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Problem: pH imbalance in the stomach.

Having low hydrochloric acid levels or Hypochlorhydria is a stomach problem that effects the ability to
digest and absorb nutrients which leads to other digestive health issues and infections.


People who are more likely to experience hypochlorhydria fall under these factors:

 People who are over 65: with age comes problems such as less efficient stomach acid production

 High stress level: high stress levels can effect the body in various way which cause abnormality
in the production of stomach acid

 Smoker and drinker: smoking and drinking can decrease the nutrients in the human body which
can lead to less stomach acid

 Lack of vitamins: a poor diet can result in lack of nutrients like iron, zinc and B vitamins which
are essential for maintaining stomach acid levels

And many other medical conditions problems.


people with hypochlorhydria usually experience these symptoms:

 Feeling like you want to eat even when you’re not hungry
 Feeling too full after regular meals‌
 Indigestion
 Gas or flatulence
 Bloating‌
 Constipation ‌
 Diarrhea‌
 Soreness or burning in your mouth‌
 Stomach upset and cramps
 Undigested food in stool
 Nausea
 Heartburn


A normal human stomach has a pH level between 1-2. doctors will check the level of acid in your
stomach and if the pH is:

 Less than 3: you have a normal acid level

 Between 3-5: you have hypochlorhydria

 Higher than 5: you might have achlorhydria which means that your stomach has stops making
hydrochloric acid


The common treatments for hypochlorhydria include:

Antibiotics: if your symptoms is caused by a bacterial infection like H.pylori then doctors can prescribe
antibiotics to get rid of it

Hydrochloric acid supplements and enzymes: betaine hydrochloride might used to restore the pH level
of your stomach. The stomach enzyme pepsin is another common treatment

Changes in diet and medication: doctors may recommend you to eat easy to digest food that are rich in
fiber and nutrients like lentils, beans, chia seeds and other supplements such as iron, zinc, calcium and
vitamin B complex.

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