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Assalamua’alaikum wr.


I’m Sabitah Safa Aloydia from X-3 number 33, "Heal the World" is a song from Michael
Jackson's hit album, Dangerous, released in 1991.  “Heal The World” by Michael Jackson is
about being more considerate of others who are less fortunate in the world. The message this
song is sending is that we need to consider others lives, which are in great danger or people in
poverty around the world. It shows how powerful one gesture of kindness really is and how
someone can change the world and make it an enjoyable and loving place for everyone across
the world. everyone can change the world no matter what you are and what you do. This song
inspires me to help anyone who needs help. I don't care what race or color someone is, i just
want to help and make the world a great, new, awesome, and happy place. This song is a
beautiful song that talks about unity,peace, and equality. It says that we should treat each other
equally and stop the discrimination. We should have and do unity to have a better place, a
better world. We should stop all the wars, the killings, bombing abs everything that makes the
world wounded. Let us spread love and not hate. Love each other. That’s for the meaning of
“Heal The World” by Michael Jackson, and I would sing that song, here it is.

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