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Dear Taban and Cecilia,

I believe the below actions will improve your quality of work and make your job much easier. Please
feel free to discuss them with your next Supply Manager, if you wish. It was a pleasure working with

- Filing. Closed POs in separate folders for each year. You will need more than 1 folder for
each year. Arrange POs in order of sequence. i.e. PO00280, PO00281, etc. Ongoing POs in a
separate folder for each year too. Each time you make a reception, bundle it with its PO until
the PO is closed, and then move the PO to the Closed POs file. Why not to file your Monthly
procurement reports too for easy access!
- Validation. Be very careful on the validation of POs. Always consult the validation table.
- Mondays and Thursdays are IR processing days. This doesn’t mean that the rest of the days
you will be laying on a hammock drinking piña coladas. These days are for finalizing IR
processing, filing, Unifield data cleanup, reporting (monthly procurement report, backorder
report, etc), following up with suppliers, and more. Inform your Manager if you run out of
things to do.
- Continue learning. Ask your Managers or the HR Manager about the next trainings on a new
thing you want to learn! Don’t wait for them to come to you. Nudge them!

- Find a solution to key management. We cannot be opening the WHs and starting work
everyday after 8am. One possible solution are the doctors who come to the hospital at 7am.
They can take the keys with them and leave them to the watchmen for half an hour until you
- Filing. Same points as the ones above for Taban. However, for the medical warehouse I
would also think about filing donation certificates, MMSR, and expired items.
- Labels. Please label the shelves on the Med and Log WHs.
- Log WH admin area. You can put a small desk and two chairs for admin work in the Log WH.
- Cargo to be checked and receptions to be completed within 2 working days. Please make
sure that the cargo is checked, and the receptions are closed ASAP to ensure that we can file
a claim for missing cargo or for cargo quality. We have cargo in KK received months ago
which we are still not aware of!
- Ask you Manager to prioritize your tasks. Don’t assume that something you are doing has
higher priority than what your Manager has asked you to do. Most of the times, the
Manager has information that you may not have, so, trust your Manager when they tell you
that X is more urgent than Y.
- Continue learning. Ask your Managers or the HR Manager about the next trainings on a new
thing you want to learn! Don’t wait for them to come to you. Nudge them!

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