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Reflection Topic: Intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation

Describe an example of when you were extrinsically motivated by something. What was
your goal and what motivated you?

I was extrinsically motivated in the workplace a couple of years ago, being just a
manager at a small company at that stage. The opportunity arose to become a partner and
the benefits were a lot better. My goal was to increase our target to generate more
revenue for the company in the upcoming months in order to become a partner, my
motivation was the financial reward afterwards and the benefits that came along with it.

Describe an example of when you were intrinsically motivated by something. What was
your goal and what motivated you?

I was intrinsically motivated the day I started to learn to fly. As a kid, I think
everyone has dreams to become something out of the ordinary, for example and astronaut
etc. I wanted to become a pilot, and I started to learn to fly at a fairly young age. My goal
was to be one of the safest and most professional pilots out there and I wanted to fly
everything that has wings. My motivation was purely the satisfaction to feel free and
happiness that came with it.

Based on your examples, explain the difference between intrinsic motivation and
extrinsic motivation. Was one more effective? Be sure to reflect on how each type of
motivation made you feel.

The difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation was the fact that
extrinsic motivation was more influence by an external factor, status and financial gain in
my case and the result was rewarding, and with intrinsic motivation it was more of a
personal satisfaction and it made me feel very good and happy. Intrinsic motivation was
more effective for me as the feeling I got to achieve what I achieve was far greater than
financial reward.

Finally, based on what you have learned about motivation, describe what motivates you
to learn. Are you an intrinsically motivated learner or an extrinsically motivated learner?

I am most definitely an intrinsically motivated learner. My motivation is more

about personal feelings and emotion, there is no words that can describe the exact feeling
of happiness you feel when you receive a good grade and the achievement one day of
graduating with a degree will top it all. The satisfaction of completing something great is
a reward on its own.

Word Count: 303

APA Exercise

What was the full reference for the website you found for the Week 2 APA exercise? (If
your instructor gave you feedback on how to correct your reference, be sure to write the
correct reference this week.)

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. (n.d.). Nutrient reduction strategy. Minnesota

Pollution Control Agency.

What was the in-text citation for the website you found for the Week 2 APA exercise? (If
your instructor gave you feedback on how to correct your citation, be sure to write the
correct citation this week.)

“Nutrients come into lakes and rivers primarily from agricultural and urban lands and in
discharges of wastewater from treatment systems.” (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency,

Find a sentence about water pollution in your webpage, and copy and paste it here.

The strategy specifies goals and provides a framework for reducing phosphorus and
nitrogen levels.

Take the sentence from #3, and using the APA rule for short quotations, put the sentence
in quotation marks while adding an APA in-text citation at the end.

“The strategy specifies goals and provides a framework for reducing phosphorus
and nitrogen levels.” (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, n.d.)

Re-read the sentence from #3, and re-write the sentence in your own words while adding
an APA in-text citation at the end. (This is called paraphrasing.)
The strategy establishes objectives and a framework for lowering phosphorus and
nitrogen levels. (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, n.d.)

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