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Supervision is where authorized personnel, meaning those with the power and obligation to do

so, keeps an eye on or look after their human resources or subordinates, or in this case, the leader
itself- while they are working. It is to perceive whether all (inclusive everyone; no exceptions)
are working and thus contributing to achieving the organization's goals.   

 Supervision also involves giving guidance and reviewing the performance of a job of the
observed human resources/subordinates/leaders so that they can better their performance.

What ensues when there is an under-supervision?

v By conducting an evaluation or performance rating of personnel, the authorized personnel who

evaluated them must provide them back then with feedback so that they can improve where they
are lacking or capitalize on their strength. 

 One of the various ways that personnel can improve themselves is by employing a

It serves as a reminder to accomplish those activities/courses of action within the plan to achieve
the goal. Whether; on or before their due date. 

 Why is it substantial for leaders to be able to inspire their subordinates?

What are training and coaching? 

 Are Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) still entitled to civil rights?

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