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Assignment Front Sheet

Qualification Subject Title

International Business Law & Ethics

IEU S2 Master of Management (MM) Subject Code
Lecturer name Assessor name
Prof. Patrick Khor Prof. Patrick Khor
Learner ID Number Intake Learner Name

Assignment Brief

International Business Law & Ethics is a multidisciplinary course that examines the legal, regulatory, and
ethical frameworks that govern the conduct of businesses in the global marketplace. The course aims to
provide students with an understanding of the complex issues that arise when businesses operate across
national borders, enabling them to navigate the challenges of international trade and investment
effectively and responsibly.

In this assignment, please complete the following tasks:

Task 1: Marks (25%)

How do various business laws impact the formation, operation, and dissolution of different types of
business entities, such as sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations?

Task 2: Marks (25%)

In what ways do labour and employment laws shape the employer-employee relationship, and how do
they ensure a fair and safe work environment for all parties involved?

Task 3: Marks (25%)

How do intellectual property laws, such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks, protect the creative assets and
innovations of businesses while promoting competition and economic growth?

Task 4: Marks (25%)

To what extent do antitrust and competition laws regulate market power and prevent monopolies,
ensuring that businesses can compete fairly and benefit consumers in the long run?.

Total Marks (100%)

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