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Verblijfsvergunning of visum lang verblijf nodig?

Residence permit

Residence permit required

You will need a residence permit. Your educational institution in the Netherlands must submit your
residence permit application to the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

If your application for a residence permit is approved, your educational institution will inform you of


Long-stay visa (MVV) required

You require a long-stay visa (MVV) to enter the Netherlands. Apply for one at the Dutch embassy or
consulate-general in your region. You can do this as soon as your educational institution in the
Netherlands knows your residence permit application has been approved.

Apply for a long-stay visa (MVV) in your country or region (


Your situation
What country or region are you a national of:Another country or region
Why do you want to come to the Netherlands:I want to study
Do you live in an EU member state, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland:No

Page 1 of 1 Version of 11-07-2023, 02:59 hour

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