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Question 1: Describe the relationship between climate and body build. Be specific in your
Body build relates to climate differently depending on where a person is geographically
located. People that live in warmer climates have evolved to be taller with longer limbs and a
relatively low BMI (Body Mass Index). This allows them to cool off faster and regulate their
body temperature more efficiently. For those who live in cooler climates, the build of their
bodies would be shorter and stockier. This would help them conserve energy and warmth in
the cold.

Question 2: Summarize Phinney’s Stage Model Theory and Acculturation Theory in the T-Chart
Unexamined ethic identity: when an Assimilation: when an individual associates
individual believes that they are a part of the and attempts to fit into the dominant
dominant group culture.

Ethnic identity search: when an individual is Integration: when an individual partakes in

in a state of their lives where they begin to their culture as well as the dominant culture.
question if they fit into the dominant group
in society. This revelation can cause the Separation: when an individual decides to
individual to educate themselves on or reject the dominant culture in favor of their
participate in activities relating to their own
Marginalization: when an individual has little
Ethnic identity achievement: this stage of to no desire to take part of either dominant
Phinney’s theory occurs when the individual or heritage culture.
achieves a complete understanding of their
ethnic identity.

(These stages may never happen in an

individual’s lifetime, and they may stay in one
stage for their entire life)

Question 3: What is the essential difference between Phinney's stage-model theory and Berry’s
acculturation theory?
The essential difference between the stage-model theory and the acculturation theory is that
in the acculturation theory, there is a lack of progression and in the stage-model theory an
individual must progress through all the stages in order to achieve their ethnic identity.
Question 4: Does your fingerprint have arches, loops, or whorls?
My Fingerprint Answer
My pointer finger on my left hand has whorls

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