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7/26/2019 IELTS Essay Ideas: Female Staff in Senior Positions


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IELTS Essay Ideas: Female Staff in Senior
Positions Current IELTS exam topics and questions:

February 23, 2015 by Liz 10 Comments Recent exam questions

Here is an IELTS writing task 2 essay about management positions and gender
with ideas given below. Post Your IELTS Results

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Most high level positions in companies are filled by men even though Post Your Test Results
the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 per cent
female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage
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of these positions to women.
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Why companies should give a percentage of senior positions to women
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equal rights and opportunities for men and women
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it avoids discrimination June 8, 2019

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that a certain percentage of management is also female
women have valuable skills of communication and diplomacy for high level
positions IELTS Extra Information

Why companies should not give a percentage of senior positions to women IELTS Book List

IELTS Band Scores

it is unrealistic to stipulate a certain percentage of one gender
companies cannot be sure that they will receive suitable female applicants to Useful Websites for IELTS
fill a certain percentage of senior positions
this forces companies to fulfill percentages even though it may be to their
senior positions should be allocated based on experience, skills and
qualifications not gender


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Filed Under: IELTS Writing Task 2 Tagged With: topic ideas, work topic


Vy says
December 8, 2017 at 4:11 pm

Hi Liz, would you have a look at this essay? I have a high demand for IELTS
score and don’t know if I can get one. Thanks for your help, it would be a pleasure for me
if I can get your response.

Although women take a higher percentage, more than 50% in a total workforce of
industrialized countries, men are a dominant class by holding a certain number of senior
positions in companies. to my point, i must say that key positions should be shared to
both male and female, depending on their performances, not to make an equal
It is undeniable that authorities play an essential role, and determine the future of its own
companies, so there should be applicants who fit the positions validly in efficacy and
proficiency. for example, what the products they mainly invest in, how much the budget
will be spent on marketing, is decided by the CEOs of companies. hence, if these leaders
appear without capacity and vision in this field, they will put an end to their factory’s
As regarding biological perspective, women are likely to be manipulated in feelings;
therefore, emotional decisions are made instead of strict ones. obviously, either managing
employee or negotiating with a partner, emotional influences can lead to a financial loss,
by keeping ones that should be rejected or commi ing to unprofitable terms and
However, giving women an opportunity to prove they qualified also bring a variety of
benefits. for instance, varying the gender of the dominant class can offer companies
diverse opinions and creative strategies for handling the challenges of the complicated
economy. in addition, the female leader can also be ideal for negotiation due to their
gentleness and flexibility to reach an agreement that harsh approaches are arduous to get.
in conclusion, the distribution of gender across senior positions is unnecessary and
should depend on individual efforts rather than on their gender, but each gender, both
male and female have their own different talent.


Liz says
December 8, 2017 at 8:09 pm

Sorry I don’t comment on writing.


Sen says
October 6, 2017 at 7:52 am

Hi Liz,

Thank you very much for your invaluable articles that are helping many aspiring IELTS
candidates like me.

This is my first comment and hoping you could help me review my task-2 essay. I have
my exam in another 8 days from now. Thanks in advance and appreciate if you could

It is an undeniable fact that very few top positions in an organization are held by women, 2/5
7/26/2019 IELTS Essay Ideas: Female Staff in Senior Positions
despite the reality that there are more female workers in the workforce compared to men.
As a result, many argue that certain percentage of these positions needs to be reserved for
women. While I agree that more women deserve to be in executive roles, I disagree with
this idea of reservation based on gender.
It is quite astonishing that even in the advanced countries, women are denied managerial
jobs not because of their qualifications but due to their gender. However, reservation
system is not the right solution, in a sense that companies sometimes might end up
recruiting an unqualified candidate in a bid to fulfill the reservation category. Therefore,
other efficient ways of dealing with this problem needs to be considered.
One such way of resolving this issue is by introducing stringent company policies
wherein a strict action including termination needs to be taken against those individuals
indulging in gender biasing during the recruitment process. This way, a skilled and
qualified candidate is appointed irrespective of their gender.
Another way of overcoming this is by ensuring that the educational institutions
incorporate this subject of gender equality right from the school curriculum. Even though
this is a long term approach, it will make sure that future generation of recruiters will give
importance to the required skill set, educational qualifications and other leadership skills
rather than indulging in gender partiality.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that instead of reservation, other realistic and more result
oriented approaches needs to be considered to ensure proper talent is rewarded.


Mai says
November 3, 2017 at 2:11 pm

Hi, I read your essay, I feel that you went off topic because you didnt really
answer the question ehich was to what extend is it right..I feel that your esay was really
good and rich but for the solutions of the problems, and not to the question.


Unique says
November 14, 2016 at 12:23 pm

Hi Liz,
I read through some of the essays and found out that some were talking about strength in
terms of the build of the body and I believe the topic is says “high level jobs” which I feel
depends more on intellect, qualification and skills


Unique says
November 14, 2016 at 12:18 pm

Hi Liz,
I read through some of the essays and found out some were talking about strength in
terms of the build of the body and I believe the topic is talking about high level jobs which
I feel depend more on intellect, qualification and skills, such jobs as, managers, directors,
heads of department, etc.


rajinder says
May 5, 2016 at 5:04 am

world has changed a lot than past, but men still hold the right to seize some
higher level positions in almost every field some say this is hindering women’s success.
some experts suggest that reserving certain job positions for women could make both
gender have equal place in the world . for several reasons , I believe that this idea could
have bad effect on some other experts male workers .

to begin , it is undoubtedly true that women have shown their worth in society by
standing up for their rights , history has illustrates that there were numerous of women 3/5
7/26/2019 IELTS Essay Ideas: Female Staff in Senior Positions
who fought for their nation with dignity and helped men to conquer our most intractable
challenges . however , their willingness to put enemies down is still being admired by
large number of men solders. this is why some people believe that women deserve same
positions in high level jobs as men do.

on the contrary , almost everyone does its best to get top position in job sector . the notion
of saving some jobs for women can bring criticize among both gender .in other words ,
companies always choose their employees by assessing their organizational skills and life
experience not by any gender. moreover , this idea could force the mighty organizations
to hire women even when the job requires expert employees which makes owner of
company disappointed .furthermore reserving job for women would prevent some men
to get a good career because companies would have to close down men recruitment , so
they can have same number of women . Not to mention , it is not like there is not any
women who is not selected as top supervisor in any company.Again it is up to the
performance that they do during their whole life and in interview.

To conclude , i would like to say it again , work has nothing to do with gender , giving
opportunities to women by saving some top jobs in mighty organization would make
companies put be er male workers down on the name of equalizing gender in the work

please Ma’am, replay as soon as possible , is my essay worth 6 bands ??????????


Liz says
May 5, 2016 at 8:37 am

h ps://


Prachi says
November 26, 2015 at 6:01 am

Hi Liz
In writing section part 2, if we completely agree to the statement in the question, do we
still have to provide points which are against that statement?


Liz says
November 26, 2015 at 7:13 pm

h ps://


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