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Trial Script

Clerk of Court : Please all rise

Prayer –

Clerk of Court -: The court is now in session. Silence is hereby enjoin, the Honorable Judge Eric
Elumba presiding RTC Branch _, 9th Judicial Region.

Judge : Call the case

Clerk of Court: – Crminal case No. 23456 People vs Casumpa

Judge : Appearances

Clerk of Court

Atty Cazimir W. Pamaran

Atty. Faida Idiris

Atty Alex Delos Reyes

Atty. Marqui Esguerra

Atty. Hana Salian

Atty. Fadzrama Jupakal

Atty. Jimson Rodriguez

Atty. Clenkei Penalosa

Caz : Your Honor , Atty. Cazimir W. Pamaran respectfully appearing as lead counsel for
the defendant together with me are my co – counsels.

Faida : Your honor, Atty. Faida Idiris, for the defendant

Alex: Your honor, Atty.Alex Delos Reyes, for the defendant

Marqui : Your honor, Atty. Marcellius Quirino Esguerra III, for the defendant

Hana : Your honor, Atty. Hannadi Salain, for the defendant

Fadz: Your Honor, Atty. Fadzrama Jupakal, for the defendant

Jimson: Your honor, Atty. Jimson Rodriguez, for the defendant

Clenkei : Your honor, Atty. Clenkei Penalosa, for the defendant

Caz. Your Honor, we are ready.

Judge : Present your evidence (Make an offer)

Caz : Your honor, we call to the witness stand Miss Celestial Miranda.

Judge:Call the first witness and swear her in.

Atty. Caz: May I call in the first witness, Ms Celestail Miranda .

Clerk of Court : Ms. Witness, please raise your right hand, do you swear to tell the truth before
this honorable court the whole truth and nothing but the truth? So help you, God.

Jim: YES.

Clerk of Court: Kindly state your name and your personal circumstances.

Cels: I, Jim Conrad Tee, Punong Brangay Of Barangay Ayala,

Clerk of Court : The witness is legal age, Filipino, single, and residing at Ayala, Zamboanga
City. The defendant of this case. Your honor, the witness is ready to testify under oath.

Caz: Your honor, may I proceed?

Judge: Yes, proceed.

Caz: Your honor we offer the testimony C_______________

: Your Honor May I proceed?

Judge: Proceed

Atty Fadz:
- Mr. witness what i

Jim :

Atty Fadz : What can you say about Jerwil Casumpa?

Jim: I can say Jerwin is a good person.

Page of Clenkei follow the flow sa taas

Page of Hana follow sa flow sa taas
Page of Caz follow sa flow sa taas

Trial Script

Clerk of Court : Please all rise

Prayer –

Clerk of Court -: The court is now in session. Silence is hereby enjoin, the Honorable Judge Eric
Elumba presiding RTC Branch _, 9th Judicial Region.

Judge : Call the case

Clerk of Court: – Crminal case No. 23456 People vs Casumpa

Judge : Appearances

Clerk of Court

Atty Cazimir W. Pamaran

Atty. Faida Idiris

Atty Alex Delos Reyes

Atty. Marqui Esguerra

Atty. Hana Salian

Atty. Fadzrama Jupakal

Atty. Jimson Rodriguez

Atty. Clenkei Penalosa

Caz : Your Honor , Atty. Cazimir W. Pamaran respectfully appearing as lead counsel for
the defendant together with me are my co – counsels.

Faida : Your honor, Atty. Faida Idiris, for the defendant

Alex: Your honor, Atty.Alex Delos Reyes, for the defendant

Marqui : Your honor, Atty. Marcellius Quirino Esguerra III, for the defendant

Hana : Your honor, Atty. Hannadi Salain, for the defendant

Fadz: Your Honor, Atty. Fadzrama Jupakal, for the defendant

Jimson: Your honor, Atty. Jimson Rodriguez, for the defendant

Clenkei : Your honor, Atty. Clenkei Penalosa, for the defendant

Caz. Your Honor, we are ready.

Judge : Present your evidence (Make an offer)

Caz : Your honor, we call to the witness stand Miss Celestial Miranda.

Judge:Call the first witness and swear her in.

Atty. Caz: May I call in the first witness, Ms Celestail Miranda .

Clerk of Court : Ms. Witness, please raise your right hand, do you swear to tell the truth before
this honorable court the whole truth and nothing but the truth? So help you, God.

Jim: YES.

Clerk of Court: Kindly state your name and your personal circumstances.

Cels: I, Jim Conrad Tee, Punong Brangay Of Barangay Ayala,

Clerk of Court : The witness is legal age, Filipino, single, and residing at Ayala, Zamboanga
City. The defendant of this case. Your honor, the witness is ready to testify under oath.

Caz: Your honor, may I proceed?

Judge: Yes, proceed.

Caz: Your honor we offer the testimony C_______________

: Your Honor May I proceed?

Judge: Proceed

Atty Fadz:

- Mr. witness what i

Jim :
Atty Fadz : What can you say about Jerwil Casumpa?

Jim: I can say Jerwin is a good person.

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