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When assessing the quality of a school, there are several key quality indicators that can be

considered based on global standards. Here are some common quality indicators:

Academic Excellence:
Curriculum: Is the curriculum well-designed, comprehensive, and aligned with educational

Teaching Quality: Are the teachers qualified, experienced, and effective in delivering instruction?

Student Achievement: What are the academic performance levels and outcomes of students?

Learning Environment: Does the school provide a conducive environment for learning, including
resources and facilities?

Student Support and Well-being:

Individualized Support: Does the school offer personalized support for students with diverse learning

Student Well-being: How does the school promote the social, emotional, and physical well-being of

Inclusive Practices: Does the school value diversity and create an inclusive and safe environment for
all students?

Parent and Community Engagement:

Parental Involvement: How does the school actively involve parents in their child's education and
maintain effective communication?

Community Partnerships: Does the school engage with the local community and establish
partnerships that enhance educational opportunities?

Professional Development:
Teacher Training: Does the school provide ongoing professional development opportunities for
teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge?

Leadership Development: Is there a strong leadership team that promotes professional growth and
fosters a positive school culture?

Assessment and Evaluation:

Assessment Methods: Are appropriate and varied assessment methods used to measure student
progress and inform instructional practices?

Data Analysis: Does the school use data effectively to monitor student achievement, identify areas
for improvement, and make informed decisions?
Governance and Management:
School Policies: Are there clear policies and procedures in place that govern the operations of the

Financial Management: Is the school's financial management transparent and sustainable?

To develop a tool for assessing the quality of a school, you can use a questionnaire survey approach.
Here's an example of a questionnaire that incorporates the key quality indicators mentioned above:

Academic Excellence:

How would you rate the school's curriculum in terms of comprehensiveness and alignment with
educational standards?

How satisfied are you with the teaching quality and effectiveness of the teachers?

How do you perceive the academic performance and outcomes of students?

Student Support and Well-being:

Does the school provide adequate support for students with diverse learning needs?

How well does the school promote the social, emotional, and physical well-being of students?

How inclusive do you find the school environment for all students?

Parent and Community Engagement:

How involved do you feel as a parent in your child's education, and how effective is the
communication between the school and parents?

To what extent does the school engage with the local community and establish partnerships?

Professional Development:

How satisfied are you with the professional development opportunities provided for teachers?

How effective do you find the school leadership in promoting professional growth and fostering a
positive school culture?

Assessment and Evaluation:

Are the assessment methods used by the school appropriate and varied?

How well does the school use data to monitor student achievement and inform instructional

Governance and Management:

How transparent and sustainable do you perceive the school's financial management?

How satisfied are you with the clarity and effectiveness of the school's policies and procedures?

The questionnaire can include rating scales (e.g., Likert scale), multiple-choice questions, and open-
ended questions to gather both quantitative and qualitative feedback. It's important to customize
the questionnaire to align with the specific context and priorities of the school being assessed

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