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fit Avery L71 0 Labels Plea: print at 100% CfE First Level Writing Creates texts selecting subject, purpose, format and resources for a range of purposes and audiences. CfE First Level Writing Spells most commonly used words correctly, CfE First Level Writing Spells most vocabulary used across the curriculum correctly CfE First Level Writing Uses knowledge of phonics and spelling strategies when spelling familiar and unfamiliar words, CfE First Level Writing Uses knowledge of the alphabet to locate words in a dictionary or other reference source to help spell tricky or unfamiliar words. CfE First Level Writing Writes independently, punctuating most sentences accurately, for example, using a capital letter, full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. CfE First Level Writing Links sentences using common conjunctions, for example, and, because, but or so. CfE First Level Writing Starts sentences in a variety of ways to engage the reader. CfE First Level Writing Checks writing to ensure it makes sense. CfE First Level Writing Presents writing in a clear and legible way using images and other features as appropriate. CfE First Level Writing Plans and organises ideas and information using an ‘appropriate format. CfE First Level Writing Makes notes to help plan writing and uses them to create new texts CfE First Level Writing Includes relevant information in written texts. CfE First Level Writing Organises writing in a logical order and as appropriate to audience. CfE First Level Writing Uses relevant andlor inter: esting vocabulary as appropriate for the context. CfE First Level Writing Creates a variety of texts for different purposes. CfE First Level Writing Selects, organises and conveys information in different ways fe First Level Writing Uses vocabulary and language for specific purposes. CfE First Level Writing Shares own viewpoint and makes one or two attempts to persuade the reader as appropriate to the purpose. CfE First Level Writing Writes about personal experiences in a logical order, using appropriate vocabulary to describe feelings, thoughts and events. CfE First Level Writing Creates own texts, for example, stories, poems and plays, with recognisable features of genre. To fit Avery L7160 Labels Please print at 100% CfE First Level Writing Creates texts with evidence of structure. CfE First Level Writing Creates interesting characters through their feelings and actions and physical description. toinkcouk tinkcouk wink co tink cok tink cok wink co tink coak tinea wink tinkconk tink couk wink

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