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Unit 5

Beyond this world

1 apparent able to be seen or understood
to request something, usually officially, especially in writing
2 apply or by sending in a form:

anything used to block someone from going somewhere or from

3 barrier doing something, or to block something from happening:
4 birthright something that you believe you deserve to have
5 blurrily in a way that is not clear to see:
6 brake a device that makes a vehicle go slower or stop
one of the two metal bars attached to the ground on
7 rail which trains travel:
8 burst to break open or apart suddenly,
a person who is standing near and watching something
9 bystander that is happening but is not taking part in it:
10 casual not serious or considered, or done by chance:
to ask for an amount of money for mething, especially a service
11 charge or activity:
12 comparison the act of comparing two or more people or things
to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty
13 convict of a crime:
14 crane a large tall machine used by builders for lifting heavy objects:
15 crudely in a way that is simple and not skilfully done or made:
a flat, round musical instrument made of brass that makes
16 cymbal a loud noise when hit with a stick
17 deny to say that something is not true:
18 discomfort a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally,

19 eagerly in a way that shows that you want to do something very much,
relating to or caused by electricity that does not move in
20 electrostatic a current but is attracted to the surface of some objects:
in a way that is unusual and exciting because it is related to a
21 exotically foreign country
22 sympathetic showing care about someone’s problems or suffering:
23 extract to remove or take out something:
24 feeble weak and without energy, strength, or power:
25 governor a person in charge of a particular political unit:
the force that attracts objects towards one another,
26 gravity the force that makes objects fall toward the earth,
weak and unable to think clearly or walk correctly, usually
27 groggy because of tiredness or illness:

a large room with equipment for exercising the body and increasin
28 gymnasium g strength, or space for playing sport, especially in a school:
29 hatch break in order to allow a young animal to come out
to pause before you do or say something, often because
30 hesitate you are uncertain or nervous about it:
grown using a method of growing plants in water to
which special chemicals are added, rather than growing them
31 hydroponic in earth:
a bag containing ice that is put on a part of a person's body
32 ice pack to make it cool and reduce swelling
33 spangled decorated with small pieces of shiny metal or plastic,
great comfort, especially as provided by expensive and
34 luxury beautiful things:
move around with no particular purpose or in no particular
35 mill around direction, sometimes while waiting for someone:
36 minimal very small in amount:
37 momentarily for a very short time: or very soon:
38 nosebleed an occasion when blood comes out of a person's nose:
an artificial substance used especially to make clothes, ropes,
39 nylon and brushes:
40 ore rock or soil from which metal can be obtained:
41 ounce a unit of weight equal to approximately 28 grams:
42 plod to walk taking slow steps, as if your feet are heavy:

a very large snake that kills animals for food by wrapping itself
43 python around them and crushing them
44 ramp an artificial slope:
45 refinement the process of making a substance pure:
a strong pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes that
46 rhythm is used in music, poetry, and dancing:
to shine in such a way that the light seems to shake slightly
47 shimmer and quickly:
to cause a liquid to flow over the edge of a container through
48 slop not taking care or making a rough movement:
a rod onto which thread is twisted when it is spun (= made
49 spindle by twisting)
50 steely like steel in colour: having a grey colour like steel

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