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B2 First: Use of English 26

Part 3 Word Formation

For Questions 1-8, read the sentences below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in
the gap.

1. The Sultan spent over fifty million dollars making the capital city's main hotel the most _____ in the
country. LUXURY
2. Police working on solving the bank robbery have by chance _____ a plan to murder a leading politician.
3. We should go and eat at "Marco’s" which is _____ a great little restaurant. SUPPOSE
4. I left the house at 8am and stared at the empty garage in _____. My car was nowhere to be seen. Someone
had stolen it! BELIEVE
5. If you have any problems finding things, just ask Roger. He is very  and will tell you where to find what
you want. HELP
6. You paid $25 for a simple breakfast?! They have certainly _____ you! You should go back and complain.
7. The gang robbed three banks in the same city and all at about the same time. Not _____, they were caught
by the police during the fourth attempt. SURPRISE
8. Sarina is only my half sister because we have _____ mothers. DIFFER

Part 4 Key Word Transformations

For questions 1-8, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the
word given.

1. Many people think Steve stole the money.

Steve ______________________________ the money.
2. The strong winds blew down the two ancient trees during the storm.
The two ancient trees ______________________________ the storm.
3. He doesn't have enough money to buy the computer.
The computer ______________________________ to buy.
4. “You should start a new hobby, Mr. Jenkins”, the doctor said.
The Doctor advised ______________________________ a new hobby.
5. We have been waiting here since half past ten.
We have been waiting ______________________________ one hour.
6. The man suddenly realised that the neighbor was watching him.
The man suddenly realised that he ______________________________ the neighbor.
7. I could never have passed that exam without your help.
I could never have passed that exam ______________________________ me.
8. We paid some people to landscape the garden for us last year.
We ______________________________ last year.

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