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By Duccio Ruggeri

Graphics and Translation by Tim Pitts

I dedicate the following pages to each person who has traveled with me “parts of the road” of my journey,
sometimes sharing joys and sometimes pains, to all those whom I have loved on this journey, and to all those
who have loved me; all of them taught me and gave me something, I hope I was able to do the same.

To the One, wonderful Love that I love so much, who guided me even in the darkest moments of this journey,
and who always saved me, even when everything seemed to have no way out. To you, everywhere present, thank
you, with all my love, d.

In front of the Aeolian Islands, January 2023

Duccio Ruggeri
At this time, I am having an extensive correspondence with a radionics operator and doctor, of great
experience and competence, who collaborated with David Tansley before his death. Together they
had designed a radionics tool that they should have marketed, then Tansley died and this tool was no
longer marketed, even though he currently uses that very tool which he subsequently modified and

The content of our conversations also concerns the technical aspects of radionic instruments, but is
mainly focused on the “philosophical-spiritual” and causal aspects behind the entire radionic process.
We both agree on the fact that the most important thing in the radionic healing process is linked to
our main purpose here on earth, that is, to integrate our personality with the Spirit, something that Dr.
Edward Bach, who bequeathed us his wonderful Bach flowers. And this is also what David Tansley
maintained, who tried to deconstruct the materialistic concepts related to radionics taught up to that
moment. I too believe that now is the time to completely change the paradigm that has been the basis
of radionics up to now.

In fact, as you know, I have been inviting radionics operators for some years now to modify their
interventions based exclusively on their intent and will, and instead to look for what I consider to be
the most important thing when carrying out a radionics treatment, which is that to enter that state of
awareness that all is One, and that this One, or call it as you prefer, Life, Divine Consciousness, High-
er Self, Spirit, etc., resides in every person and in every inanimate thing, in every electron, in every
atom, and that at the same time we too are united and reside in this One. So the most important thing
when we get ready to do a radionic treatment is to create a “connection” with this One; it is as if we
were closing a triangle, one corner of this triangle represents the radionics operator who is about to
carry out the treatment, the other corner represents the person who is about to receive it, and the
top corner represents precisely the One, the divine aspect present both in us and in the person we
will treat. Healing does not come from our intellect or the physical tools we use, but from Intelligence,
from the One, from the “Healer”.

One, Source, Life, Light, If Divine

Consciousness, Christ, God
“The Healer”

Radionics Operator Person Receiving

So there is no need to go on a continuous search for an ever better tool, the important thing is to have
tools available that work well, if anything, the search can be oriented towards having a tool that is as
simple as possible to use, and which allows you to use any what you need to use. Personally I suc-
ceeded, and today I can say that I have tools that allow me to use any existing resource, cards, rates,
remedies, etc., in the simplest way possible.

Returning to the discussion made previously, after having “entered” this “connection”, in this state of
awareness, that we, the person we are about to treat, and the Divine Consciousness that dwells in
both, are in that moment “connected” and in a state of Unity, we can address a request to the One
followed by three graces, reminding ourselves that this One is also present in the atoms present in
every instrument or circuit that we are using, and in every carrier appointed to carry the information,
magnets , electricity, vital energy, etc. As you know, this is what I always do, whatever instrument I
use, “Circo Uno”, Universal Pendulums, Lecher antenna, and also with the radionics instruments I
own. Since I have been using this method, the results I have obtained have improved enormously,
even on problems that are difficult to solve, both physical and psycho-emotional, so I can only recom-
mend this method, which is the one with which you too will obtain the best results. There is another
important thing I can add, and I have written it often, always put “your heart” into your treatments, and
let yourself be guided by it, the mind and intellect cannot reach where the heart reaches.

At this point we can also talk about the tools to use in radionics, which are the ones that allow us this
healing process, but always remembering that, if we want to use a metaphor, they are the car of this
“journey”, not the journey itself. Although it is clear that with a good car the journey will be easier.

Regarding what I wrote at the beginning of this document, I would like to say that having made friends
with this expert radionics operator, who was also a collaborator of David Tansley, is a clear example
of what we could call “synchronicity”. In fact, for a couple of weeks I was trying to figure out how card
readers could be built that could use multiple cards (such as Malcolm Rae’s cards) in the same slot
(the slot where the card is inserted); and our conversation actually began in a forum where he re-
plied to my comment relating to this speech, telling me that he had been using Malcolm Rae’s cards
stacked for decades. Our discussion then continued privately, where he explained that he had modi-
fied a card reader of Rae’s to a single slot, only enlarging this slot with a file to fit 6 cards. He ex-
plained to me that with this modification he also removed the belief that the original instrument could
only read one card, and thanks to his ability to connect with the One present in everything, he started
preparing remedies and making his radionic transmissions also with 6 cards in the slot. This was the
answer I’ve been looking for for a couple of weeks, and I have it.
found in the way I have just described to you. So first, having a copy of Rae’s 2 slot tool, I took a file
and widened the two slots that hold the cards, so that up to seven cards could fit in each slot. I tried to
prepare a remedy with the usual request to the One, and I was able to load the water with the infor-
mation of all the cards I had used.

For me this was really a great discovery, because in the group “independent radionics and radiesthe-
sists” there is one of our members, Mario Silvestri, who builds instruments that are excellent copies
of Malcom Rae’s card readers that can be built with two, three, or four slots, and with which you get
identical results to the original instruments, which however cost much less than the latter. After hav-
ing discovered that with these instruments it was possible to read more cards, I telephoned Mario and
explained to him how to prepare “extended range” instruments, on which any possible dilution can
be set, excluding the Korsakovian ones. Therefore it will be possible to use all the decimals (DH), the
centesimal (CH), arriving up to the M and MM, and the LMs can also be prepared. I also provided him
with the conversion table to use all these dilutions. While until now it was possible to use only 12
dilutions, the 0 (TM), the 6, the 12, the 30, the 100, and the 200 CH, and then the M, the 10M, the 50
M, the CM, the MM and the 10MM.

Furthermore, after speaking with Mario, I decided to publish soon to the group, also a pdf containing
tutorials on how to build these instruments yourself, so that all DIY lovers can have the satisfaction of
easily building their own instrument .

The research I had started doing, to be able to use more cards in a slot, was not a research I was do-
ing for myself, in fact I have three Australian card readers that can read up to 8 cards per slot; moreo-
ver, I can add an additional “extender” to these instruments, which allows me to have two more slots
available, in addition to the two available in each instrument. In addition, I have designed new cards
that can be prepared in seconds, and can use the information of any type of rate (base 10, base 44,
base 9, KRT 2 dial type), and each card allows me to make a complex treatment (command or rem-
edy on organ, or command or remedy on pathology, or compensated pathology on organ, etc.), which
means that each single card allows me to do what a whole instrument of any type on the market
would allow me, and this means that if I use four slots and put 8 cards in each slot it is as if I were
using 32 instruments at the same time, even of different types (base 44, base 10 and KRT), and I
don’t think there is an instrument in the world that even allows part of doing all of that. So this
discourse interested me exclusively for the members of the facebook group “independent radionics
and radiesthesists” and to also give them the possibility of using more cards in a slot.
On the basis of what was previously explained, in these days I have decided to try to create a radionic
graphic circuit that could be used both for the preparation of energy remedies and for remote transmis-
sion using Malcom Rae’s cards. However, this circuit should have also offered the possibility of being
able to insert homeopathic dilutions, which are important, whatever the remedy being prepared and
in any type of remote transmission. Already a few years ago I had tried to do this, trying to modify the
Sanjeevini transmission and duplication circuit, without however obtaining any results. This time I tried
again, always starting from that circuit, but in this case things went completely differently.

What I am presenting to you today is in fact an extremely simple symbolic radionic instrument, but
with which practically everything can be done. In reality this is precisely the circuit of transmission and
duplication of the Sanjeevini, to which however the homeopathic dilution system that Malcom Rae used
in his instruments has been added. I have always liked this circuit of the Sanjeevini since the first time I
saw it which was about 25 years ago. It was a bit of love at first sight, I liked its simplicity and essential-
ity, the fact that just looking at it spoke of spirituality, the nine petal lotus of the output, and above all the
fact that the graphic representation of the emitting element was that of a radiant sun, which I
immediately identified as a symbol of the One

The idea therefore of using the Sanjeevini circuit as a starting point for my experimentation, arose from
the fact that the objective I had set for myself was precisely that of realizing a symbolic instrument of
spiritual-radionics, which I hope will become the radionics of the future, a radionics so to speak on “a
higher octave”. In fact, this circuit is used with requests to the One, exactly as we are used to doing
with the “circuit One”. We all know what great possibilities this circuit offers, but with this new tool it is
possible to do things that would not be possible with circuit One. In fact, with this new circuit it is pos-
sible to prepare remedies, or carry out remote transmissions, using up to 9 Malcolm Rae cards at the
same time (but it will also be possible to use other types of cards, such as Jaco Malan’s cards, or the
“rate cards”, which I will present later), being able to also set the homeopathic dilution you want. I have
also discovered that it is possible to prepare remedies, loading one card after another or one remedy
after another, each with the homeopathic dilution you want, and without the information of the last card
or the last remedy loaded you erase previously uploaded information or energies, which up to now no
card reader is able to do, apart from the instrument of Sai Vibrionics. At this point it will be necessary to
see if by entering into a state of “connection” with the One who resides in us, and also in the instrument
we are using, and making the request in the correct way, it is possible to obtain the same results also
with other readers of cards. However, with this circuit it will also be possible to duplicate or remotely
send any type of remedy, being able, as we have seen before, to set the optimal homeopathic dilution.
Finally, all remedies prepared with this circuit can be neutralized and recharged again with other energy
information. In short, this too, new circuit is a great gift that has been given to us.
Before explaining all the ways of using this circuit, I would like to sincerely thank Cristina De Siati and
Alessandro Pini, who made themselves available, within a few hours, to test each of these methods
radiesthesically, thus confirming what had emerged from my tests, on the reliability of which I was
however doubtful, as I had carried them out at a time when I didn’t feel very well, and I also had a
fever and a headache. Obviously the Di Cristina and Alessandro tests were performed without either
of them being aware of the other’s results, let alone mine. I would also like to thank Alessandro for
sending me all the photos that you will find in this pdf, and that have been inserted to facilitate under-
standing of the various ways in which this circuit can be used. A heartfelt thanks also goes to
Tim Pitts, from the group “radionics”, a graphics wizard, who transformed my drawing made with paint
into the definitive circuit present in this pdf in a very short time, I sent him my drawing in the evening
and the next morning the definitive circuit was ready. In short, from when I had the intuition to modify
the Sanjeevini circuit to when we did the experiments on the definitive circuit prepared by Tim, only
two days have passed, so thanks again for your collaboration.

Now let’s see in detail all the different methods of use that this tool offers, followed by all the
instructions relating to the different operating modes.

1) Possibility of preparing an energy remedy using from 1 to 9 cards by setting a homeopathic dilution
(for example the cards of Malcom Rae, the cards of Jaco Malan, and the “cards of “rates” created by

2) Possibility of preparing an energy remedy using one card after another without the information of
the following card canceling that of the previous card. With this modality it will be possible to set a
different homeopathic dilution for each card that will be used.

3) Possibility of duplicating any type of remedy, by setting a homeopathic dilution. If you want to du-
plicate a homeopathic remedy, its dilution can be either increased or decreased. For example, if we
wanted to duplicate an Arnica remedy, and we had Arnica 30 CH available, we could prepare both an
Arnica with a lower dilution, such as Arnica 6 CH, and with a higher dilution, for example Arnica 200

4) Possibility of preparing an energy remedy both with parts of medicinal plants (leaves, flowers,
buds, fruits, roots, berries, seeds), and with stones and buds, by setting a homeopathic dilution.

5) Possibility of preparing isopathic nosodes at the desired homeopathic dilution (isopathic nosodes
are remedies that are homeopathically prepared with saliva, or urine, or blood, or tears, or sputum, or
pus coming from the patient).
6) Possibility of using the circuit as a neutraliser. This mode should be used before performing the
preparation of the remedies. We will also be able to neutralize any remedy prepared with this tool,
thus being able to reuse the used bottle.

7) Possibility of remote transmission (to people, animals, plants, and environments), from 1 to 9 cards
(for example Malcom Rae’s cards, Jaco Malan’s cards, and the “rate cards” created by myself) , or
remedies of any kind, or parts of medicinal plants (leaves, flowers, gems, fruits, roots, berries, seeds),
or stones and gems, by setting a homeopathic dilution, or radiesthesically searching for the optimal
treatment power on the whole portion of circle ranging from 0 to 10MM.


First of all you will have to print the circuit on white cardboard, and get yourself a sheet of black
cardboard; With a pair of scissors you will have to cut out from the latter a thin triangle similar to a
clock hand, which adapts well to the graduated scale of the symbolic potentiometer; the base of the
hand should be positioned on the central black circle, while the tip should reach the lines indicating
the dilution numbers. See photos below.


0 10MM


Dial pointer to set the dilutions

Also get yourself one or more kits of colored gelatins for photography or cinematography, which
contain at least the 7 basic colors plus other shades of the basic colours. Many years ago, when
I lived in Milan, I went to a cinematography laboratory, and I managed to get two catalogs free of
charge containing the transparent gelatins with all the possible shades of the seven basic colours, for
which I really have a large number of colours, however not if it is easy to obtain these catalogs,
although this would certainly be the best solution. If you are unable to find these catalogues, you
should radiesthesically test the kits available on the market, and possibly integrate them with other
colours. These colored gels will help you in remote treatments.
Catalog of colored gels Colored gels kit

I remind you that when you are seated, with the circuit and the dilution needle positioned on the table
in front of you, it will be necessary for you to be calm, and to enter a state of connection with the One,
having the awareness that it is always within you, in the air that surrounds you, in the circuit you are
about to use, and also in the person you are about to treat (if you are about to do remote treatment),
and who, as we have seen in the image of the triangle at the beginning of this pdf, you, the person
you are about to treat, but also the circuit you are about to use, and the “Source”, ie the One, are all
“connected”. You really don’t need to make an effort to look for this link, this link already exists, just be
aware of it, “feel it”. You will need to do this every time you use the circuit (although my advice is to do
this whatever radionic instrument you are about to use).



First of all, it will be necessary to neutralize the small bottle with water (or the glass of
water you intend to energize. To do this:

- Set the hand to 10MM

- Place a small bottle with a 20 or 30 ml dropper pipette full of natural mineral water
(you can also add a little alcohol for food use so that the remedy lasts longer), or a full
glass of water (if needed a large amount of remedy can also be placed in a bottle of
water), inside the 9-petal lotus on the right of the circuit (output). If it was used a bot-
tle does not matter if the base of this were wider than the lotus, the remedy would be
equally effective, and make the following request: “Completely neutralize the water of
this small bottle (or of this glass, or of this bottle, depending on of what you are using),
thank you, thank you, thank you”.
After the request, wait 1 minute and the water will be completely neutralised. At this
point we will proceed with the preparation of the remedy.

Example of how to neutralize water before preparing a remedy

1) Place the chosen cards (you can use Malcom Rae’s cards, Jaco Malan’s cards or
the “rate cards” that you find attached in this pdf - you can also use all three types of
cards at the same time if you need to -) on the drawing of the Sun (Source) to the left
of the circuit (you can use from 1 to 9 cards).

2) Test on the range of homeopathic dilutions, the optimal dilution for the person who
will have to take the remedy you intend to prepare*.

3) Position the pointer on the dilution line that you found with the radiesthesic test

* If the pendulum indicates the “other” quadrant*, look for the optimal position of the
hand on the portion of the circle that goes from 0 to 10MM and position the hand in that

4) Place the small bottle full of water (or the glass, or the bottle) on the 9-petal lotus
and make the following request: “Energize the water in this small bottle with
the information of this card (or of these cards, if they were several cards), to the 200
CH (or 30 CH, or 6 CH, in short, whatever the dilution you have set), thank you, thank
you, thank you”. Now wait 1 minute and the remedy will be ready.

Once the remedy is ready, it is important that you first remove the bottle from the
circuit. Otherwise, if you remove the card(s) first, or the dial needle, the remedy will be
altered and can no longer be used.

Example of preparing a remedy (Arnica 200 CH) with a Malcom Rae card

Example of preparation of a remedy (Arnica 30 CH) with one of my “rate cards” based on 10

As we said earlier, this tool offers the possibility of preparing a remedy by loading one
card after another, without the information of the next card cancelling the information of
the previous card.

To do this, we will energize the water with the first card (several cards can also be
used) at the desired dilution (with the same procedure we have seen previously and
after having neutralized the water). At this point we will remove the bottle (it is impor-
tant that you remove the bottle from the circuit first. Otherwise, if you remove the card
or cards first, or the pointer, the remedy will be altered and can no longer be used).

We will then place the next card (or cards) on the Sun (Source) to the left of the circuit,
set the desired dilution and make the following request:
“energize this water with the information of this card (or with the information of these
cards), superimposing it on the previous information, without these being cancelled,
thanks thanks, thanks”. If desired, we can repeat this procedure also other times, in
this way as to create a complex containing remedies with different dilutions.


With this circuit we can duplicate any remedy. To do this we will first neutralize the
water we intend to energize, and instead of placing the card on the Sun (Source), we
will place the remedy we intend to duplicate (it is important to know that the remedy we
will duplicate can no longer be used via oral, but can only be reused to duplicate other
remedies, as it will change its original dilution, even if it had no dilution). Therefore it
is preferable to use only a few drops (in another small bottle), or some granules of the
remedy we intend to duplicate and not the remedy in its original package).

At this point we will set the chosen dilution, place the bottle with the water in the 9-
petal lotus and make the following request: “fully energize this water with the energetic
vibration of this remedy at 200CH (or 30CH, etc.) , thanks thanks thanks”. As we said
previously, if we duplicate a homeopathic remedy, for example Arnica 30 CH, we can
either increase this dilution or decrease it, so we can prepare an Arnica 6 CH or even
an Arnica 200CH). The preparation time will always be 1 minute, and as I have already
said, the first thing we will remove from the circuit will be the bottle that we have
Example of duplication of Arnica 30 CH by increasing the dilution and obtaining Arnica 1000 CH


To prepare a remedy with plant parts (leaves, flowers, buds, fruits, roots, berries,
seeds), or with stones and gems, we will use the exact same procedure and the same
request as the method of duplicating a remedy, only instead of the remedy to be dupli-
cated we will put the part of the plant or the stone that we intend to use to prepare the

If part of a plant is used, however, it will be necessary to finely chop it with scissors and
leave it to macerate in a small bottle with water for about six hours.

Example of preparing the remedy of Amethyst at 30 CH


The procedure will be identical to the one we do before preparing a remedy, and the
neutralization time will always be 1 minute. In this case the request will be: “completely
neutralize this remedy, thank you, thank you, thank you”.



Remote transmission can be done using from 1 to 9 cards, or by transmitting a rem-

edy, or a stone, or part of a plant. The procedure will be identical to the preparation of
a remedy, only that instead of placing a small bottle on the nine-petal lotus, the witness
of the person we intend to treat will be placed (lock of hair, photograph of the face print-
ed in high definition on photo paper, or nail clippings).

As we said previously, in remote transmissions it will be useful to test if it is necessary

to add a color to the treatment. If the answer is positive, you will test among the jellies
you have available which color is the most suitable, and you will place it under the wit-
ness (see photo). At this point it will be necessary to test what is the optimal transmis-
sion time, and what is the optimal frequency of treatments.

After placing the cards, setting the dilution, putting any colored jelly and the baton into
the 9-petal Lotus, the following request will be made: “transmit the information of
this/these card/s to the 6 CH (say the dilution that you have set on the dilution
dial), to (person’s full name) , thank you, thank you, thank you”.

Example of remote transmission – Argentum Nitricum 6 CH with Blue colored gelatin

Example of remote transmission with a Malcom Rae card, Intense White Light 200 CH

Clearly, if instead of transmitting cards we wanted to transmit a remedy, or the energy

of a stone or a plant, the request would become: “transmit the energetic vibration of
this remedy (or plant, or stone) to the ... (as as usual, the dilution set on the dial will
be indicated, for example 12 CH), to (person’s full name), thank you, thank you,
thank you”. Also for these transmissions it will be necessary to test whether it is useful
to add a colored gelatin to the treatment.

Regarding remote transmissions, I would like to add that no practical experiments have
been carried out, and that the effectiveness of this modality has been evaluated exclu-
sively with radiesthesic tests, while the modalities relating to preparation of the rem-
edies, their duplication and neutralization, were also confirmed by the practical experi-
ments we did with Cristina and Alessandro.

In the following pages we will talk about how to prepare cards in a few seconds using
different types of rate systems (the base 44 rates of Malcom Rae, Yvon Combe and
Jaco Malan, the base 10 rates of De la Warr or those of homeopathic remedies (Copen
rates are not good), and KRT rates.

The “cards of the rates” that I propose in this pdf, were created to be used with this
circuit, and are a modification of those that I had designed for card readers, and that I
have never divulged for a number of reasons. In reality these cards can also be used
with card readers, but only if these are used as the circuit proposed in this pdf is used,
i.e. making requests to the One, both for the preparation of remedies and for remote

These cards are based on mathematical ratios, in the exact same way that occurs with
the potentiometers of radionic instruments (see photo); so when you compile it’s like
you’re tuning the knobs of an instrument.

So these cards are a great revolution in the world of radionics, in fact they allow them
to be compiled, in a few seconds, using tens of thousands of rates; in this way it will
not be necessary to have large stocks of papers, they will be prepared at the moment,
and when the remedies have been prepared or the cycle of treatments has finished,
they can also be thrown away. In short, only the rate books and these papers printed
on cardboard will be needed. Moreover, since they can be used for complex treat-
ments (remedy or command on organ, chakra, subtle bodies, etc., remedy or
command on pathology, compensated pathology on organ), and having at one’s
disposal an instrument that can read several cards, it is as if you are using multiple
instruments at the same time, or instruments with many tuning knobs.

For example, using base 10 cards with this circuit, it is as if you had a De la Warr
instrument with 108 knobs (12 dials x 9 cards). With those in base 44, it’s like you have
a Malcom Rae Base 44 with 9 rows of 10 knobs. While with the KRT rates we will be
able to set each card as equivalent to a 2-bank instrument, so it is as if we had an
18-bank instrument available, And if we decide to use cards with different rates, it is
as if we were using tools of different types.
Here are the cards I have included in this pdf:

- The “cards of rates” in base 44 - 5 dial (to be used with a single rate)

- The “cards of rates” based on 44 - 10 dials (in this case there is the possibility of
using them also with two rates - remedy or command on organ, or chakra, or subtle
body, etc., remedy or command on pathology , pathology compensated on organ-)

- The “rate cards” based on 10 - 12 dials (also in this case there is the possibility of
using them with two rates, such as the rates based on 44 - 10 dials)

- The KRT “cards of rates” (also in this case there is the possibility of inserting two
rates, in the same way as for the two previous cards)

Now let’s see how to compile them. You will need a fine point spirit pen, I use a 0.1mm
point. And then if you have eyesight like mine, even a good pair of glasses :)

- The name of the remedy, or of the organ, or of the complex treatment you will do.

- Subsequently, the number of the rate will be entered under the wording “radionic rate”
(base 44 radionic rate, or base 10 radionic rate, or KRT radionic rate)

- At this point, to enter the chosen rate or rates, you will have to draw small black dots
in correspondence with the appropriate boxes. (Note from Tim - the graphics at the
end of the document can be opened and edited in drawing applications such as Adobe

Base 44 “rate cards”:

The first number of the rate will be entered in the first horizontal line.
The second number in the second horizontal line.
The third number in the third horizontal line,
continuing in this way until the entire rate has been entered.
Let’s try to give some examples.

This is Yvon Combe’s rate of Arnica Montana (10 20 29 37)

So I wrote Arnica in the blank space above

The number of the rate under the writing “base 44 radionic rate”
And then I drew black dots in the appropriate boxes.

As you can see, under the rate number, I have inserted the numbers corresponding
to the various vertical lines, so that you understand that with these cards, the rate is
always written from left to right, and that the first vertical stripe on the left corresponds
to 0, the second to 1, the third to 2, and so on.

As I explained earlier, the first horizontal stripe will be the “knob” for the first number,
the second stripe will be the knob for the second number, the third for the third, and
so on.

Let’s try another example on the next page.

This time we used a 10-dial card instead of a 5-dial to show you how complex t
reatments can be done.

In this case the chosen treatment is “Arnica on the Ankle”, which could be used for
example for a bruise or an ankle sprain, or later ankle surgery, etc.

As you can see this treatment consists of the Arnica rate 10 20 29 37 (the same card
rate as the previous one) and the Ankle Malcom Rae rate 42 18 32 31.

In essence, we have done nothing but insert the 2 rates in a row, without interruptions,
as if it were a single rate.

Let’s take another example on the next page.

In this case we have included a compensated ratesof Malcom Rae, i.e. Osteoarthritis
compensated 09 20 22 10 which will come through its rate 32 34 41 30 on the
Coxofemoral Joint.

Another example: “Reduce bruise” 19 16 14 16 of the “Knee” 34 32 26 22

It’s easier to do than to explain.

Base 10 “rate cards”:

With these cards it is possible to use both De la Warr’s base 10 rates and those of
homeopathic remedies.

Each card of these is as if it were a 12-knob De la Warr instrument (per treatment), so

the rates will be compiled on the cards in the same way as they would be set on that

The first upper horizontal stripe corresponds to a knob that goes from 10 to 100, and is
used only when it is necessary to send aa rate of a compensated pathology. Instead all
the other horizontal stripes will be like knobs going from 0 to 10.
I show you on the following page an image that will clarify what I said.

So the pathology rates will always start with 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.

However, we have said that the rates of De la Warr’s pathologies need to be compen-
sated, to do this we will subtract each number of the rate from 10, except that of the
first “knob” or of the first horizontal strip, which must be subtracted from 100. Making a
practical example everything will be simpler. Consider the “Distortion” rate 40.35154.
Now let’s see how to compensate it to use it as an rate for treatment. The first number
40 is relative to the upper horizontal stripe, and to compensate for it we will make 100 –
40, which will give 60 as a result. All the other numbers will instead be subtracted from
10. That is, the 3 will become 7 (10 – 7 equals 3), the 5 will remain 5 (10 – 5 equals
5), the 1 will become 9 (10 – 1 equals 9), the 5 will remain 5 (10 – 5 equals 5), and the
4 will become 6 (10 – 4 equals 6). So the compensated rate of the “distortion” will be
60.75956. Also in this case this rate can be sent to a part of the body, and in the follow-
ing example we have chosen the knee.60. All the other numbers will instead be sub-
tracted from 10. That is, the 3 will become 7 (10 – 7 equals 3), the 5 will remain 5 (10
– 5 equals 5), the 1 will become 9 (10 – 1 equals 9), the 5 will remain 5 (10 – 5 equals
5), and the 4 will become 6 (10 – 4 equals 6). So the compensated rate of the “distor-
tion” will be 60.75956. Also in this case this rate can be sent to a part of the body, and
in the following example we have chosen the knee.

There is only one exception with respect to what we have said about the compensation
of pathology rates, that is when the first number is 50. In this case it will not be com-
pensated leaving 50 (100 – 50 equals 50, as is done with the 5 of the other numbers
that make up the rate), the initial 50 will always be offset with 90. I assume that De la
Warr preferred to use this offset as all the rates from Abrams that started with 50 were
related to various forms of cancer, so probably De la Warr believed that using an rate
starting with 50 could be risky.

Now let’s see the example we talked about previously, “Compensated knee sprain”

The total rate in this case will be made up of that of the “compensated sprain”
60.75956 on knee 3343

Let us now, on the following page, give an example concerning the homeopathic
remedy Belladonna.
As you can see in this case, the first horizontal strip has not been completed,
because as we said previously, this strip is used exclusively for the rates of
compensated pathologies.

Let’s take another example.

Vitamin B12 (rate 4614) in blood (rate 409), i.e. 4614409

We have seen that an organ can be treated with a remedy, and also with a command,
but having at one’s disposal an instrument which allows the possibility of setting a
homeopathic dilution, it is also possible to use only the rate of the organ at a specific
dilution which will be radiesthestically chosen. This will be an excellent organotherapy
remedy. In this regard, I would like to remind you that the entire OM series of Narayani
remedies is composed of organotherapy complexes.

Furthermore, with De la Warr’s base 10 rates, it is possible to treat an organ by

repeating the rate of the organ in question twice (energetic vibration of the healthy
organ on the diseased organ). Here’s an example.

Liver rate 596, repeated twice, i.e. 596596.

As you can see there are several ways to treat an organ, as always the best treatment
will be found with dowsing tests.

KRT rates are used on KRT instruments, which are mainly used in America; they are
called “bank instruments”, and derive from the instruments of Thomas Galen Hiero-
nymus. These rates can also be used with other similar instruments, such as those of
Mattioda, Rogers, and Jensen.

The procedure is identical to that seen for the other “rate cards”.

The first number will be inserted in the first horizontal strip, the second in the second,
the third in the third, and so on.

Let’s take an example.

Get well from poisons toxins harmful heavy metals harmful radiations etc Card

I have given this example so that you don’t get confused.

The rate is 10.00 – 01.00

The dot will not be placed in box 10 of the first horizontal strip above. The numbers will
always be entered one at a time, so you will enter 1, then 0, 0 again, 0 again, until the
entire rate is completed.
The number 10 of the first horizontal strip above will only be used when the rate starts
with 100, in this case the first dot will be colored on 10 and the second on 0.
Let’s take an example of complex treatment.

pain killer on lower abdomen card

This treatment consists of “Pain Killer” rate 11.75 - 30.50 on “Lower Abdomen”, rate
36.00 - 55.25.

In short, filling out these cards is extremely simple and fast, and they can be used with
all the best rates available.

As I said previously, they have been developed specifically for this tool, but they can
also be used with card readers, but always by making a request to the One. The
original cards, from which they derive, I designed them to work on any card reader,
although I believe, for a number of reasons, that at the moment it is preferable to dis-
close these.
I would like to end this “radionic journey” that we have made, reminding you that the
“secret” of an effective radionic treatment is an initial investigation done well, and in this
regard I would like to conclude with this extract from an article by Malcom Rae:

“The meaning and training of the dowser”:

“One of the most worrying characteristics of dowsing is the elevated

number of people who, finding a sort of answer through the use of the
pendulum, they consider themselves suddenly competent for this reason.
There is something in common between learning how to use the pendulum and
learning the piano, both need a lot of good
will and a lot of practice.
A pianist performing a piece of music on the piano can arrive at
reproduce sounds very similar to those read on the score, demonstrating the
ability to reproduce complicated music flawlessly. But if
the inaccurate execution of the notes can at most annoy the hearing, the erroneous diagnosis
of the dowser, could harm your health with serious consequences.


The treatments and energy remedies proposed in these pages can be used
exclusively as a complement to medicines and therapies prescribed by the doctor
and his diagnoses, and will not be able to replace them in any case.
It is therefore recommended, in case of physical or mental pathologies, to always consult
your attending physician.














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