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Write O before the number if the number Is odd and E if it is even, egg 7 8) 96 Sage ENOL 17 dl 212 295 TS: Sa das oa, 50 37 138. 712 926 * Color all the even numbers green and all the peda numbers red. f Fe : if ed ah %. How many are green? gi . -How many are red? 13 ei Describe the sum as odd or even, 4 Fo i748 odd wo (22+ 28 old F 1% 13414 adel ce Pye: Complete each statement by writing odd or evenon oe W._An odd number plus an odd number is an ass er, 18.” The sum of an even number and 7 is an 2 19 The sum of two even numbers is an cv. number. 20. An even number plus an odd number is an Ad number, Complete each sentence by writing the number being described. A digit can be repeated unless specified. ‘ @) When an odd number is divided by 2, the remainder is always Qac. se greatest four-digit even number is 4,998. aaa four-digit odd number is 4,997 24° The sum of the least three-digit even number and the least il digit odd number is 20) _. 25< The sum of the greatest three-digit. oad aumberane, the greatest three-digit even number is_| 447. Do as indicated. 1. Using the digits 5, 1, 6, and 2, write.a set of five four-digit even numbers without repeating any digit. Ea | Scanned with CamScanner

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