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1 What is the lowest positive integer whose Least significant digit when moved to
Most significant position the new number is 3/5(or 3/4th) of original. (110)

Q.2 Some question on rotational speed of big wheel and small wheel.

Q.3 Some question on Big endian integers.

Q.4 To draw state transition diagram of combinational circuit counting number of

‘consecutive ones pairs’ in continuous input stream. Counting is mod 4 i.e returns to 00
after counting 11. (011110… has three pairs of consecutive ones).

Q.5 Ckt diag for Xor using only inverters and pass transistors.

Q.6 Combinational ckt to output 2’s complement of continuous input stream.

Q.7 To find maximum clock periods of four circuit of two cascaded D-f/fs having
different directions of clock and different position of buffers for delay. Also to find out
which circuit won’t work reliably as shift register.

Q.8 If in a RISC system a pair of stmt is replaced by a single stmt, to reduce number of
stmt, it increases clock period by 10%. If such pairs of stmts occurs 20% of time in
source code and only 80% of these are of particular type to be replaced did the
performance actually improved.

Q.9 True and false (ten)

o LFSR’s can’t generate all zero’s pattern.
o For each mealy M/C there is Moore and M/C and vice versa.

Q.10 not remembered.

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