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-which of the following list should a bosun holding a toolbox talk with a group of ratings do and not do?

Not Do(Read out risk ass without interruption, rush through the talk, assume the ratings understand,
assume the ratings know how to do the job, stress the need to do the job quickly) Do (ask questions,
Give reasons, Check they understand, watch for signs that they don’t understand, stress the need to do
the job correctly and safely)

-Which of the following jobs require a permit to work: work on pressurized equipment, work requiring
isolation of electricity/heat, entry into enclosed space, work involving toxic materials, working aloft or

-inexperienced people have nothing to contribute to risk assessment (False)

-Who benefits from risk assessment (All yes)

-The meeting to create a written risk assessment should be a conversation during which those involved
use their previous experience to solve problems. If they are using an existing risk assessment they
modify this to take account of current circumstances. It is important that they agree the actions needed
to reduce the risk.

-Which of the following can risk assessment be applied to? (All yes)

-Risks should always be reduced to as low a level as possible (true)

-A hazard is a source of harm or danger or a situation which causes harm or danger (False)

-Please put the steps in the following procedure in the correct order (Identify hazards, assess risks,
decide on actions, implement actions, monitor and review)

-Different people have different perceptions of risk (true)

-The more detail a risk assessment contains, the better (False)

-The best way to make decision about whether a routine job requires a written job description is: discuss
it at a work planning meeting

-It is better to use open questions than closed questions to test peoples understanding at a toolbox talk

-There is less need to carry out risk assessments on ships with very experienced crews (False)

-When planning a particular joba previous risk assessment is a helpful starting point (true)

-Risk is a measure of how likely the hazard is to cause harm or damage (False)

-There should be separate daily or weekly workplans – one for the engine room and one for the deck

-Risk is a combination of likehood and consequences

-Some risk ass. Procedures distinguish between controls and attions. Controls are precautions which
should always be in place. Actions are precautions which have to be applied th the particular job whose
risks are being assessed.

-The decisions to carry out a formal, risk assessment for a particular job should form part of the work
planning process on board (False)

-Decisions about whether particular jobs require a written risk assessment, a permit to work or a
toolbox talk are always taken on board (False)

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