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Proyecto Final Ingles

Hello my name is Sebastian and this is how I spend my day... I wake up and get out of bed
and then go brush my teeth and get ready to go to school, just get dressed I go downstairs
for breakfast

(Sebastian) Hi mom! breakfast is ready?

I always woke up very happy and excited because I love to go to study and hang out with
my friends, at breakfast time I hang out with dad, mom and my brother Oscar!

(Oscar) Enjoy!

we finished breakfast and we finished retouching to go to study, the truth is that many say
that I am the smartest in the whole class, I think so, I get along very well with everyone, at
recess I like to be with my friends and in Sometimes with my brother Oscar, all the teachers
say that I am the calmest in the whole school because I don't usually have problems, when
I get home I usually eat and then go play soccer until I get tired or talk to some lobukis, as
soon as I arrive I have dinner at home and brush my teeth before going to sleep.

(Sebastian) Good night Oscar!

(Oscar) Good night Sebas!

and that's all my day, there are other times that I enjoy going out to the park with my
friends to play soccer, chat for a while about school things or things that happen in our
day, while at night I do nothing. .. I take care of the city from the villains who want to
break the rules of the city, those who want to end the order and happiness of the
inhabitants of Chapu city!

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