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Some academic words and structures

Academic Words
 STRESS (be under stress / enormous stress/ stresses and strains of the material life)
 Considerable/extreme/great + stress
 lays great stress on

There are many approaches to blunt stress; we could take some physical steps/ actions include
meditation, yoga, and exercise, besides that, psychological strategies include leaning on loved
ones or in more severe cases seeing a mental health professional.  have a feeling

 GLOBAL  on a global scale/ global village

Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature. Though/
Although/ Much as/ Even though this warming trend has been going on for a long time, its pace
has significantly/ sharply increased in the last hundred years due to the burning of fossil fuels

 ENERGY full of energy/ focus his/her energies on/ solar-wind-renewable-hydro energy/

an energy crisis/ a ball of energy/fire/ energy efficiency

We ourselves should focus our energies on strict study

Renewable energy can play an important/ the key/ vital/ essential/sterling role in reducing
greenhouse gas emissions. Using renewable energy can reduce the use of fossil fuels, which
are the largest sources of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. (White Horse) – modern/ proper
waste treatment: Sweden

 day by day/ year after year/ year on year

 disposable  the disposable #biodegradable products
 public public/ state-owned# private education system/ public purse/ budget

Vocabulary for ENVIRONMENT 01


Damage/destroy the environment/a marine ecosystem/the ozone layer/coral reefs: phá hủy
môi trường/hệ sinh thái dưới nước/tầng ozon/rặng san hô
Address/combat/tackle the threat/effects/impact of climate change: giải quyết/chống lại/ xử
lí những đe dọa/ảnh hưởng/tác động của biến đổi khí hậu
Fight/take action on/reduce/stop global warming: đấu tranh/hành động/giảm/ngăn chặn sự
nóng lên toàn cầu
Limit/curb/control air/water/atmospheric/environmental pollution: hạn chế/ngăn chặn/kiểm
soát sự ô nhiễm không khí, nước, bầu khí quyển, môi trường
Cut/reduce pollution/greenhouse gas emissions: giảm sự ô nhiễm hoặc lượng khí thải nhà kính
Offset carbon/CO2 emissions: làm giảm lượng khí thải carbon/CO2 HR
Academic Structures
Structure 1: S1 + V1, as a more complete picture, S2 + V2
As a wonderful invention/ era contrivance at the time, the human enjoys all convenient
features of Facebook, as a more complete picture, we could mutually interact with the loved
one and gain access to the updated information at our fingertips
Structure 2: S1 + V1 with the leaven of /due to/ owing to Noun
The entertaining activities nowadays seem much more various and complicated than the ones
before, however, the violence tendency among the current youth is drastically increasing with
the leaven of/ due to the parental irresponsibility and ignorance
Structure 3: It's a well-known fact that S + V
It's a well-known fact that stresses and strains of the material life seem as the root cause of
the personality changes and psychological disorders as the depression or social isolation.


Dạng câu hỏi Opinion (Agree - Disagree)
Dấu hiệu nhận biết dạng Opinion
 Do you agree or disagree with the above opinion?
 What is your opinion?
 Do you agree or disagree?

 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Yêu cầu bắt buộc khi làm bài

Thời gian Số từ Ghi chú

Đọc đề + Ra ý 5 minutes
Viết mở bài 5 minutes 35-45
Viết Body 1+ 2 20 minutes 105-120 *2= 210-240
Viết kết bài 3 minutes 20-30
Đọc lại bài 2 minutes

OPENING Topic (lưu ý cần paraphrase đề)+ opinion (noted)

BODY Body 1: (Opening)/ Main idea/ Explain 1/(Explain 2)/
Body 2: (Opening)/ Main idea/ Explain 1/(Explain 2)/
(Opening)/Idea 1- Ex/ Idea 2- Ex/(Sum)
SUM Reaffirm the opinion

Mẫu form gợi ý

(With Noun), it is a common belief that/ some people opine that + đề tài bài thi. However/
Individually, I firmly believe that + S+ V. And this essay will address the reasons for my
views as follow.
Body 1
To begin with, a large number of advocates are inclined towards the fact that + luận điểm 1.
this is because S + (have the propensity for)/ V. To put it simply, S+ V. According to a recent
survey,/ As the prime example, S + V. Generally, S + V
Body 1
On top of that, it is factual that S + V. Specifically, S + V. Consequently, S+ V. From my
perspectives, S + V. As all things mentioned above, S+ V
In conclusion/ To sum up/ In brief, S + V. For these reasons, + it is clear that + ý kiến cá nhân

The poor children will be the successful people more easily than the rich one. A/D

The rich countries should help the poor one to improve the workforce for the general
development. A/D
It is fiercely argued that more developed countries should open qualified employment
opportunities for developing and underdeveloped ones; however, others opine that it is
redundant to impose that policy to some extent. Individually, I concur that such
authorization should be enacted towards the human benefit equality as well as tackling the
poverty and other social problems.
As the foremost, fighting poverty is considered as an international responsibility, so
collaborative endeavors among economic regions should be shaped and expanded. The
alarming unemployment may be a major concern triggering poverty in destitute areas; one
strong solution to this problem is to create the general partnership with the wealthier in
order to facilitate the working-class citizen to meet the requirement of skills and knowledge
for life-long employment. By applying this decision, skilled employees from impoverished
zones could be completely exploited to run the national economy effectively. Generally, the
long-term stability of global countries is created by the mutual support and interaction
among them.
Furthermore, the use of in-demand and talented people from deprived countries could hugely
contribute to the shared advantage between prosperous and underprivileged cities. For
promising cities, this initiative could help increase the citizen’s income because of the
availability of knowledgeable Human Resource to serve to their job. Besides that, the nature
of business and globalization requires rich countries to have talented individual from
different parts of the world to better the understanding of other countries’ customer
segments. Top-level organizations like Google, Microsoft and Samsung already have the
source of employees from other places, and other organizations in advanced countries should
follow this trend as well.
All in all, I am favor of the idea that more developed countries should give opportunities for
less ones to have talents and intelligence serving to the win-win benefit

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