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Florene Bhon Gumapac Grade 12 Dalton



1. How different animals sense their environment.


Sense their environment

Navigate and track prey by
echo location.


IN Navigate and track prey by
echo location.


Sense their surroundings with a lateral line system.

Forked tongue collects chemicals

from the air.

SHARK Use their sensitivity to the electric fields generated

by other animals in the water to track prey.


1. Explain echolocation in bats.

Bats navigate and track prey by echolocation. It is a form of hearing that allows them to
hear their surroundings by listening to and analyzing the way sound reflects off objects
(sound waves) in their environment.
Florene Bhon Gumapac Grade 12 Dalton

2. Discuss the evolution of the vertebrate eye.

Some of the most basic changes in the evolution of the vertebrate eye occurred in a few
tens of millions of years, around the period of the Cambrian explosion more than 500 Mya,
and possibly coincided with two genome duplications.

First, a basic chordate had simple paired photoreceptive organs that resembled the
unpaired organs of present Amphioxus and C. gastroenteritis (it seems very likely that during
evolution C. intestinalis has lost one member of what was once a pair). By 530 Mya, these
paired organs had grown laterally and formed a two-layered retina,' with ciliary
photoreceptors contacting projection neurons (which might have arisen from rhabdomeric
photoreceptor cells). The resulting organ would have been quite similar to an existing
hagfish's 'eye,' with a circadian and/or shadow-detecting function but no optical
components for imaging. The animal gained the ability to gather significantly more light
(potentially at vast depth) due to a large increase in the number of photoreceptors, lateral
location outside the skull, and de-pigmentation of the overlaying skin.

Following that, in evolutionary steps that closely paralleled the developmental steps seen in
extant metamorphosing lampreys, this primitive eye gained a lens, an increase in retinal
processing power (via the insertion of retinal bipolar cells), ganglion cell axon projection to
thalamic regions, and extraocular muscles. This eye, which was equivalent to the eye of
adult current lampreys, featured nearly all of the critical traits that characterize modern
vertebrate eyes and existed at least 500 Mya. Along with the evolution of the hagfish-like
lateral organs from non-imaging to imaging function, another part of the diencephalon
expanded to take over circadian function and evolved into the pineal organ.

3. The differences among striated or skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and cardiac muscle.

(a) Striated or Skeletal

Muscle Tissue

(b) Smooth Muscle


(b) Cardiac Muscle

Florene Bhon Gumapac Grade 12 Dalton



1. Explain why homeostasis is important to organisms.

The purpose of homeostasis is to keep an equilibrium around a point or value known as a

set point. While there will be typical deviations from the fixed point, the body's systems will
normally try to return to it. A stimulus is a change in the internal or external environment
that is sensed by a receptor; the system's response is to alter the deviation parameter
toward the set point. For example, if the body temperature rises too high, modifications are
made to cool the animal. If the blood glucose level rises after a meal, changes are made to
lower the blood glucose level by delivering the nutrient to tissues that require it or storing it
for later use.


1. Identify and describe 10 disorders that result from the disruption of homeostasis.

Diabetes - A commonly seen example of homeostatic imbalance is diabetes. Type 1 diabetes

prevents the body from creating insulin therefore, it disrupts homeostasis.

Cancer - cancer poisons a certain organ or organ system, disrupting homeostasis in a very
big way.

Sickle Cell - if one were to have Sickle Cell aimena then the blood would be very thin and
one would be constantly wary. One of these symptoms is Jaundice, the yellowing of the skin
and eyes. The liver becomes overwhelmed by the collapse of weakened blood cells, causing
damage and the eventual yellowing of the skin and eyes.

Asthma - is the difficulty of breathing or shortness of breath caused by the narrowing of

airways due to swelling or inflammation in the bronchial tubes.

Hemophilia - is where the blood does not properly clot, which causes spontaneous
bleeding. It is usually an inherited bleeding disorder.
Florene Bhon Gumapac Grade 12 Dalton

Hypothermia - is the rapid loss of body heat, which causes a dangerously lower body
temperature than normal.

Hyperthermia - is the abnormal increase in body temperature which is caused by the failure
to regulate the mechanisms of the body to deal with the heat coming from the environment.

Myocardial infarction - is when some part of the heart muscle doesn't get an adequate
supply of oxygen, which happens when the blood flow to the heart is blocked.

Anemia - is the low number of red blood cells or low hemoglobin or hematocrit. Hemoglobin
is the main protein of the red blood cells that carry oxygen and deliver it all throughout the
body. The low count of hemoglobin might cause the tissues and organs to not get an
adequate supply of oxygen.

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