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As the new Director of Business Unit at the Zanzibar University, you have been tasked with
developing a new service offering to attract and retain customers in a highly competitive market. Apply
the concept of service innovation to outline the steps you would take to develop and introduce a novel
service offering that meets the evolving needs and expectations of your target customers. Describe the
key elements and considerations you would take into account during the service innovation process,
including identifying customer insights, generating new service ideas, designing the service experience,
and implementing the offering. Provide specific examples and strategies to demonstrate your
understanding of service innovation and its application in creating innovative service offerings.

2. In today's dynamic service landscape, customer roles have evolved, and they now play a more
active and integral part in the service delivery process. As the new Director of the famous Hospital in
Zanzibar apply the concept of service innovation to outline the steps you would take to design a service
that effectively leverages and enhances customer roles. Describe how you would identify and
understand the changing customer roles and behaviors in your target market, and explain the strategies
you would employ to co-create value with customers through their active involvement. Provide specific
examples and considerations to demonstrate your understanding of service innovation and its
application in shaping customer roles for improved service experiences.

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