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Writing Topics B1

1. about the reasons you study English.

Your letter should include:
-            its importance to your study
-            its importance to your job
-            its importance to your overseas travel
Dear Thu,
Thank you so much for your letter. I am now quite nervous because I am very bad at English.
Although English is the important language in my study, work and travelling, I have not used
English since 06 years ago. In the near future, if I do not pass the English test, I can not get the
MBA certificate. Besides, I really need English to talk to my customers. On the other hand, my
hobby is travelling. If I can not speak English, it will be difficult to communicate during my
journey. At the moment, I am participating in an English course for beginners. I look forward to
better English after this course. And How about you and your English? Hope you respones earlier
and tell me your experience in learning English.
Your sincerely,

2 about your company (or a company you want to work for in the future)
Your letter should include:
-            your duties or responsibilities
-            your colleagues,
-            your  interest about the job à
Dear Mom,
How are you? I am writing to tell you that I was offered the salesman in a quite big book store in
Lang Ha street. My job is to sell books, look after and manage the store. My colleagues is
friendly and enthusiatic. Which I love most in my work is much free time and free books to read.
I also can study and do many other favourite things such as knitting… I really love this job. You
can absolutely feel secure about me.
Have a good day
I love you, mom

3. about a memorable trip you have had.

Your letter should include:
-            places you visited
-            the activities you did
-            what you liked about the trip
Dear thu,
I have come back to Hanoi, after a week journey to Danang. I visited my grandparents and went
to the beauty spots as Hoi An, Non Nuoc pagoda, Ba Na Hill. I really love this trip because I
could spend a lot of time on all activities. The weather was so good and the expense was quite
little. Da Nang is a very beautiful city with pure atmosphere and delicious food. Have you ever
been to Da Nang city? Would you tell me about your journey in your letter?
Look forward to your reply
Love you,

4. about the plan you made for his visit in your city.
Your letter should include:
-            the places of interest
-            the activities
-            the reasons for your plan
Dear Thu,
One of my friend is going to visit me in Hanoi in the shortcoming time. I have built a plan of her
travelling. She will be in Hanoi for 02 days. Thus, I intend to get her to the old streets where she
can walk, chat with me and see the antique house. In the evening, we can spend our time on
Hanoi typical meal, drinking on the 5th floor of Illy café and enjoying a view of Swort lake. I want
a perfect trip so that she will definitely be impressed by ancient and beautiful Hanoi. How do you
feel about my plan?
Look forward to your reply as soon as possible.
Your sincerely   

5. about some advice so that s/he can keep fit and be healthy
Your letter should include:
-            what sport s/he should do
-            what kind of meal s/he should have
-            how s/he may balance work and relaxation
Dear my little brother,
Thank you for your letter. After reading your letter, I feel very concerned of our father’s
diabetes. I think he should excersie more and gently such as jogging, for example. He should not
eat salty food, because it can cause more serious situation. He would rather have more
vegetable and fruit for a meal than starch and oil food. I suggest he should balance between his
work and relaxation. During his working hours, he should not spend the whole time sitting near
his computer. He should walk around for once two hours. He must not bring his work back to
home as before and spend more time on resting, reading books and newspapers. I thick that if
he can do the above things well, his healthy status might be better. Tell me about him after
doing all things I says above.

6. about your favorite means of transport and tell him/her why you like this means of
Your letter should include:
-            what kind of transport you like
-            why you like it
Dear Thu,
I go to work by motorbike every day. Because, I like my motorbike very much because it looks
to be very elegant and energy efficient with large space for keeping things such as motorbike
helmet, wallets, etc. and various colors. Going by motorbike is more active in time than going by
bus. I can keep the motorbike in my house instead of hiring a place for car parking. The
motorbike is manufactured by a prestigious company and suitable to my payment capacity.
Your sincerely,

7. about your ideal job.

        Your letter should include:
         - what job you like
         - where you want to work
         - the salary and bonus
         - the services available
         - company culture
Dear Thu,
I am now looking for a job. I like paper work which is stable and off for Saturday and Sunday. I
would like to work in an office in the center of the city with an income of about 05 millions dong
per month. I have some experiences in marketing and in consuming field. Therfore, I love to
work for a business in consuming field with a friendly working environment, modern and sound
competition. Have you known any suitable job for me?
Looking for your reply.
Your sincerely,

 8. Write a letter to your foreign friend who is going to visit Vietnam for the first time
and give him/her some advice.
       Your letter should include:
         - common topics for conversation
         - clothing
         - body language
         - social behaviors
Dear Lisa ,
I have heard that you will visit Vietnam for a week. I think there might be little surprised
because this is the first time you come to my country. Thus, I will introduce you some comme
things about my country. The time is March which is quite hot in Vietnam. Then you can wear
summer clothes. When you meet a Vietnames, smile and wave your hands to say hello to them.
When you visit a pagoda or a temple, you should choose a very discreet, polite clothes which
might show your respect. You had better not go too far away from the tour guide in order not to
get lost.
Look forward to seeing you

9. about your important changes in your life in the last 3 years.

        Your letter should include:
         - education
         - social relationship
         - financial status
         - appearance (or family)
Dear Thu,
We have not met each other for a quite long time. It is 03 years since our graduation. My life has
changed a lot. I am now studying Master degree at National Economics University and there is
only one year left to graduate. I got married in October last year and not working now. My
husband works as an engineer with high salary. Thus my family have stably financial status.
After 03 years, I have changed a lot in my with fatter appearance and short hair. How is your life
Look forward to hear from you
Your sincerely, 

10. about the environmental problems in your neighborhood.

     Your letter should include:
-            what the environmental problems are ( air, water, noise, land)
-            what has caused these environmental problems
-            what should be done to help improve these situations.
Dear Thu,
I am living in Tu Liem District, Hanoi City. The area that I am living has good security and
friendly neighbors. In this area, living cost is low, road is wide and there are a lot of playgrounds
for children. It is near E Hospital which is very convenient for medical examination and
treatment. However, there are some bad things such as polluted air due to dust and noise from
apartment buildings where are under construction. The population density in this area is
crowded, traffic jam often occurs in rush hours.
Your sincerely,

11. about which city in Vietnam you really want lo live in the future.
     Your letter should include:
-            which city it is.
-             what there will be in it
-            Why you really want to live in it
Dear Thu,
After my journey to Danang, I think if I have a chance to move, I would love to settle there. Da
Nang is a coastal city with many beauty spots, fresh air, less traffic jam and cheap cost of living.
The price of a house in Da Nang is also cheaper than in Hanoi. Most important thing is the
moderate weather, less harsh than the weather of Northern. It is very suitable for people with
respiratory disease like me. How do you think if I move to Da Nang?
Please give me an advice.
Thank you
Your sincerely

12. about a happy memory in your childhood.

      Your letter should include:
-            which memory it was
-            when you got it
-            why it was happy
Dear Thu,
We have not met each other for a very long time since you move to settle in USA. It was
amazing when I saw you yesterday. Do you remember the time you teach me how to cook? It
seem to just happen yesterday But it is actually 05 years. At that time, we were only 20 years
old, but you can do every thing. And I am not able to do anything. So you must teach me to
cook. It was such an happy and funny time of our life. I am now so proud of cooking for my
family with a lot of delicious meals and my husband, he loves my foods so much. I look forward
to cook a great meal for you. Will you be free this Sunday? It is my honour if you could attend
our dinner at 7p.m
Please response me as soon as possible

13.  You are very good at English, aren’t you? Can you tell me how you learn English?
Do you have any secrets? And what must I do if I want to speak English well?
Dear Trang,
 I am quite good at English, including all four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Beside the time for English in the school, I also participate in many other English course.
Everyday, I spend 15 minutes to read or write something in English. My secret is to carry a
dictionary with me to look for new words. I listen to English music or watch movies with English
subtitle to improve my vocabulary and listening reflex. If you want to speak English better, you
should take part in communicative English course taught by English teachers.
Your sincerely  

14. giới thiệu về 1 trường học cho người nước ngoài

Dear Mr Peter,
There are now many international school in Hanoi. However, according to me, you should sign up
for your son in BVIS International school which is located at No 5, Kim Ma street, Ba Dinh
district, Hanoi and about 2 km away from you house. It only takes you 10 minutes to go to that
school by cars. BVIS is a prestigious school with the tuition of 14,000USD per one semester, 05
day teaching schedule and 02 days off of Saturday and Sunday. The class starts from 7.30 to
11.00 in the morning and from 13.30 to 17h30. The teachers are enthusiastic and highly
professional. This school is equipped with sufficient modern facilities. The learning environment
here is comfortable and can create the excitement for students. You can register for your son
from now and he can start to go to school at the beginning of the week.
Your sincerely,

15. học tiếng anh

I haven’t used English for 3 years. because my job doesn’t use English. my English is very bad
now. I am taking an English course for beginners at an English center. It is near my house.The
English course lasts for 03 months with 03 lessons per week. There are 20 people in my class
and the teacher is English. Tuition fee is 1,400,000 VND per course.I hope that after completing
the course, my English will be better, and I can speak English

Topic 1: I've just seen a brilliant program about dolphins on television. Which program have you enjoyed
recently? How much television do you watch?
Dear John,
I'm very happy when I received your letter. I know you've just seen a brilliant program about dolphins on
television. I'm writing this letter to tell you about program I have enjoyed recently.
Among many programs and channels available on TV these days such as the current news programs,
sport programs, entertaining programs, educational programs and movie programs, etc., I like the
program "the World of Animals" most. This program is usually shown on DISCOVERY CHANNEL every
day at 9 o'clock in the evening on CHANNEL 40 if you have payment television provided by VTV Cab. It's
also available on satellite digital television like K+. It often lasts about 45 minutes. In this program, stories
of the life of many animals in the world are told in a very lively way. For example, people can watch films
about monkeys, snakes, tigers, insects, birds, sea turtles, sharks,the world under water and even the
penguins and the polar bears in the far North & Sound Poles, etc. It's really interesting and fascinating. I
absolutely admire the filmmakers, cameramen and their co -workers about what they did to bring us lively,
dangerous and spectacular scenes of wildlife. Sometimes, I have to utter: "Oh My God", "How could they
film that?, "It's unbelievable when they filmed a hungry big white shark chasing prey or a King cobra
snake – the world's longest venomous snake opening his mount to bit and spray venom to cameraman.
That's truly dangerous situation. I think Vietnamese filmmakers can't ever do the same thing as they do.
While watching these films, I find the everyday life activities and habits of these animals very interesting
and full mysteries. In addition, I also learn that it is very important to protect these animals and their living
environments because they are part of our valuable natural world. Watching this program makes me very
well informed and relaxed after a day of work. I don't spend much time watching TV every day . I just want
to watch Discovery Channel and News to get information about life, economic, politics, etc. Another time I
spend surfing web, reading books or going out with my friends. It's much better than spend a lot of time
watching TV.
That's all for now. I hope to see you soon.
See you,
Topic 2: My daily life is busy and has a lot of fun. What about you? Please describe your weekday. How do
you deal with your work during the day? What are your hobbies after working? Do you enjoy your life?
Dear John,
I'm very happy when I received your letter. I'm writing this letter to tell you about my daily life. It seems my
life is always very full of activities and obligations so I never have much time for myself. During the week
I'm very busy. On weekdays, I usually have to get up at half past six even though I would really prefer to
sleep much later. After I get up I perform my morning routine of washing my face, brushing my teeth, etc. I
usually have breakfast at quarter to seven in the morning. After getting dressed, I drive to my office and
my workday starts at eight o'clock with plenty of work to deal with. Sometimes, it causes my stress but I
love my job as a civil engineer. I have lunch at 12 o'clock, after that I take a nap in a hour to refresh my
mind. I continue working until 5pm. I get home at 6 o'clock and playing football is my favorite sport after
work. It helps me healthy and keep fit. I have dinner with my parent at 8 o'clock . I like watching TV or
reading book after dinner. If I go out to meet my friends or have dinner, etc, I will come home by 11 p.m
because my parent don't allow me to come home late. Checking mail or comments on my Facebook is
the last thing I do before going to bed. I love my life and really enjoy it!
That's all for now. I Hope to see you soon.
See you,
Topic 3: I've just joined a film club. I've already seen some fantastic films. What kind of films do you like
Dear John,
I'm very happy when I received your letter. I know you have just joined a film club! That's great. I'm writing
this letter to tell you about my favorite kind of film I like watching.
I'm very interested in Comedy films. As you know, There are many forms of expression inside of
everybody; however the most common form is laughter. The sound of laughter can be heard all around
the worlds every second, it helps us relieve stress and makes us feel better about ourselves. Comedy
films play such an important role in helping us laugh. There are many forms of films out there today. In
spite of the recent incline in action and horror films today, comedy films has always been my number one
choice because it gives people an opportunity to look at humor in life, it usually has a pointless, useless
moral that we can relate to, and it allows you to look at things in a new light and possibly expand your
horizon to become a more optimistic person. All comedies always have one essential ingredient to make
it a great comedy, humor. All comedies give people an opportunity to look at humor in life and laugh at it.
Comedies usually show a hilarious scene for people to enjoy and laugh at. Many scenes which has a
outburst of crazy and ridiculous moments will not usually happen in our daily life, but its fun to enjoy . I
often watch comedies when I get upset, have stress because, laughing help me relax và bring balance
back to me. My favorite actors and actress are Xuan Hinh, Hoai Linh, Cam Van, Van Dung, etc. I can't
help laughing when I watch their comedies or hilarious sitcoms . It's really fun and very helpful to relieve
stress. That's the reason why I love watching comedy films.
That's all for now. I hope to see you soon.
See you,
Topic 4: You went to a party last weekend, didn't you? Did you have a good time there? Tell me about that
Dear John,
I'm very happy when I received your letter. I'm writing this letter to tell you about the party I went last
week. That was my best friend birthday party.
Huong is my close friend. She turned 25 recently and her parents held a birthday party for her. I was one
of those invited. The party began at about three in the afternoon. There were about twenty guests
gathered in her house. We were all dressed in our best clothes. Everyone, especially Huong was very
happy. We gave our presents to her and she happily opened them. It must really be exciting to receive all
those presents. After that her mother served us soft drinks and delicious titbits. We then played some
games like "Musical Chairs" and "Treasure Hunt". The winners were given prizes. At about four-thirty her
father brought out the birthday cake. It was beautifully decorated with pink and white ice cream. 25
colorful candles sat in the middle of the cake. We all sang "Happy Birthday" to Huong after which she
blew out the candles and cut the cake. Everyone clapped out hands eagerly. We helped ourselves to
slices of the delicious cake. Then we continued our games.
Finally at about six in the evening the party came to an end. We were all tired but happy. I helped Huong
and her parent clean up the mess we made. After that I walked home with a very good feeling .
That's all for now. Hope to see you soon.
See you,
Topic 5: In your last letter, you said you had moved to a new house in the city, what does it look like? What
kind of furniture have you got? Tell me about it.
Dear John,
I'm very glad when I received your letter. I'm writing to you now to tell about my new house in Hanoi city.
My house is on a small and quiet street in Hai Ba Trung District and the neighborhood is really nice. It
takes about half an hour to go to the city center and 40 minutes to drive to my office. There are some
shopping centers, supermarkets near my house that's the reasons why we bought this house. It isn't a big
house was built 5 years ago and painted in yellow. There is also a small garden where I can grow
vegetables and flowers. Next to the garden there is a small yard where my children often play after
school.There are 3 floors and four main rooms in my house: a living room, a dining rooms, two bedrooms.
Besides, we have a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. I like the living room was painted in light green. In
this room, we have a tea table, a sofa, a television and there are a couple of oil paintings on the wall.
After dinner, our family often spend time together talking to each other or watching our favorite TV
program. I love my house. Every day, when I come back home from work, I have a warm feeling of being
together with my whole family. Last week, I decided to buy a new shelf and a sofa at a furniture shop.
They were delivered to my house yesterday. I put the shelf next to the table on the left. The bright color of
the shelf goes well with the color of the wall behind it. I put the sofa in the right corner of the bed to sit on
when I want to watch TV or read books. Although it is quite far from my house to office, I still like it
because it's very quiet and comfortable. I really like my new house!
Well, that's all for now. Hope to see you soon.
See you,
Topic 6: I'm glad you like your job. In your next letter, tell me about it.
Dear John,
I'm very glad when I received your letter. I'm writing to you to tell you about my job.
I am now working as a senior engineer for a foreign company in Hanoi. My company name is POSCO
E&C. It's a very famous Korean company operating in construction field . I have had this job for more than
2years. I have to work from Monday to Saturday. I often drive to office at 7 o'clock to start my daily work
at 8 o'clock until 5 p.m. In my job, I am in charge of designing, estimating, setting up schedule,
supervision on the site sometimes. Besides, I also need to coordinate my work with other departments in
our company in order to run the company's business smoothly. To do this job besides my university
degree, I have to do some training courses in construction project management, site supervision,
designing etc. In addition, the other skills required for this job are communication, time management,
teamwork and presentation skills, etc...I really like my job because I am able to apply the knowledge and
skills of the field I studied in my work. In addition, I have a flexible working time, so I can make full use of
the time in the office and have time for research. Also, I am lucky to work with a very active and
supportive staff. One thing I don't like about this job is that I often have to travel, so I sometimes don't
have time for my family. I am planning to further my study to get a doctor degree.
That's all for now. Hope to see you soon.
See you,
Topic 7: I'm glad you like learning English. Your teacher sounds really nice – and your friend do too. Tell me
about your English classes.
Dear John,
I am so happy to hear from you. As you know, I have attended to an English class lately. I am very
interested in learning English because it is very useful for my job. My teacher is Mrs. Yen who is very
considerate and enthusiastic. She is 40 years old. She have a good knowledge of English and she shares
her experience freely. She knows how to make the lesson interesting and has a good method of teaching
There are 30 student in my class with many different ages. In spite of our age distance, we still have
ability to work harmoniously together. We usually play games about previous lessons, so we have many
chances to talk with each other in English, of course.
I love my teacher and all the students in my English class. Sadly, we will not study together for long.
That's all for now. I hope to see you soon.
See you,

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