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Group: gỏi gà măng cụt

Bùi Thảo Quỳnh

Nguyễn Thị Phương Thảo
Đỗ Thuỳ Trang
Nguyễn Thị Thu Hiền
1/ Who are managers ?
First of all, management is a position that plays an important role in the overall
success of a company. They are responsible for leading a team or an individual
to achieve the goals and performance indicators for the company. Thus,
managers are often tasked with performing four basic management functions:
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
For example, Tim Cook has been very successful in the role of CEO of Apple,
he is called “genius manager” of Apple. Tim Cook is a strict leader at work, but
he always uses his sincerity to motivate employees. He always creates the best
working environment for employees based on their interests.
2/ What do managers do ?
To become a manager, you must master basic skills such as planning,
organizing, directing and controlling resources to achieve specific goals:
- Planning: you must know the purpose, how to achieve that goal in the future.
- Organization: is the allocation of resources (people, equipment and money)
appropriately to carry out the company’s plans.
- Directing: is the process of guiding and directing employees and motivating
them to achieve organizational goals.
- Control: perform actual versus expected performance comparisons and take
timely corrective action to reduce risks.
3/ What is the process ?
The process is a series of steps and decisions involved in the way work is
completed. We may not realized it, but process are everywhere and in
everywhere aspect of leisure and work.
There are many examples of the process acquiring knowledge and learning
leading to excellent success that we all need to learn, not without Uncle Ho, who
overcame many perserance to learn little by little, not afraid of difficulties and
hardships to bring about great success is gaining independence for the country.
4/ What is an organization?
- An organization is a structured and coordinated group of individuals or entities
that work together to achieve specific goals or objectives. Organizations can
take various forms, such as corporations, non-profit organizations, government
agencies, educational institutions, or community groups.
5) Explain hierachy of need of Abroham Maslow. Give practical example
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology
comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical
levels within a pyramid.

The first is the physiological needs such as breathing, eating, drinking, sleeping,
wearing,... When people feel awake and full, they want to be safe. how can we
earn money, a place to stay, and a place of security for us, when we have
achieved security, we want to be loved, to belong to someone, to belong to a
group or organization . Right at the moment we felt part of a group we wished
we were different from the organization. At stage 4: esteem we seek respect,
want to be someone. When we have all of the above, only then will we reach the
5th stage of self actualization: at this stage we will feel more creative and ready
to face any setbacks and be ready. willing to accept and modify.
Example: This tower can be applied in human resource manegement, when the
boss can meet the basic needs of employees at each level food -> insurance ->
colleagues -> respect from that can motivate employees to work more
productive and creative and can retain talented employees.

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