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Ula : “Good Evening Miss. I am sorry to bother you.

Yulia : “It is OK. What can I do for you?”
Ula : “I don’t know why this happen. But my baby can’t stop crying and I
found that the umbilical cord is wet. Is that a problem?”
Yulia : “Can you sent me a photo of the umbilical cord, please?”
Ula : “Just a second, please.”
Yulia : “Mmmmmhh.. OK. Let me see. I think it is a normal. But you have to
take care of your baby’s umbilical cord clean and dry.”
Ula : “I have no idea. Could you please explain to me?”
Yulia : “With a pleasure. The umbilical cord will fall off in 1-2 weeks. Like any
other wound, it ends up healing, scabbing, and going away. It will
change in colour from a yellowish green to brown and black as it dries
and falls off on its own. It's natural to see a bit of dried blood or a little
bit of crust near the stump; however, you should see a doctor
immediately if the stump produces a smelly discharge or yellowish pus,
continues to bleed, or is swollen and red.”
Ula : “Then, how to clean the umbilical cord?”
Yulia : “First, Clean it with plain water and dry it with a clean and absorbent
cloth. Please, Make sure to wash your hands before you handle it. And
then, stick to giving your baby sponge baths until it falls off.
Ula : “What about using diapers?”
Yulia : “Expose it to air so the base dries out, keeping the front of your baby's
diaper folded down so it is uncovered. Keep it dry. Let the stump fall off
at its own pace.”
Ula : “I think it is enough for me. I’ll try to. Thank you.”

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