nature and pace of nutritional transition in his earlier (Popkin 1998, 2001). In order to reverse current dietary
work. His view was broadened to include urbanization, patterns and related negative health outcomes, Popkin
economic growth, technological changes in work, leisure, (2002) emphasized national and local efforts to change the
and food processing, and mass media growth as influencing economic and physical environment and the role of gov-
forces in the shift from Patterns 3–4, especially in low- and ernment in promoting large-scale changes.
middle-income countries (Popkin 2002, 2009; Popkin and In his more recent work, Popkin has recognized the food
Gordon-Larsen 2004). Popkin saw globalization (e.g., system as a critical factor for healthy dietary change
enhanced free trade, increased penetration of international (Hawkes and Popkin 2015; Popkin 2014) even if he has not
corporations including fast-food outlets, international cap- explained in-depth why this is so. He argued that the
ital markets, and access to western mass media) as ‘‘the modern food system has been transformed with govern-
root cause’’ for the changes (Popkin 2004, p. S140). In the ment policies and practices designed to meet various
case of China, for example, the rapid increased consump- nutritional and food needs since World War II. With
tion of a higher fat diet and meat, and reduced carbohydrate globalization in the 1990’s and afterwards new actors, such
and fiber in the proportion of adult diets was reflected in the as global supermarket chains, have furthered this trans-
shift in eating preferences (Popkin 2001). Such preferences formation (Hawkes and Popkin 2015). The rapid increase

562 A. Winson, J. Y. Choi

of NR-NCD in many low- and middle-income countries are regime approach highlighted two interrelated processes: (1)
driven by the transformation of food systems. He sees the the industrialization of agriculture and food, and (2) the
current food system as a ‘‘highly distorted system which role of food in the development of a system of independent,
fails to put quality protein and diversity into the diets of the liberal nation states. Friedman and McMichael conceived
poor while succeeding in feeding people large quantities of of historically distinct food regimes, each with specific
refined carbohydrates and highly processed foods’’ structural features, trade relations and state involvement.
(Hawkes and Popkin 2015, p. 3), that are associated with The first food regime lasting from 1870’s to the 1930’s
increased obesity (Asfaw 2011). Popkin (2009, 2014) urges was characterized by the combined import of colonial
a change in the food system to address this poor quality diet tropical products (e.g., coffee, bananas) from the Third
and its negative health impacts, and argues for more World and the import of wheat and livestock from the so-
research and new policies to address these issues. called ‘‘white settler colonies’’—Canada, the United States,
Popkin’s NT model served to draw early attention to Australia, New Zealand and Argentina—to the metropoli-
major transitions in diet and activity levels and it was tan European countries. The opening up of these expansive
prescient in shedding light on the fact that this was rapidly new territories for farming was a key factor in allowing for
occurring in the developing countries. Where the NT the production of low cost wheat and meat. These com-
Model falls short is in its ability to elucidate how and why modities found markets abroad as inexpensive foodstuffs
food has been degraded in a variety of ways and food for the expanding British working class thereby helping to
environments have been transformed. It is essential that we fuel the industrial revolution there.
seek answers to these questions if we are ever to realisti- In the second food regime, which takes place from the
cally appraise the root causes of the global obesity crisis 1940’s to the 1970’s after a long period of transition from
and formulate policies that will effectively deal with it. We the first food regime, a new relationship between agricul-
offer the dietary regimes approach as a complementary ture and industry takes shape that had major implications
analytical model to effectively understand the ‘‘how and for food. One of its principle features is strong state pro-
why’’ of food degradation, food environment transforma- tection for food producers (e.g., price supports, marketing
tion, and dietary change. boards, etc.) and the organization of the world economy
under U.S. hegemony (Friedmann and McMichael 1989).
In the developed countries, agriculture underwent a
Food regimes restructuring that involved intensification and a new form
of international integration. Two key processes they see as
The food regime approach was initially developed by emblematic of the second food regime are: (1) the devel-
Friedmann and McMichael in the late 1980’s, and re- opment of feed-meat complexes organized for the intensive
evaluated and further elaborated on in recent years (see production of meat protein, and (2) the shift from agri-
Agriculture and Human Values, Special Issue, 2009). The cultural produce being consumed in relatively unprocessed
food-regime approach offers a macro political-economic form to processed manufactured foods, or what they term
analysis of the global food system over different historical durable foods (Friedmann and McMichael 1989). They see
epochs. This approach borrowed from the world system the intensive cultivation of soy and corn in the U.S., and
theories of societal development, and the so-called French later elsewhere, becoming integrated into an animal feed
school of regulationist theorists who have argued that the industry tied closely with intensive meat production. This
evolution of capitalist economy has been characterized by can, in fact, provide an explanation of the underpinning
different historical phases with their respective character- dynamics for the shift from Pattern 3 to Pattern 4 in Pop-
istics. In his more recent appraisal of the contribution of the kin’s NT model.
food regimes concept, McMichael (2009) argues: With both the meat-feed complex and the intensive
production and processing of foods, the produce of farming
food regime analysis brings a structured perspective
becomes more and more an input to an expanding agro-
to the understanding of agriculture and food’s role in
industrial complex rather than being destined for domestic
capital accumulation across time and space. In
consumption in a relatively raw form. These changes
specifying patterns of circulation of food in the world
would obviously have a number of serious implications, for
economy it underlines the agro-food dimension of
the autonomy of farmers but also impacting diets, espe-
geo-politics, but makes no claim to comprehensive
cially in the developed world, as processed food corpora-
treatment of different agricultures across the world.
tions sought to expand market share via aggressive
(p. 140)
advertising to a wide audience through television—a new
In addition to exploring the unique role of agriculture in and powerful medium—as well as other means. This
the development of the world capitalist economy, the food reshaping of diets is peripheral to the main concerns of the

Dietary regimes and the nutrition transition: bridging disciplinary domains 563

food regime approach, however. This is a matter that is characterized by the massive dispossession of peasant
taken up by the dietary regimes approach. populations of their land in the developing world and a
For the developing world Friedmann and McMichael dramatic rise in the environmental damage caused by the
see the second food regime as inaugurating a massive U.S. production of food commodities under an advanced
food aid program exporting American wheat and soya oil industrial system.
to newly independent countries interested in cheap food- It is worth noting that the food regime approach has been
stuffs to support their industrialization process. Interna- utilized recently to help understand the contested nature of
tional agencies also played a role in this development. This, the contemporary food economy—a reality presaged by
however, negatively impacted domestic food production in Friedmann (2005) in her initial characterization of it as a
the developing world as it was increasingly displaced by ‘‘corporate-environmental food regime’’. Levidow (2015)
massive low cost wheat imports (Friedmann and McMi- has drawn out in detail the nature of this contestation. One
chael 1989), which likely had serious implications for food tendency is a life sciences integrated paradigm that is ‘‘at-
environments. Exactly how and to what extent this hap- tempting to substitute capital-intensive biological inputs for
pened and how it reshaped diets in the developing world is agrichemicals, and to diversify outputs such as functional
very important, but it is not a focus of the food regime foods for health needs, thus reinforcing corporate power.’’
authors. Nevertheless, the concept of food regimes can help On the other hand, an ecologically integrated paradigm is
us understand the rapid transformation of food environ- oriented towards developing ‘‘agro-ecological methods to
ments in the developing world in the last two decades and enhance biodiversity in agricultural environments as a
the transition from Pattern 3 to Pattern 4 in Popkin’s NT means to improve crop protection, productivity, nutritional
model. quality and resource conservation, in ways empowering
In the last several years there has been a revival in the farmers and their knowledge.’’ (Levidow 2015, p. 79)
interest in the food regime approach and notably debates Beyond the sphere of agriculture, Sage (2013) has argued
about the existence of a third food regime. While some are that food regimes can be helpful in providing a more the-
unconvinced that a significantly different food regime oretically grounded framework for conceptualizing food
exists (Pritchard 2009), McMichael (2009), a co-founder of security issues and their relationship to the changing nature
the food regime approach, has made a strong argument that of food production and trade. Food security in this view is
a third food regime, which he terms a ‘‘corporate food understood to encompass not only the insufficiency of food
regime,’’ has emerged since the 1980’s. The third or but also mal-consumption produced by the increasing dis-
‘‘corporate’’ food regime comes into being within the wider tortion of diets and the resulting poor health outcomes.
context of a globalized neo-liberal political economy, The food regime approach in its original formulation
which has been widely implemented across the globe. This does not pay particular attention to how the developments
political-economic paradigm emphasizes trade liberaliza- on the production and trade side have impacted food
tion and the free movement of capital, reduction or elimi- environments and prevailing diets. In recent years a few
nation of Keynsian welfare state institutions and have argued the need to broaden the approach to embrace
protections for labor, and the withdrawal of government issues of the nutritional transition and the distortion of diet
from the economy and reorientation of its role in many (Dixon 2009; Levidow 2015). Our view is that these latter
respects. It opened the way for large American and Euro- issues are better understood through a separate but related
pean agribusiness and food retail operations to penetrate conceptual frame, one that builds on the food regime’s
many new markets in the global South which, as has political-economic analysis of production and trade and the
become increasingly apparent, has transformed food envi- power relations embedded in them. The dietary regimes
ronments there (Harner 2007; Konefal et al. 2005; Reardon approach elaborated below takes up where the food regime
et al. 2003). approach has left off that is with the analysis of the polit-
This corporate food regime is argued to be essentially ical economy of the nutrition transition, the forces deter-
defined by a new set of rules (via far reaching trade and mining food environments, and the degradation of food and
investment agreements) that institutionalizes corporate distortion of diets that marks the industrialization of food
power in the world food system (McMichael 2009). for more than one hundred years.
Among its more specific features are such novel develop-
ments as the global sourcing of a variety of foods previ-
ously sourced domestically, the dominance of supermarket Dietary regimes
retail chains, the privatization of quality standards, food
safety regulation and agricultural research, the niche mar- The concept of dietary regimes was initially developed by
keting of foods, and the growing differentiation of diets. Winson (2013) and seeks to capture the fact that there is a
McMichael (2009) has argued that it has also been political-economic reality that stands between eaters and

564 A. Winson, J. Y. Choi

the production of food in every epoch. This reality neces- nutritional value beyond the calories they provide (see the
sarily shapes, to varying degrees, the diets of the great Mechanisms of Diffusion section for more explanation).
majority in societies ever since the neo-lithic revolution This diffusion is promoted by the technologies of mass
when humans embraced the domestication of plants and advertising and the colonization of food environments by
animals, and human settlement became increasingly manufacturers and retailers, principally. We see these
marked by social stratification and ever-more stark differ- processes taking different forms but accelerating over time.
ences in resources and power within society. As Winson
(2013) has argued: The degradation of food
diets are ultimately social and political projects and
The dietary regime approach argues that the industrializa-
have been even before recorded time. As such, diets
tion of the food system, within an institutional context
reflect the material conditions of a particular society,
where profit making takes precedence over nutrition, has
and specific social and economic arrangements, as
led to the degradation of whole foods. This is despite the
well as the structures of political domination, regu-
fact that government has mandated the ‘‘enrichment’’ of
lation, and control. (p. 16)
some highly processed foods and that more recently food
The concept of dietary regime is meant to help us cap- companies have sought competitive advantage by manu-
ture the commonality of dietary experience and to guide an facturing novel fortified or ‘‘functional’’ foods (Scrinis
appraisal and understanding of the social forces and socio- 2016). For example, degraded food products such as
economic and technological factors that play a salient role refined flour with vitamins added are not equivalent in
in determining prevailing diet(s) in a society at a given nutritional terms to whole grain flours (Weaver 2001),
point in time. while novel functional foods are often adulterated in
As with the NT model and the food regime approach, nutritionally problematic ways, as with probiotic yoghurts
the principal focus of the dietary regime approach is on the laden with high fructose corn syrup sweetener (Sanchez-
modern era, and especially the impact of industrial capi- Lozada et al. 2008; Brown et al. 2008).
talism on food. Because of this temporal focus we use the The degradation of food occurs through three basic
term industrial dietary regimes to more clearly indicate the processes: (1) the speed-up in the production of food; (2)
historical period under consideration. Dietary regimes the simplification of whole foods; and (3) the adulteration
focus on the character of prevailing diets and their con- of whole foods.3 A brief elaboration of each of these pro-
temporary transformation. This brings into the discussion cesses is in order.
the nutritional dimension of diets and implications for the The speed-up in food production refers to pressures
health of populations across the globe in the era of popu- within a market-based industrial food system to reduce the
lation-wide weight gain and obesity, which Lang and time necessary to produce an edible commodity ready for
Heasman (2004) have termed ‘‘the leitmotif of the modern sale. While the economic argument places emphasis on the
food age’’. (p. 300) efficiency and revenue gains from the speed-up in food
production, a dietary regime analysis reveals the hidden
Three industrial dietary regimes nutritional costs of such a process. The geographer Harvey
(2009) has argued ‘‘those that can move faster through the
It is possible to distinguish three qualitatively distinct various phases of capital circulation accrue higher profits
dietary regimes in the industrial era, beginning roughly than their competitors. Speed-up nearly always pays off in
around 1850. Not coincidentally, there is some corre- higher profits’’ (p. 41). The speed-up in food production is
spondence in the periodization of these three regimes and manifested in various ways. The production of meat protein
the food regimes noted above. Nevertheless, there is no within confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) pro-
exact temporal overlap between the two types of regimes, vides a good illustration. From the breeding of animals that
or so the evidence would seem to suggest. We summarize exhibit the fastest fat deposition and weight gaining abili-
in Table 1 the main characteristics of each regime with ties to the subsidized grain-based feeding process and
attention to its socio-economic, political elements and the intensive confined housing facilities, raising animal protein
dietary outcomes. A more in-depth argument for and in the CAFO system maximizes profits for the few cor-
details about these regimes can be found in Winson (2013). porations that now dominate the pork, chicken and beef
In each regime, it is important to note that two main commodity chain, but with substantial unaccounted costs.
overarching processes are at work: the degradation of food The environmental impact of this system is perhaps best
as its production is industrialized within a profit oriented
political economy, and the diffusion of a growing array of 3
Greater detail on each of these processes can be found in Winson
nutrient-poor edible commodities—products that have little (2013, Chs 6, 7, 8).

Dietary regimes and the nutrition transition: bridging disciplinary domains 565

Table 1 Industrial dietary regimes

First regime: 1850–1939 Second regime: 1950–1980 Third regime: Post 1980

Socio- Beginning of industrial processing in canning, Intensification of the uptake in Nutrient poor edible products in new
economic milling and meat packing sectors industrial foods institutional domains in developed
elements Diffusion of industrial food via novel mass Proliferation of away-from-home fast countries
advertising campaigns in magazines, foods Globalization of industrial diet to
newspapers, electric signs and later radio ads Mass advertising intensified with developing countries via
television transnational food and retail
Further normalization of industrial
diet, especially in North America
Political Limited state role More prominent state intervention Proliferation of Neo-liberal ideology,
elements Passage of pure food laws spurred by reform Creation of marketing boards, trade policies and agreements
movement agricultural subsidy programs and Facilitating globalization of industrial
Pure food laws’ protection of brands which price support policies diet
enhance acceptance of processed foods Massive exports of grain as food aid to
developing world
Dietary and Substantial uptake of processed edible products Intensification of consumption of More intensive consumption of
health among urban population industrial edible products nutrient poor edible products in
outcomes Early degradation of whole foods via industrial Chronic diseases as leading cause of developed countries
processes, e.g., ‘‘patent’’ or branded refined death Rapidly rising population-wide
flours stripped of vitamins, minerals and fiber American wheat exports to developing weight gain and obesity evident
world as food aid, stimulating post 1980 among adults, children
dietary transition to industrial diet and youth
there Rapid transformation toward
industrial diet in developing
First signs of resistance to industrial
diet in developed countries
Emergence of healthy eating
initiatives. Challenge to legitimacy
of nutrient poor edible products
Unless otherwise indicated, details of the first and second industrial dietary regimes refer to developments in North America and Western Europe.
The industrial diet becomes globalized in the third industrial dietary regime

documented to date (Weis 2013), but there is also a cost to century. Historically, the refined flour with the bran and the
human health in terms of massive outbreaks of food borne germ extracted, found favor with millers because it was
disease and unhealthy fats that are inherent in meat pro- much less prone to spoilage and could thus be marketed on
duced by the CAFO system. Meat from factory farmed beef a much wider basis (Kuhlmann 1929). This led to serious
cattle has dramatically higher levels of saturated fat com- degrading of the flours’ nutrients that had been largely
pared to animals raised on grass, for example, while it also stripped out to make shelf stable flours. Data provided by
exhibits a much less healthy ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 Weaver (2001) indicate that refined white wheat flour has
fatty acids than is the case with grass fed cattle (Duynisveld \40% of such essential nutrients as vitamin E, riboflavin,
et al. 2006; Miller et al. 1986; Rule et al. 2002). niacin, thiamin, folic acid and iron, and \20% of potas-
The drastic simplification of our foods has also led to sium, zinc and fiber, compared to whole wheat flour where
degradation of our diet. Simplification of whole foods takes the nutrient rich wheat germ and bran are utilized. Another
on at least two forms: the first when whole foods are study has documented how industrial milling technology
decomposed into simpler components via industrial pro- leads to the loss of a group of nutritionally valuable phy-
cessing, the second when the exigencies of profit making tochemicals that are only found in grains (Adom et al.
and efficiency lead to reduction in the varieties of different 2005). Phytochemicals are nutrients which are believed to
foods available for purchase in food environments. An enhance the immune system, mediate hormones, and have
example of the former type of simplification is the hyper anti-oxidant effects and benefit digestion. Hyper processing
processing of some foods, such as grains with the advent of of whole grains has had additional nutritional downsides as
the industrial roller milling process in the late ninetieth is illustrated with ready-to-eat breakfast cereals and salty

566 A. Winson, J. Y. Choi

snack products where refined flours are subjected to addi- vegetables and grains have significantly different con-
tional processing, extreme pressures and temperatures via centrations of essential nutrients. As Heywood (2013)
extrusion technologies that change the structure of starch notes, citing an extensive FAO database, the protein
molecules. This, in turn, causes such processed foods to content of rice varieties can vary between 5 and 13%, and
have even more adverse effects in spiking blood sugar the carotenoid content of different cultivars of sweet
levels than is the case with refined flours (Brand et al. potato can vary by a factor of 60 or more while one
1985). variety of apricot can represent 1% and another 200% of
Another form of simplification is reflected in the drastic the RDI for vitamin A. Important nutritional differences
diminishing of the varietal richness of foods that nature within the same species of domestic animals we take for
once provided us and which were at one time available to food exist as well (Hoffmann and Baumung 2013). In
us on farms and in small scale commercial markets.4 In the addition to important varietal differences in these nutri-
highly concentrated food retail sector that characterizes ents, there are notable variations in the anti-oxidative
many developed countries (Heffernan 2000; Howard 2016; phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables (Tsao et al. 2006).
USDA 2011), the few large corporate players favor a This is potentially of real significance as studies have
narrow variety of produce that conforms to the dictates of found that fruits and vegetables with high flavonoid and
the corporate supply chain. With the supermarket chains, phenolic concentrations were effective in preventing
cosmetic features and long shelf life are preferred, while cancer cell proliferation in the lab (Eberhardt et al. 2000;
flavor and nutritional qualities take a back seat. As a Liu 2004). By drastically reducing the varietal diversity of
consequence, varietal diversity is drastically limited the foods we eat, the industrial food system may have
(Browning 1998). For example, where several thousand seriously compromised key protective health benefits we
apple varieties are known to exist, the typical supermarket derive from that diversity.
may have only 6–8 available (Anonymous 2016; Browning Adulteration, a word derived from the Latin adulterare
1998). The varietal diversity of potatoes is even less rich in meaning to pollute or corrupt, has taken different forms
the supermarket despite the fact that the known varieties with respect to food over time. It once may have meant
number more than four thousand (International Potato watering down the wine, or adding chalk, bone ash or
Center 2013). sawdust to flour, or adding acutely toxic chemicals to fool
Varietal simplification is driven by factors in the pro- buyers into believing used tea was fresh. Today it typically
duction end of the food system as well. Friedland et al.’s has a more mundane form—the liberal use of sweeteners,
(1981) classic study of California agriculture noted that, as salt and fats and oils to make processed food more palat-
agricultural laborers began to get organized, growers able and therefore more marketable. Adulteration of the
sought to avoid an increase in their wage bill for tomato latter form often transforms whole foods into products that
harvesters by rapidly embracing mechanical harvesting are degraded from a nutritional standpoint. While not as
machinery. This also meant replacing existing varieties of acutely toxic as adulterants of an earlier age, in the long run
tomatoes with one that could stand up to mechanical har- these modern adulterants have proven to be just as deadly
vesting machinery. This example illustrates the role of (Ludwig et al. 1999). Neurological science has established
various political-economic factors in varietal simplifica- that food can be a potent natural reward and conditioning
tion, including the role played by state institutions, as state- stimulus, and foods rich in sugar and fats are potent
funded university research played a crucial role in devel- rewards that promote eating (Volkow et al. 2011). Fur-
oping the new tomato variety and perfecting mechanical thermore, there is a growing body of evidence that a wide
harvesting technology to replace hand pickers. range of edible products with added adulterants such as
Loss of diversity in agriculture has been seen for some sweeteners, salt and fat are specifically designed to stim-
time as a dangerous strategy in terms of sustainable pro- ulate neurological pathways and thereby enhance the
duction of food because it reduces the possibilities of ‘‘craveability’’ of the processed product and so increase
finding disease resistant varieties in the future (Fowler and sales (Kessler 2010; Moss 2013). Indeed, there is an
Mooney 1990). The drastic varietal simplification also emerging body of research to support the hypothesis of
may be limiting the protective health benefits that whole addictive foods (Avena and Gold 2011). Animal studies
foods can provide. Researchers have found in recent years have shown that sugar, for example, can precipitate some
that different varieties within the same species of fruits, behaviors and changes to the brain that are similar to the
effects produced by addictive drug use (Avena et al. 2008;
Colantuoni et al. 2002; Johnson and Kenny 2010). As well,
For example, in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia in the early
clinical trials have shown a relationship between highly
part of the twentieth century some 130 varieties were reported to be
grown on farms for on-farm use, to be sold in local markets or palatable foods and behaviors associated with addiction
exported to Britain (Commissioner Public Works and Mines 1917). (Volkow et al. 2011).

Dietary regimes and the nutrition transition: bridging disciplinary domains 567

Mechanisms of diffusion America (Winson 2013). Entrepreneurs such as Coca-

Cola’s Asa Candler and Will Kellogg in the ready-to-eat
The industrial dietary regime approach is particularly breakfast cereal industry had remarkable success pushing
useful to understand the mechanisms by which processed product for profit once they realized the potency of mass
nutrient poor edible products have been diffused in food advertising in differentiating their products from a crowded
environments to the point where we can speak of a per- field of like products; in other words, in creating a branded
vasive industrial diet. Nutrient poor products are those product. Both businessmen poured an extraordinary pro-
goods high in sweeteners, unhealthy fats and salt which are portion of their annual profits back into mass advertising at
typically main ingredients, and have few of the essential a time when this was generally unheard of (Pendergrast
nutrients (protein, minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals, 1993; Powell 1956).6 As it turned out, the rewards were
fiber and essential fats) needed to maintain health.5 They great and each company was able to dominate its sector for
include what most would classify as ‘‘junk foods’’ but also decades to come and effectively eliminate most of its
products not typically classified as such that have little in competition.
the way of nutrition to offer. For example, many of the Spatial colonization is a concept that attempts to explain
products in the juice category in the supermarket would how food environments became saturated with nutrient
qualify having little real fruit juice but copious amounts of poor edible products (Winson 2004). It captures the reality
high fructose corn syrup sweetener and other additives that for food product to be widely consumed, mass
instead. Pre-sweetened breakfast cereals would be another advertising alone is not sufficient to ensure success. Food
candidate here, and these products are the largest breakfast manufacturers try to ensure product is available and visible
product category and had been the fastest growing category in as wide a variety of food environments as possible. This
in the supermarket for decades until a recent decline in highlights the fact that food manufacturers must secure
sales (Allison 2015; Burn 1999). High levels of sweeteners favored placement of their products in existing food envi-
and highly processed high glycemic flours are the main ronments to be effectively sold. The prevalence of highly
ingredients of these products (Lawrence 2010, 2013). We profitable nutrient poor products in supermarkets has been
see the industrial diet as essentially a suite of aggressively documented for a few countries (Bird 2011; Winson 2004).
promoted, highly processed nutrient poor products that are Very limited studies have shown the methods by which
the outcome of an ensemble of agricultural and food food processors secure favored shelf space in the critical
technology processes, mass marketing machinery, and supermarket food environment. However, Matas (1987)
enabling policy regimes. found that processors paid retailer billions of dollars in
Underlying the drive to diffuse product is the competi- what is sometimes termed ‘‘slotting fees’’ through a variety
tive pressures faced by individual firms within a market- of channels to spatially colonize new products in the most
based economy to achieve acceptable returns for share- favorable locations on retailers’ shelves and in special store
holders. Competition and the drive for profit are the master displays. In addition, there are ‘‘pay to stay’’ fees and other
compass that orients investments in the food business as in allowances to keep products on retailer shelves and secure
any other, and is fundamental to the explanation of why prime locations in the store (Federal Trade Commission
food companies do what they do. The dietary regime 2003).
approach recognizes that in the drive to diffuse industrial In the realm of fast food, the most powerful players
edible products in food environments, three factors have ensure spatial colonization of their products in another
historically been central: mass advertising, spatial colo- way. The leading firms have saturated urban and suburban
nization and differential profits. space with their outlets in developed countries and are now
Mass advertising was pioneered by entrepreneurs in the attempting to do the same in the most promising markets of
food and beverage industries over one hundred years ago the global south. As of 2015 McDonald’s, the leading fast
and became a potent mechanism by which the industrial food restaurant chain operator/franchisor globally, had over
diet became accepted, or ‘‘normalized’’, early on in North 36,000 outlets in 199 countries, with up to 500 new outlets
planned for China alone in 2016 (McDonald’s Corporation
In the nutritional science literature terms such as ‘‘energy dense 2015). Yum! Brands, the owners of Taco Bell, KFC and
foods’’ and ‘‘nutrient poor foods’’ are counterposed to ‘‘nutrient rich
Pizza Hut and the second largest fast food restaurant chain
foods’’, but there does not seem to be universal agreement on the
terms. Nutrient profiles of different food groups have been developed operator/franchisor, had established approximately 15
and utilized in an algorithm to identify, in a more quantifiable way,
food groups according to their relative benefits for human health (for
example, Drewnowski 2010). The challenge is to translate the metrics In the case of Kellogg’s, see Powell’s authoritative biography
that have been developed into useful tools for consumers to identify (Powell 1956). Pendergrast’s book (1993) on Coca-Cola is very useful
the relative nutritional benefits of the actual edible processed products in its coverage of the advertising effort put in by Candler in the early
they confront in the marketplace. days of his company.

568 A. Winson, J. Y. Choi

thousand outlets in 120 countries by 2015, with 600 new government policy around food, and more recently use
outlets planned for 2016 in its fastest growing market— their accumulated earnings to make substantial investments
China (Yum! Brands 2015). in the global South, and thereby expand beyond the
Differential profits refers to the reality that products, developed world into lucrative new domains (Birchall
including food products, achieve different rates of profit for 2009; Mukherjee and Sarkar 2013). Their size and wealth
their sellers, for a number of reasons. The concept is uti- today is allowing them to counter pressures to have gov-
lized in the dietary regime approach to provide insights into ernments reform the food system through heavy lobbying
why it is that nutrient poor edible products have such high of politicians (Nestle 2013). In the case of the carbonated
visibility in the geography of the supermarket and conve- beverage giants, this wealth is funding strategic acquisi-
nience chain store operations that populate urban, suburban tions of companies producing what appear to be healthier
and rural neighborhoods across the globe today. In our food products and develop purportedly healthier ‘‘func-
commoditized food system not all products in food envi- tional foods’’ (Scrinis 2016), and thereby put on a patina of
ronments are equally profitable, i.e. differential profits are respectability on what was has been perceived to be a
the norm.7 Nutrient poor edible products—snacks, con- nutritionally toxic product mix (Simon 2006). Furthermore,
fectionary, soda drinks, but also a host of other highly a few global food giants in the processing and retail sectors
processed edible goods in the supermarket of low nutri- have an inordinate control over the food economies of
tional value—offer retailers and manufacturers higher many societies (Heffernan 2000; Howard 2016). Govern-
margins than is the case with many other items in the ments have often taken a laissez-faire attitude towards this
supermarket. Indeed, such products as soft drinks, pre- concentration in recent decades, and turned a blind eye to
sweetened breakfast cereals and salty snacks are among the the enormous impact it has had on competition in the
most profitable products in the supermarket (Anonymous market place, the survival of smaller independent food
1998; Burn 1999; Stuckler et al. 2012). Coupled with companies, and the options available to the consuming
spatial colonization, differential profits helps explain why public and the prices they must pay for their food.8
such unhealthy edible commodities are so prominently Beyond the corporate sector, the state typically represents
displayed in supermarkets and many other types of food the principal instrument of power in society even if gov-
environments (Bird 2011; Winson 2004). Increasing their ernments have often failed to act to curtail excessive cor-
sales will not only lift the profitability of their manufac- porate concentration in the food sector. It has exercised
turers, but also of the retail operation selling them. As a power in other important ways and notably through various
representative of Pepsico’s Frito Lay division claimed in forms of intervention in the food economy. This intervention
the late 1990’s, their products accounted for about 11% of has ranged from government funding for research to spur
operating profits and 40% of profit growth for the average technological innovation in agriculture, to farm credit and
US supermarket, while they represented only about 1% of payments to producers of specific commodities, to legisla-
total supermarket sales in 1998 (Wellman 1999). tion governing food safety in the processing sphere and more
recent copyright legislation covering genetic innovation.
The role of politics, power and the state The state has at its disposal not only the ability to pro-
mulgate legislation, but also to enforce its application. It
Power is manifested in different ways with respect of food can and has played a key role in shaping food environ-
environments and dietary outcomes. At the economic level ments. We might note how state policies shaped the impact
the market power of large food corporations should be of branding in the food economy. Historically, the suc-
considered. This power is conferred by the process of cessful branding of a product by a particular food manu-
corporate concentration that has marked the food economy facturer has proven vital for its long-term success in the
as much or more than other sectors of the economy. His- marketplace. In case of the U.S., for example, as noted in
torically, food entrepreneurs who pioneered the use of mass that era by the trade journal of the grain milling industry, it
advertising of their manufactured products achieved a was the intervention by the federal government in the first
distinct advantage in the marketplace, to the point that decade of the twentieth century with the passage of the
some came to be a dominant force in the food system. Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 that greatly assisted
Their advertising efforts greatly helped industrial pro- manufacturers in protecting their nascent branded products
cessed food products they manufactured to become nor- from ‘‘brand thiefs’’ (Anonymous 1915). Over time, state
malized in the diet as well (Winson 2013). Their success
allowed them to grow, swallow up competitors, influence 8
For an examination of the significance of corporate concentration in
the food sector in the Canadian context, see Winson (1993). For a
For a discussion of the concept of differential profits within current extensive analysis of concentration in the U.S. food industry
classical and Keynsian economics traditions, see Semmler (1984). see Howard (2016).

Dietary regimes and the nutrition transition: bridging disciplinary domains 569

policies protecting branded products aided manufacturers Overall, a dietary regime approach embraces an analysis
with the strongest brands to dominate their markets and of three critical loci of power that play a role in deter-
saturate food environments with their particular products. mining the content of food environments and, conse-
The state does not always play a positive role in promoting quently, influence diets and ultimately the health of the
the wellbeing of the population, unlike the optimistic view of population: corporate food operations, the state, and the
the state’s role found in Popkin’s pattern 5 of the NT model. emerging social forces in civil society. In so doing, this
Indeed, state policies can be often decidedly contradictory. approach opens the way for a more profound understanding
This is illustrated in the case of policies that affect the nutri- of the dynamics of competing interests and the asymme-
tion of the population. Nestle (2013), for example, has doc- tries of power that characterize the food system and which
umented how the U.S. federal dietary guidelines that should are indelibly inscribed in policies around food.
ostensibly play a key role in addressing population wide Several issues remain to be explored around dietary
weight gain and obesity have been rendered less effective due transition. We need more critical study of evolving cor-
to pressure from powerful agricultural commodity groups and porate response to pressures for healthier foods that have
large corporate food processors. In particular, these forces emerged in civil society and, in particular, the role of so-
have been effective in blocking messages to eat less of their called ‘‘functional foods’’ as a corporate strategy to meet
particular food products from being inscribed in dietary these pressures. Further investigation is also needed on the
guidelines, despite the positive nutritional benefits that could role of the state with respect to its interaction with corpo-
be gained with a clear ‘‘eat less’’ message. Analysis of the rate players and other non-state actors around efforts to
competing struggle for influence in the state must be integral revise dietary guidelines, make school food environments
to an understanding of how food environments and industrial healthier, bring in taxes on junk foods, and so on. In the
diets became what they are today and the challenges that global context it will be useful to have country-specific
await those wishing to bring about positive change. studies on the diffusion of the industrial diet and the
The role of new social forces in civil society must also be transformation of food environments in developing coun-
brought into the analysis. Often labeled as alternative agri- tries and research on the early signs of resistance to the
cultural and food movements, we are speaking of a wide industrial diet in the developing world and the emerging
variety of civil society organizations pressing for change in corporate response there.
the existing food system, particularly in the developed
countries (Friedland 2008; Wright and Middendorf 2008).
The push from grassroots organizations for the promotion of Conclusions
sustainable local food options has had considerable vigor, for
example, driven by concerns for the environment, the desire The NT model is a descriptive model and it synthesizes a
to support the hard pressed small farm sector, but also the series of patterns of diet and nutritional outcomes that
desire to return to unprocessed whole foods that are perceived societies are seen to progress through. The NT model and
to be healthier. Concerns about the toll of chronic diseases for the extensive cross-national empirical studies that have
healthy eating by a growing segment of eaters in the devel- accompanied it have been particularly useful in bringing
oped world has spurred the thriving organic food movement, attention to rapidly changing global diets that have a real
farm to school organizations, community shared agriculture, impact on human health and wellbeing. Despite its sub-
and a host of other initiatives along with a growing shift in stantial contribution to knowledge, we argue that the NT
consumer preferences for healthier foods. All told, these model does not provide a sufficiently analytical explana-
different movements and changing eating preferences repre- tion to address the how and why of nutritional change that
sent a vigorous civil society response to a food system that has taken place. Martin (2012) notes that the nutrition
many feel is unsustainable, inhumane, and manifestly transition must encompass the socio-political context in
unhealthy. Analysis of the structure and dynamics of these which foods are eaten. This context is a dynamic one and it
social phenomena is still in the initial stages (Allen 2004; requires the appropriate tools to comprehend it.
Andrée et al. 2014; Friedland 2010; Guthman 2014; Morgan We have discussed the analytical potential provided by
and Sonnino 2008; Poppendieck 2010; Wright and Midden- both the food regime and dietary regime approaches, each
dorf 2008). However, consideration of their significance bringing the tools of political economy to understand the
should be incorporated into any model that seeks to capture dynamics of different components of the food system and
the reality of the contemporary food system.9 the forces shaping diets. The food regime approach com-
plements the NT model by providing a valuable macro-
9 structural analysis of system-wide dynamics and transfor-
For an early and particularly thoughtful analysis of the history,
discourse and practices of alternative agriculture and food initiatives mations in the global food economy. It is particularly
as a social movement in the United States see Allen (2004). useful for understanding change over time, or in NT terms,

570 A. Winson, J. Y. Choi

the shift from one pattern to another. The dietary regime recent iterations. In adopting the more powerful analytical
approach provides the tools to enhance our understanding explanations of the dietary regime approach as a comple-
of a number of issues that the NT model brings forward but ment to the nutritional transition model, we will be
does not resolve. Specifically, it foregrounds the processes advancing our understanding of dietary transformation and
by which the industrialization of food by profit motivated its related health outcomes. In so doing, we will be better
enterprise after 1850 or so has led to the steady degradation prepared to support the necessary changes to positively
of whole foods through the processes of speed up, sim- transform food environments that currently threaten the
plification and adulteration. It highlights the role of mass well-being of billions of people.
advertising in facilitating the normalization of the indus-
trial diet, but also, in conjunction with the incentive of Acknowledgements We would like to express our thanks to the two
anonymous reviewers for their very helpful suggestions and com-
differential profits and the process of spatial colonization, ments on our paper.
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S13–S18. Volkow, N.D., G.J. Wang, and R.D. Baler. 2011. Reward, dopamine
Popkin, B.M. 2002. An overview on the nutrition transition and its and the control of food intake: implications for obesity. Trends in
health implications: The Bellagio meeting. Public Health Cognitive Science 15: 37–46.
Nutrition 5: 93–103. Weaver, G.L. 2001. A miller’s perspective on the impact of health
Popkin, B.M. 2004. The nutrition transition: An overview of world claims. Nutrition Today 36: 115–118.
patterns of change. Nutrition Reviews 62: S140–S143. Weis, T. 2013. The ecological hoofprint: The global burden of
Popkin, B.M. 2006. Global nutrition dynamics: The world is shifting industrial livestock. London: Zed Books.
rapidly toward a diet linked with noncommunicable diseases. Wellman, D. 1999. The big crunch. Supermarket Business 54: 46–48.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 84: 289–298. Wild, S., G. Roglic, A. Green, R. Sicree, and H. King. 2004. Global
Popkin, B.M. 2009. What can public health nutritionists do to curb the prevalence of diabetes estimates for the year 2000 and projec-
epidemic of nutrition-related noncommunicable disease? Nutri- tions for 2030. Diabetes Care 27: 1047–1053.
tion Reviews 67: S79–S82. Winson, A. 2013. The industrial diet: The degradation of food and the
Popkin, B.M. 2014. Nutrition, agriculture and the global food system struggle for healthy eating. New York: New York University
in low and middle income countries. Food Policy 47: 91–96. Press.
Popkin, B.M. n.d. What is the Nutrition Transition? The Nutrition Winson, A. 2004. Bringing political economy into the debate on the
Transition. obesity epidemic. Agriculture and Human Values 21(4):
Popkin, B.M., L.S. Adair, and S.W. Ng. 2012. The global nutrition 299–312.
transition and the pandemic of obesity in developing countries. Winson, A. 1993. The intimate commodity: food and the agro-
Nutrition Reviews 70: 3–21. industrial complex in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto
Popkin, B.M., and P. Gordon-Larsen. 2004. The nutrition transition: Press.
Worldwide obesity dynamics and their determinants. Interna- World Health Organization. 2015. Obesity and overweight. Fact
tional Journal of Obesity 28: S2–S9. Sheet.
Poppendieck, J. 2010. Free for all: Fixing school food in America. Accessed 6 July 2016.
Berkeley: University of California Press. Wright, W., and G. Middendorf. 2008. The fight over food:
Powell, H.B. 1956. The original has this signature: W.K. Kellogg. Producers, consumers, and activists challenge the global food
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. system. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State
Pritchard, D. 2009. The long hang-over from the second food regime: University Press.
A world-historical interpretation of the collapse of the WTO Yum! Brands. 2015 Annual Report.
Doha round. Agriculture and Human Values 26(4): 297–307. report/. Accessed 12 October 2016.
Reardon, T., C.P. Timmer, C.B. Barrett, and J. Berdegué. 2003. The
rise of supermarkets in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85: 1140–1146. Anthony Winson is currently Professor in the Department of
Rule, D.C., K.S. Broughton, S.M. Shellito, and G. Maiorano. 2002. Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Guelph, Guelph
Comparison of muscle fatty acid profiles and cholesterol Canada. He received his doctorate from the University of Toronto. He
concentrations of bison, beef cattle, elk, and chicken. Journal has researched issues related to agriculture, food, agrarian develop-
of Animal Science 80(5): 1202–1211. ment, politics and the state in the context of Canada, the United States
Sage, C. 2013. The interconnected challenges for food security from a and the Third World and his current focus is on the political economic
food regimes perspective: Energy, climate and malconsumption. determinants of diet and nutrition. He is the author of the following
Journal of Rural Studies 29: 71–80. books: Coffee and Democracy in Modern Costa Rica (Macmillan,
Sanchez-Lozada, L.G., M. Le, M. Segal, and R.J. Johnson. 2008. How 1989); The Intimate Commodity: Food and the Development of the
safe is fructose for persons with or without diabetes? American Agro-Industrial Complex in Canada (University of Toronto Press,
Journal of Clinical Nutrition 88: 1189. 1993); Contingent Work, Disrupted Lives: Labour and Community in
Scrinis, G. 2016. Reformulation, fortification and functionalization: the New Rural Economy, (University of Toronto Press, 2002 with
Big food corporations’ nutritional engineering and marketing Belinda Leach which has won the John Porter book prize of the
strategies. The Journal of Peasant Studies 43: 17–37. Canadian Sociology Association); and more recently The Industrial
Semmler, W. 1984. Competition, monopoly, and differential profit Diet: The Degradation of Food and the Struggle for Healthy Eating
rates: on the relevance of the classical and Marxian theories of (UBC Press and New York University Press, 2013). He has co-edited
production prices for modern industrial and corporate pricing. (with Mustafa Koc and Jennifer Sumner) Critical Perspectives in
New York: Columbia University Press. Food Studies, 2nd ed. (Oxford University Press, 2016).
Simon, M. 2006. Appetite for profit: How the food industry
undermines our health and how to fight back. New York: Nation Jin Young Choi is currently Associate Professor of Sociology at Sam
Books. Houston State University. She completed her graduate degrees at the
Stuckler, D., M. McKee, S. Ebrahim, and S. Basu. 2012. Manufac- University of Hawaii at Manoa. Her general research areas are
turing epidemics: The role of global producers in increased immigrant health issues and health care policy and rural health issues.
consumption of unhealthy commodities including processed Her current research focuses on health and health care issues and
foods, alcohol, and tobacco. PLoS Med 9: e1001235. chronic health issues related to nutrition transition among Marshallese
Tsao, R., S. Khanizadeh, and A. Dale. 2006. Designer fruits and islanders living in the United States and childhood obesity in rural
vegetables with enriched phytochemicals for human health. communities. She is actively engaged in professional and community
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 86: 773–786. organizations and is presently working on health insurance education
Uauy, R., C. Albala, and J. Kain. 2001. Obesity trends in Latin and enrollment of the Korean community in metro Houston which is
America: Transiting from under-to overweight. The Journal of funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service. She has
Nutrition 131: 893S–899S. published in a variety of national and international academic journals.


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