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F-REX analyzes the sound into the three parameters "frequency", "panning" and "volume" and
graphically displays the sound of the instruments that make up the music. After analyzing,
F-REX divides into INSIDE and OUTSIDE area of specified. You can also remix the music by
editing volume and panpot, also applying compressor and reverb effects to each INSIDE and

You can enjoy a variety of applications.

◎ Noise filter for cutting off the specified frequency and panning of the sound.
◎ Compressor or Reverb processing to the specified frequency and panning of the sound.
◎ Making minus-one songs for example vocal canceling by cutting off the specified panning of the
* Depending on the type or state of the sound you’re trying to remove, it might not be possible
to remove it completely.

④ ② ⑬

⑤ ⑥

⑨ ⑧

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Parameter Note

① HARMONIC VIEW This area provides a visual representation of the sound that's being played.
Color : Volume (loudness)
Vertical axis : Frequency (pitch)
Horizontal axis : Panning (stereo position)


② INSIDE AREA ② INSIDE AERA encloses the sound that will be modified. You can move
(Blue) the area's position, and change its size and shape.
Move the mouse cursor to the inside of the inside area、the mouse cursor
turn to and drag the inside area to the desired position.
Move the mouse cursor onto the edge of the inside area, the mouse cursor
turn to and drag the edge of the inside area to the desired size.
You can change the size and position back to the default in double click on

Move the size

Move the position

③ INSIDE PAN Edits the panning of the sound specified in ② INSIDE AREA.

④ INSIDE PAN AREA By default ② INSIDE AREA and ④ INSIDE PAN AREA will be overlapping,
(Red) so they will appear to be one area. However, when you move the ③ INSIDE
PAN knob, you'll see the areas separate.

You can move the area's position, and change its size and shape as ②
Move the size

Move the position

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Parameter Note

⑤ INSIDE VOL Edits the volume of the sound in ② INSIDE AREA. If you move the fader
further down, the volume of the sound ② INSIDE AREA will cut.

⑥ OUTSIDE VOL Edits the volume of the sound outside ② INSIDE AREA. If you move the
fader further down, the volume of the sound outside ② INSIDE AREA will

⑦ OUTSIDE PAN Edits the panning of the sound outside ② INSIDE AREA.

⑧ QUALITY The quality of composit tone will get higher when you set HIGH. Also this
(HIGH/LOW) task is CPU-intensive.

⑨ INSIDE COMPRESSOR You can compress the different levels of the sound ②INSIDE AREA and
make it more even. When turning off by clicking , ⑨INSIDE COMPRES-
SOR will be bypassed.

Specify the value of the input level (maximum 0.0dB) to activate
Compressor. Any signal above the specified threshold will be
compressed. Higher setting values, less effective.
The amount of time before the compressor reaches the specified ratio
after the input signal exceeds the specified threshold.
The amount of time before the gain returns to its original level once the
input signal falls below the threshold.
Specify the amount of gain reduction. Higher setting values, higher
ratio and more amplification of the lower level.
The level of output signal
The amount of gain reduction applied presently is visually displayed.

⑩ INSIDE REVERB You can add a reverb effect to the sound ②INSIDE AREA and simulate an
acoustic space. When turning off by clicking , ⑩INSIDE REVERB will
be bypassed.

The size of the simulated space (such as a room and hall)
The length of reverberation
The value of the high frequency to dampen
The amount of time before the first reverberations of a signal are heard

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Parameter Note

The balance between the source and the reverberation

(0% [only the source] to 100% [only the reverberation])

⑪ OUTSIDE COMPRESSOR You can compress the different levels of the sound outside ② INSIDE
AREA and make it more even. Please refer ⑨ INSIDE COMPRESSOR.

⑫ OUTSIDE REVERB You can add a reverb effect to the sound outside ②INSIDE AREA and
simulate an acoustic space.Please refer ⑩INSIDE REVERB.

⑬ Vertical / Circular Knob controls can respond to Vertical or Circular. When you click F-REX
logo, the select window will open. You can specify the one of two control

◉Vertical ◉Circular

drag vertically drag & rotate

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◉ Saving the effect preset ①

Changing any parameters from the default value

makes MODIFY button lighted.

ドラッグ * If you click lighted MODIFY button, the parameters

are reverted to their last saved value, and MODIFY
button is lighted off.

クリック Click SAVE button, and set the destination to save

and the preset name in the Save Preset Dialog box.

* When you save the preset as new, you select

"Empty" for the destination to save. Selecting the
existing destination allows you to overwrite save
the preset.

The preset is saved. Check the correct saving.

クリック ▼ Reset presets to factory default

1. Select the preset overwrite saved.
2. Turn ON/OFF button off.
3. Turn ON/OFF button on again with clicking
Shift .
4. You can reset the preset to factory default.
Click SAVE button.

* You should reference the manual of the host application for more information.

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◉ Saving the effect preset ②

Select the preset named "Empty".

Select the source preset from popup shown by

clicking COPY button. The selected preset is copied
コピーボタン to "Empty" preset.
* When you add the preset, you should copy to
"Empty" and edit and save it.

Change the preset name. Right clicking on PRESET
enables you to enter the new preset name. When you
finish entering, press Enter .

Edit the parameters.

You can set the appropriate value with previewing
the effect sounds.

* You should reference the manual of the host application for more information.

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