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PulmoVista® 500 (SW1.

30) – Basics: The Views Page 1

The Main view is used to continuously monitor the regional distribution of Tidal Volumes. The Dynamic Image
displays in real-time the distribution of regional volume changes during inspiration and expiration.
After having adjusted therapeutic settings, the reference function can be used to continuously assess whether
the lung condition remains stable.

The Fullscreen view hides the regional impedance curves and enlarges either the dynamic or status EIT
image. This view serves to improve the visualisation of ventilation and is typically used for educational and
demonstration purposes, or to provide bio-feedback for spontaneously breathing patients, e.g. during chest
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PulmoVista® 500 (SW1.30) – Basics: The Views Page 2

The PulmoVista 500 trend views can be used to compare two different points in time. Set Cursor Ref as a
reference point and move Cursor C to your point of interest to immediately see changes.

The End-inspiratory trend view is used to assess ventilation distribution during therapeutic interventions, by
comparing two different tidal images. Cursor Ref is typically set as reference point before the intervention, while
Cursor C can be set at different points during or after the intervention.
The Differential image highlights increases of ventilation in turquoise, decrease of ventilation in orange colour.
This view helps you identifying ventilation inhomogeneities, e.g. caused by derecruitment or overdistension.

The ∆EELI trend view is used to assess changes of End Expiratory Lung Impedance (∆EELI) during
therapeutic interventions. Cursor Ref is typically set as reference point before the intervention, while Cursor C
can be set at different points during or after the intervention. ∆EELI is strongly correlated with changes of EELV.
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PulmoVista® 500 (SW1.30) – Basics: The Views Page 3

The Diagnostics view provides dedicated functions for assessing commonly used therapeutic interventions:
• The “Recruitability” analysis allows estimating lung recruitability prior to recruitment manoeuvres.
Relevant information on lung recruitment can be derived from regional changes of lung compliance and
end-expiratory lung volume, which are both displayed by this function.
• The “PEEP trial” analysis is a dedicated view for the automatic analysis of incremental or decremental
PEEP manoeuvres. This view displays and quantifies regional compliance changes and delays in regional
ventilation, which are known to be indicators of alveolar collapse, overdistension and tidal recruitment.
• The function “Customized” analysis enables the evaluation of any other therapeutic interventions, like
e.g. slow changes of lung compliance during the pronation of the patient.

With all three functions, Regional Ventilation Delay (RVD) can be assessed.
The parameter RVD defines the extent of the temporal delay of the regional inspiration compared to the global
inspiration and can – under certain preconditions – indicate cyclical opening and closing.

Regional Ventilation Delay (RVD) – Colour map

Dark Grey
Pixels with same temporal behavior like the global
impedance waveform

Delayed regional vs. global inspiration
Early regional vs. global inspiration

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PulmoVista® 500 (SW1.30) – Basics: The Views Page 4

Recruitability analysis

The function Recruitability enables the simultaneous evaluation and quantification of changes in the
compliance and end-expiratory lung volume, particularly as a result of recruitment manoeuvres.

Orange C loss - decrease of compliance against reference

EELI loss - endexpiratory lung impedance loss against reference

Turqoise C win - increase of compliance against reference

EELI win - endexpiratory lung impedance win against reference

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PulmoVista® 500 (SW1.30) – Basics: The Views Page 5

PEEP trial analysis

The PEEP trial function enables the automatic analysis of incremental or decremental PEEP manoeuvres,
in which the PEEP is increased or decreased in steps.

Dark Grey Pixels with maximum compliance

Orange C loss HP - Decrease of compliance towards higher PEEP levels – This typically
occurs in ventral regions at high PEEP levels and may be interpreted as
The parameter C loss HP = 10 means, that in this image there was a cumulative
decrease of 10% in those (orange) regions, while the highest C was identified at a
lower PEEP value.

White C loss LP - Decrease of compliance towards lower PEEP levels – This typically
occurs in dorsal regions at low PEEP levels and may be interpreted as collapse or

The parameter C loss LP = 5 means, that in this image there was a cumulative
decrease of 5% in those (white) regions, while the highest C was identified at a
higher PEEP value.

The parameters next to the images show the cumulative decrease / increase in percent in those

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PulmoVista® 500 (SW1.30) – Basics: The Views Page 6

Customized analysis

The Customized function enables the evaluation of any other ventilation-therapeutic interventions. Both
functions facilitate the evaluation of manoeuvres and interventions.

Dark Grey Pixels with no change against Reference

Orange C loss - Decrease of compliance against Reference

Turqoise C win- Increase of compliance against Reference

The parameters next to the images show the cumulative decrease / increase in percent in those

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PulmoVista® 500 (SW1.30) – Basics: The Views Page 7

The Ptp analysis view is automatically activated if the PressurePod is connected to the PulmoVista
cockpit. This view and the shown parameters allow discriminating the elastic behaviour of the lung and
the chest wall, estimating the degree of spontaneous respiratory effort and determining the maximum
stress on the lung tissue. In the clinical routine this could help you to e.g. assess tendency of alveolar
collapse, detect patient-ventilator asynchronies or predict weaning failure.

Displayed Waveforms

• Airway Pressure (Paw) representing Alveolar Pressure (Palv) and allowing to determine the
compliance and elastance of the whole respiratory system.

• Esophageal Pressure (Pes) representing Pleural Pressure (Ppl) and determining the elastic
behaviour of the chest wall.

• Transpulmonary Pressure (Ptp)

(will be calculated: Ptp = Paw – Pes)
representing the distending pressure of the
lung and used for determining the lung elastance.

• Gastric Pressure (Pga) representing Abdominal

Pressure (Pabd) and allowing estimating the
trans-diaphragmatic pressure Pdi, which is used
for assessing the diaphragmatic function and
respiratory muscles.

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