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ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

Life cycle assessment of coconut oil product

M Yani1*, D P M L Toruan1, T Puspaningrum1, M S Sarfat1 and C Indrawanto2

Department of Agroindustrial Technology, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia, 16680
Indonesian Center for Agricultural Technology Assessment and Development,
Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Indonesian Ministry
of Agriculture, Bogor, Indonesia, 16114


Abstract. The objective of this study was to analyse the life cycle of the coconut oil industry
and process improvement alternatives. The life cycle analysis (LCA) method are based on the
scope of the gate to gate. This study shows that the input for coconut oil production consists of
copra as the main raw material and several supporting materials and energy. The outputs are
coconut oil, coconut pulp pellets, and waste (liquid, solid, and gas). The total potential GHG
emissions, acidification, and eutrophication per-kg-coconut-oil-products are 2.9271 kg-CO₂ eq,
0.0178 kg-SO2-eq, and 0.0145 kg-PO₄-³-eq. The highest GHG emissions produced from the
Crude Coconut Oil Plant sub-system was 1.2045 kg-CO₂eq per-kg-coconut-oil. The acidification
potential produced from the Boiler Plant and Transportation sub-system with the potential value
was 0.0094 kg-SO2-eq and 0.0084 kg-SO2-eq per-kg-coconut-oil, respectively. The
eutrophication potential produced from the Boiler Plant and Transportation sub-system with a
potential value was 0.0026 kg-PO₄-³-eq and 0.0119 kg PO₄-³-eq pe- kg-coconut-oil, respectively.
Optimization of energy usage can be done by optimizing fuel, water, and electricity in each sub-
system of coconut oil production. The NEV and NER values result in 40,998,456 MJ and 1.0971,

Keywords: acidification, coconut oil, eutrophication, GHG, LCA, NEV, NER

1. Introduction
Based on Asia Pacific Coconut Chamber (APCC) data in 2013, the world's coconut area is 12.48 million
hectares, and the world's coconut production is 73.81 billion pieces. Indonesia is a country with the
largest coconut plantation area globally, with an area of 31% of the world's coconut area. In terms of
production, Indonesia occupies the second position after India, where 22% of world coconut production
is produced by Indonesia [1].
According to the Director-General of Plantation, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of
Indonesia, in 2014, the value of the export volume of Indonesian coconut processed products tended to
increase significantly [1]. The development of the coconut processing industry provides benefits and
contributes to the environmental impact. Industrial development will increase the use of fuel or
electricity, emissions, and waste, which will cause environmental impacts such as greenhouse gases
To whom any correspondence should be addressed.

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

(GHG), acidification, and eutrophication.

Based on the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the national action plan
for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (NAP-GHG), Indonesia has voluntarily committed to reducing
GHG emissions by 26% by 2020. It could increase to 41% if there is international funding support. To
realize these goals and targets, the industrial sector in Indonesia must contribute to supporting it,
especially the coconut processing industry. LCA is one method that can analyse impacts, especially
GHG emissions, and provide alternative improvements to reduce the resulting impacts so that the
national action plan for reducing GHG emissions can run well.
LCA is a method that can evaluate the environmental impact caused by a product at each stage of
the production process or activity of its life cycle which involves the materials and energy balances that
occur in the production process. Environmental impacts that can be observed with the LCA method are
global warming, acidification, eutrophication, depletion of the ozone layer, decreased abiotic resources,
toxicity to humans both from toxic materials in soil, water, and air as well as animals and plants exposed
to toxic materials and consumption, as well as other impacts [2].
It is important to conduct an LCA study on the coconut processing industry to make the production
process environmental friendly and the product accepted by the domestic and foreign (export) markets.
The results of this study can be used as information to study LCA in the coconut processing industry so
that the application of sustainable environmental management can be implemented.
The general objective of this study is to analyze the life cycle of the coconut processing industry
using the LCA method. The specific objectives of this research are:
1. Identify the inputs (resources) used and the outputs (products, by-products, waste, and emissions)
generated from the coconut processing industry.
2. Calculate the life cycle of the coconut processing industry (crude coconut oil, cooking oil, and
copra extraction pellet) and the impact on the environment.
3. Obtain alternative recommendations for reducing environmental impacts.

2. Method

2.1. Data types and sources

The data used in this study are primary and secondary. Primary data were obtained through direct
observation, interviews with industrial workers or experts, and laboratory test results. Observations were
made to identify energy use and emissions generated at each stage of coconut oil production.
Observations were made to obtain primary data not contained in the secondary data from the literature
study. Secondary data was obtained through literature study in reference books, research journals, and
other literature sources. The research data used were obtained from the production process, including
input and output of processed coconut products in one of the coconut oil industries in Indragiri Hilir
Regency, Riau (Table 1).

Table 1. Necessary data

Data Data type
Input Input of raw materials and auxiliary materials, mass balance, energy balance,
equipment specifications, electricity needs, fuel requirements, water requirements

Output Mass balance of final product, by product, and liquid waste, solid waste, emissions,
and hazardous waste and toxic waste

2.2. LCA method

According to ISO 14040:2006 [3], the LCA method consists of four stages, namely determining the
goals and scope (goal and scope definition), making an inventory of inputs and outputs (inventory
analysis), analyzing the environmental impacts of the inputs and outputs (impact assessment), and
interpreting the results (interpretation and improvement analysis).

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

2.2.1. Determination of objectives and scope of the study. This is the initial stage to determine the LCA
work plan that will be made to help the consistency of the LCA. The objectives and scope include a
description of the production system's system boundaries and functional units. A functional unit is a
quantitative description of the service performance of the production system to be studied [4]. The
objectives should indicate the reasons for conducting the study, the implementation of the study, who is
involved in the study, and the users of the application of the study. The scope is in the form of an
explanation of the research, the methods used, and the assumptions and limitations of this study [5].

2.2.2. Life Cycle Inventory (LCI). This stage is the process of collecting detailed data on the input,
process, and output produced. This data will be summarized in the mass balance and energy balance. At
this stage, it will produce a description of the product life cycle described in the process flow diagram.
This stage is the longest stage of LCA [6].

2.2.3. Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA). Impact analysis is carried out to evaluate the resulting
environmental impacts based on inventory analysis results [7]. The impact analysis carried out in this
research is the analysis of GHG, acidification, and eutrophication.
The impact of GHG is analysed based on the content of CO2, N2O, and CH4 converted to CO2-eq. The
impact on acidification was analysed based on the content of SO2, NOx, and NH3, which were converted
to SO2-eq. The impact of eutrophication was analysed based on the content of NOx, NH3, PO43-, and
nutrients (N and P) which were converted to PO43--eq. Global Warming Potential (GWP). GHG are gases that cause the greenhouse effect, causing
global warming. The GHGs emitted by the energy sector are CO2, N2O, and CH4. Sources of GHG
emissions from the energy sector are classified into three categories, namely emissions from fuel
combustion, fugitive emissions from fuel production and supply activities, and emissions from CO2
transport and injection in geological formations. Fuel combustion emissions occur in energy-producing
industries, such as the oil and gas industry, and industrial consumer industries, such as the manufacturing
industry. Sources of GHG emissions resulting from fuel combustion are grouped into two categories,
namely stationary sources and mobile sources. Manufacturing and construction industries, especially
food, beverage, and tobacco processing, are classified into immovable sources [8].
The method of calculating GHG emission levels in this study will refer to the Guide to the
Methodology for Calculation of GHG Emissions Levels for Activities and Energy Procurement [8],
particularly on fuel combustion at stationary sources. Emissions from fuel combustion are calculated
using Equations 1 and 2.

Emission (kg/year) = Energy consumption (MJ/year) x FE (kg/MJ) (1)

Energy consumption (MJ) = Energy consumption (Unit) x CV (MJ/Unit) (2)

The emission factor (FE) is the coefficient of the number of emissions per unit of activity (the activity
can be either the volume produced or the volume consumed). Energy consumption data available in
physical units (kg of coal, liters of diesel oil, et cetera.) must be converted into MJ (Mega Joule) energy
units using Equation 2.
The calorific value (CV) used will refer to the Calorific Value of Indonesian Fuel [8]. The calorific
value is used to convert physical units (mass/volume) of the fuel used into energy units (Joules). The
calorific value of the fuel used also refers to KLH [8], such as coal at 18.9 x 103 MJ/kg and industrial
diesel oil (IDO) at 38 MJ/liter.
The overall GHG emission results are then converted into CO2-eq. GWP is the average cumulative
ratio of the impact of GHG radiation on carbon dioxide over a certain period [9]. GHG conversion using
IPCC [10] sources.

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017 Acidification potential. Acidification increases the concentration of H+ ions in the environment
(soil, water, and air). Sulphur and nitrate compounds produced by human activities are oxidized and
emitted into the atmosphere, then they change to sulfuric acid and nitric acid, which will cause damage
to soil, water, living things, and buildings. In soils that are too acidic, rainwater will more easily carry
nutrients in the soil, and also toxic heavy metals will be likely to be leached from rocks.
The main emissions that cause acidification are SO2, NOX, and NHx. The SO2 and NOx emissions can
come from fuel and electricity. Each emission produced can be calculated through equations 1 and 2.
The analysis of the impact of acidification will be calculated in the form of potential for acidification.
The acidification potential is the total value of acidification emissions converted to SO2-eq. The
conversion factor for each emission uses a reference from Hauschild and Wenzel [11]. Eutrophication potential. The main emission sources that cause eutrophication are NOx, NO3-,
and PO43-. Sources of NOx emissions are generated from the use of electricity and fuel. The NO3- and
PO43- are produced by liquid waste. The calculation of emissions resulting from fuel and electricity is
carried out using equations 1 and 2. The calculation of PO43- emissions from wastewater is carried out
according to IPCC [12] through equation 3.

Emission of PO43- = LWV x CODV x EF (3)

LWV = Liquid waste volume (L)
CODV = COD value (mg/L)
EF = Emission Factor (0.022 kg PO43-/kg COD)

Eutrophication impact analysis will be calculated in terms of potential eutrophication. Eutrophication

potential is the total value of eutrophication emissions converted to PO43-. The conversion factor for
each emission uses a reference from Heijungs et al. [13]. Net energy. The method used for net energy estimation is the conversion of energy use to
standard energy units (Joules). The value of energy demand in each production of 1 ton of product uses
the calculation in Equation 4.

NE = n x CV (4)

NE = Net Energy
n = Inventory Volume
CV = Calorific Value (energy conversion values)

Energy efficiency is expressed in Net Energy Value (NEV) and Net Energy Ratio (NER). Calculation
of NER and NEV according to IPCC (2006) can be seen in equations 5 and 6. A positive NEV value
indicates good net energy performance from a life cycle (+) and NER above one (>1).

NEV = ΣEout – ΣEin (5)

NER = ΣEout / ΣEin (6)

NEV = Net Energy Value
ΣEout = Total output energy
NER = Net Energy Ratio

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

ΣEin = Total input energy

2.2.4. Interpretation of results for improvement recommendations. This stage aims to interpret the data
that has been collected from the results of the LCI and LCIA studies into several things that can be used
as the results of the study for decision and policy-making [14].

3. Result and discussion

3.1. General information of the company

This study was conducted in one of the coconut processing industries in Indragiri Hilir Regency, Riau
Province, the highest coconut plantation and producer in Indonesia. This industry produces several
products, such as Crude Coconut Oil (CNO-Crude Coconut Oil), Cooking Oil (RBD-Refined Bleached
Deodorized), and Fatty Acid Oil (FAO-Fatty Acid Oil), Copra Meal (CE-Copra Expeller), and Pellet
Extraction Cake (CEP-Copra Extraction Pellets). The company has facilities and infrastructure to
support the production process consisting of water, energy, electricity, transportation, and waste
handling. All facilities summaries are as follows:
a. Water Sources. Clean water is obtained from raw water treatment around the company. The water
management system is sourced from rain-fed canals, then processed to produce clean water. The
canal raw water treatment process is carried out as follows: Pretreatment (Equalization – Cone
Clarifier – Lamella Clarifier – Sand Filter – Carbon Filter – Aeration Product Storage Tank) and
Reverse Osmosis/RO (Softener – RO Machine – RO Product Storage Tank). Distribution from the
reservoir to the factory or user departments used a piping system. According to the Ministry of
Health of the Republic of Indonesia, the quality of clean water is analyzed according to the clean
water quality standards.
b. Electricity Sources. The electricity source used comes from 1 Turbine Unit (coal-fired power
generator) with a capacity of 7 MW with coal fuel. The company has not utilized the abundant
biomass from coconut waste to date. In addition, 2 generator sets run on diesel fuel. A coal-fired
power plant (PLTU) source will produce average fly ash of 235 tone/month and average bottom
ash of 703 Kg/month in 2019.
c. Internal Transportation. The type of transportation used in the factory area during the production
process is a diesel-fueled truck for outbound transportation using the MT ship. The company
provides ships that can transport raw materials from other companies (suppliers). The average
demand for diesel for transportation is around 27,405 Kiloliter/year.
d. Waste Treatment. The waste generated in the production of coconut oil is wastewater, organic and
inorganic waste, copra extraction pellets, and gas emissions. Solid waste management is carried out
as follows: Preparation of trash bins in the department area to separate organic and inorganic waste,
then collected and transported to a final disposal site with a landfill system for solid waste
e. The liquid waste management has used the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) facility. The
WWTP consists of a processing unit as follows: an equalization, sedimentation, and filtering
system. Wastewater comes from production activities, production support processes, and the rest
of the cleaning activities. Wastewater enters the WWTP by flowing from each departmental area
through separated pipe installations with drainage and rainwater runoff. After arriving at the
WWTP/equalization tank, chemicals are injected: caustic soda to increase pH and aluminum sulfate
to reduce TSS. The selection of the type and concentration of chemicals is based on laboratory
analysis results (jar test). Followed by the filtering process installed between the bulkhead and
sedimentation, the next process was aeration using a blower pump to reduce the COD and BOD
content in the wastewater. Before being discharged to the outlet, the final process of liquid waste
was through a sand filter and carbon filter, then entering the sedimentation tank, and finally, the
liquid waste was processed to comply with the quality standards before being discharged into a
water body.

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

f. The hazardous waste will be collected and stored at the temporary storage for hazardous waste,
then handed over to the hazardous waste to a third party to be treated. The fly ash or bottom ash is
utilized to manufacture paving blocks and bricks. This waste is mixed with sand, cement, and water
with a composition of fly ash or bottom ash of a maximum of 60%, sand, cement, and water
composition is adjusted to meet the formula, stirred in a mixer, and after being homogeneous, it is
poured into molds and pressed with a press machine then dried. The dried and hard brick and the
molded bricks are ready to be used for building materials, and the paving blocks are ready to be
used for roads/pedestrians.

3.2. Coconut oil processing

Crude Coconut Oil (CNO) is a product of crude coconut oil produced from processing copra at the
Coconut Oil Mill (COM) department with a production capacity of 3,700 tons/month on a dry basis.
The process of processing copra into CNO includes a size reduction and heating for later separation to
produce CNO and Copra Expeller (CE) products. The main equipment is a press machine with a capacity
of 800 tons of copra/day and power of 13,000 kWh. Production is carried out 24 h/day or according to
the production schedule. The waste generated is in wastewater, organic and inorganic waste.

Figure 1. Coconut oil processing

The company has several departments. Each of these departments carries out integrated processing
by utilizing each production component into value-added products. All departments are summarized as
a. The Water Supply Department provides clean water needs. In the Water Supply sub-system, the
activities carried out are processing and providing clean water needed for the coconut oil production
process, namely for operational needs and steam procurement. The raw water source comes from
groundwater and surface water channeled into reservoirs before being processed in a water
treatment plant.
b. The Boiler Plant Department is the steam production department. In the Boiler Plant sub-system,
the activity carried out is heating the water in the boiler to produce steam for the production process.
The fuel used is coal.
c. The Coconut Oil Mill (COM) Department is a production department that processes copra to
produce products in the form of Coconut Oil (CNO) and Copra Expeller (CE). Copra Extraction
Pellet (CEP) is a product resulting from CE processing at the Solvent Extraction Plant (SEP). The
SEP Department has a CEP processing capacity of 5,404 tons/month and produces 1,174
tons/month of CNO products. The CEP processing includes the hopping process to the cooling
d. The Solvent Extraction Plant (SEP) Department is a production department that processes CE into
CEP and CNO products. The SEP process unit uses 1 unit plant with a capacity of 250 tons of
meal/day and uses 10,000 kWh of electricity/day. Production is carried out 24 hours/day or
according to the production schedule. The waste generated is in wastewater, organic and inorganic

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

e. The Refined Oil Plant (ROP) Department is a production department that processes CNO into RBD
Cooking Oil and FAO products. Cooking Oil is a coconut oil product produced from the processing
of CNO at the ROP. This department has a production capacity of 2,200 tons/month of RBD
Cooking Oil and 97 tons/month of Fatty Acid Oil (FAO). Cooking Oil processing includes the
heating process to the deodorizing process.

3.3. Life cycle assessment on coconut oil product

3.3.1. Material and energy flow analysis of coconut oil production. The mass and energy flow of
coconut oil production describes the amount of mass and energy entering and leaving each sub-system
of coconut oil production, namely the Water Supply, Boiler Plant, Crude Coconut Oil Plant, Solvent
Extraction Plant, and Refined Oil Plant (Figure 2). Based on Figure 2, the input of copra in the coconut
oil production system is 35,934,578 kg, with the amount of coconut oil produced being 22,557,206 kg.

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

Figure 2. Mass and energy flows of coconut oil production

The total demand for water, electricity, diesel, coal, and steam in the entire sub-system of coconut
oil production are 75,997,403 L, 8,621,086 kWh, 319,639 L, 6,116,928 kg, and 60,367,489 kg,
respectively (Figure 2). The total copra expeller pellet, FAO, loss (organic matter), liquid waste, flue
gas, steam, and solid waste (inorganic material) produced in the entire coconut oil production sub-system
are 9,962,804 kg, 938,789 kg, respectively. 7,788,274 kg, 15,629,914 L, 60,915,502 kg, 855,758 kg,
respectively. Every material in the form of by-products and waste that comes out of each sub-system of
coconut oil production has potential energy. The potential energy can be estimated based on the calorific
value of the potential methane produced in each category (Table 2), then converted to kWh units.

Table 2. The calorific value of raw materials, products, and

by-products of coconut oil production
Calorific value
Materials Sources
Copra 29.10 [16]
CO 37.70 [16]
Copra expeller pellet 15.70 [16]
FAO 37.10 [17]
Gas (Normal temperature
combustion) 0.90
Steam In (> 250 ⁰C) 3.48 [18]
Steam out 1 (175.36 ⁰C) 2.77 [19]
Steam out 2 (175.36 ⁰C) 2.77 [19]
Steam out 3 (219.55 ⁰C) 2.80 [19]
Solid Waste (Inorganic) 2.55 [20]

The methane potential comes from biogas production. Biogas consists of a mixture of different gases,
namely CH4, CO2, H2, CO, and a small amount of H2S, which are emitted during the degradation of
organic matter under anaerobic conditions. The biogas system includes different biological processes
and the gradual conversion of energy. This system is separated into four stages: supply of raw materials,
production of biogas, utilization of solids produced by biogas (digestate), and utilisation of biogas.
Digestate is the material left after the anaerobic decomposition of biodegradable raw materials [21].

3.3.2. Coconut oil production inventory analysis. Inventory analysis of coconut oil production shows
the flow of inputs and outputs for each sub-process in the coconut oil production system (Table 2). The
input and output are shown based on the unit function (UF), which is 1 kg of coconut oil. Inventory
analysis focuses on identifying water, energy, and fuel use.
Based on Table 2, in the Water Supply and Boiler Plant sub-systems, there is only one potential
emission impact from the input per unit mass of coconut oil product produced in each sub-system,
namely electricity and coal, with a total input per unit mass of coconut oil product of 0.0253 kWh of
electricity/kg of coconut oil and 0.2712 kg of coal/kg of coconut oil. In the Crude Coconut Oil Plant
sub-system, there are three potential emissions impacts from input per unit mass of coconut oil produced,

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

namely steam, electricity, and water, with the total input per unit mass of coconut oil product being
1.5614 kg steam/kg coconut oil, 0.2710 kWh electricity/kg coconut oil, and 0.0849 L water/kg coconut
oil, respectively. In the Solvent Extraction Plant sub-system, there are three potential emissions impacts
from input per unit mass of coconut oil produced: steam, electricity, and water, with the total input per
unit mass of coconut oil product being 0.3240 kg steam/kg coconut oil, 0.0288 kWh electricity/kg
coconut oil, and 0.2825 L of water/kg coconut oil, respectively.
In the Refined Oil Plant sub-system, there are three potential emission impacts from input per unit
mass of coconut oil produced, namely steam, electricity, and water, with the total input per unit mass of
coconut oil product being 0.7908 kg steam/kg coconut oil, 0.0771 kWh electricity/kg coconut oil, and
0.3255 L of water/kg coconut oil, respectively. In the Transportation sub-system, there is only one
potential emission impact from the input per unit mass of coconut oil produced, namely Silar, with the
input per unit mass of coconut oil product of 0.0142 L diesel/kg coconut oil. Therefore, the efficient use
of coal, water, steam, electricity, and diesel fuel is necessary to minimize the potential impact of
According to Sugiyono [22], the use of coal in large quantities can increase exhaust emissions
containing CO2, SO2, and NOx, which have the potential to increase the impact of global warming. This
supports the use of electricity generated from coal as a generator. According to Pratama and Parinduri
[23], steam contributes to global warming.

Table 3. Coconut oil production inventory analysis

Inputs/Outputs Units Amounts
Sub System of Water Supply
- Industrial Water L/kg CO 3.3691
- Electricity kWh/kg CO 0.0253
- Water L/kg CO 3.3691
Sub System of Boiler Plant
- Water L/kg CO 2.1694
- Coal kg/kg CO 0.2712
- Air kg/kg CO 2.4673
- Steam kg/kg CO 2.1694
- Gas emission (Coal Burning) kg/kg CO 2.7005
- Solid Waste (Inorganic) kg/kg CO 0.0379
Sub System of Crude Coconut Oil Plant
- Kopra (dry) kg/kg CO 1.5930
- Water L/kg CO 0.0849
- Steam kg/kg CO 1.5614
- Electricity kWh/kg CO 0.1221
- Electricity to Hammer mill kWh/kg CO 0.0722

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

- Electricity to Mixer kWh/kg CO 0.0732

- Electricity to Chain Filter kWh/kg CO 0.0035
- Copra Expeller kg/kg CO 0.5296
- CO (crude) kg/kg CO 0.9551
- Loss (Organic) kg/kg CO 0.1084
- Wastewater L/kg CO 0.0849
- Steam kg/kg CO 1.5614
Sub System of Solvent Extraction Plant
- Copra Expeller kg/kg CO 0.5296
- Hexane kg/kg CO 0.0024
- Water L/kg CO 0.2825
- Steam kg/kg CO 0.3240
- Electricity kWh/kg CO 0.0036
- Electricity to Extraction kWh/kg CO 0.0196
- Electricity to Evaporation kWh/kg CO 0.0022
- Electricity to Press Pellet kWh/kg CO 0.0035
- Copra Expeller Pellet kg/kg CO 0.4314
- CO (crude) kg/kg CO 0.0997
- Loss (Organic) kg/kg CO 0.0009
- Wastewater L/kg CO 0.2825
- Steam kg/kg CO 0.3240
Sub System of Refined Oil Plant
- CO (crude) kg/kg CO 1.0547
- Bleaching Earth kg/kg CO 0.0330
- Activated Carbon kg/kg CO 0.0007
- Phosphoric Acid kg/kg CO 0.0001
- Water L/kg CO 0.3255
- Steam kg/kg CO 0.7908
- Electricity kWh/kg CO 0.0309
- Electricity to Deodorize RBD
kWh/kg CO 0.0441
- Electricity to Deodorize FAO kWh/kg CO 0.0022
- CO kg/kg CO 1.0000

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

- FAO kg/kg CO 0.0416

- Loss (Organic) kg/kg CO 0.0469
- Wastewater L/kg CO 0.3255
- Steam kg/kg CO 0.7908
Sub System Transportation
- Dump Truck L/kg CO 0.0071
- Ship MT Lina 101 L/kg CO 0.0069
- Customer Ship L/kg CO 0.0002
- Water kg/kg CO 0.0345
- Gas emission (Coal Burning) kg/kg CO 0.0463
Description: CO = coconut oil; FAO = fatty acid oil

3.3.3. Impact analysis of coconut oil production. Impact analysis of coconut oil production was carried
out to evaluate the resulting environmental impact based on inventory analysis results [7]. The study of
carbon footprints at locations and products analyzes direct and indirect carbon emissions based on the
level of control, namely direct emissions from emission sources of facilities on site that can be controlled
(scope 1), indirect emissions from power generation facilities or off-site fuel generators (scope 2), and
indirect emissions that occur on-site but cannot be controlled (scope 3) [24].
The impact analysis of coconut oil production was carried out in the study, namely the analysis of
GWP, acidification, and eutrophication potentials. The impact on GWP was analyzed based on the
content of CO2, N2O, and CH4 converted to CO2-eq (Table 4). The impact on acidification was analyzed
based on the content of SO2, NOx, and NH3, which were converted to SO2-eq (Table 4). The impact on
eutrophication was analysed based on the content of NOx, NH3, PO43-, and nutrients (N and P) which
were converted to PO43--eq (Table 4).

Table 4. Potential GHG emissions, acidification, and eutrophication of coconut oil production
Global Warming Acidification Eutrophication
Activities Potential (GWP) Potential (AP) Potential (EP)
(kg CO₂ₑ/kg CO) (kg SO2-eq/kg CO) (kg PO₄³-eq/kg CO)
• Sub System of Water Suply 0.0219 - -
• Sub System of Boiller Plant 0.8684 0.0094 0.0026
• Sub System of Crude Coconut Oil
1.2045 - 0.0000
• Sub System of Solvent Extraction
0.2274 - 0.0000
• Sub System of Refined Oil Plant 0.5674 - 0.0001
• Sub System Transportation 0.0375 0.0084 0.0119
Total Emission 2.9271 0.0178 0.0145

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

Figure 3. Percentage of GWP, acidification, and eutrophication potential of coconut oil production

Based on Table 4 and Figure 3, the total GWP, acidification, and eutrophication per unit mass of
coconut oil products in coconut oil production are 2.9271 kg CO2-eq/kg coconut oil, 0.0178 kg SO2-
eq/kg coconut oil, and 0.0145 kg PO₄³-eq/kg coconut oil, respectively. The highest GWP is produced
from the Crude Coconut Oil Plant sub-system, namely 1.2045 kg CO2-eq/kg coconut oil (41.15%) due
to the high use of electricity and steam. In addition, the Boiler Plant sub-system contributes the second
highest GWP, namely 0.8684 kg CO2-eq/kg coconut oil (29.67 %) due to the high use of coal. The
Refined Oil Plant sub-system contributes the third-highest GWP at 0.5674 kg CO2-eq/kg coconut oil
(19.38 %) due to the high use of steam.
The potential for acidification in the coconut oil production process is produced in the Boiler Plant
and Transportation sub-system with a potential value of 0.0094 kg SO2-eq/kg coconut oil (52.71%) and
0.0084 kg SO2-eq/kg coconut oil (47.29%). The other sub-systems did not produce acidification
potential. The coconut oil production process produces eutrophication potential in the Boiler Plant and
Transportation sub-system with a potential value of 0.0026 kg PO₄³-eq/kg coconut oil (17.66 %) and
0.0119 kg PO₄³-eq/kg coconut oil (81.69%), respectively. In contrast, the other sub-systems produce a
very small potential for acidification, so that they can be ignored.
3.3.4. Net energy coconut oil production. The net energy of coconut oil production is the amount of net
energy produced during the production of coconut oil, which is calculated based on the energy potential
of each by-product and waste generated, each of which is converted into energy units (Mega Joule, MJ).
The net energy analysis will also show the efficiency of energy use which is expressed in Net Energy
Value (NEV) and Net Energy Ratio (NER) (Table 5).
Based on Table 5, the potential energy generated from each by-product and waste generated is greater
than the energy used during the production of coconut oil. This can be seen from the positive NEV and
NER values that are greater than one, so it can be stated that the net energy production of coconut oil is
40,998,456 MJ. One application of process technology innovation in improving company performance
based on an environmental management system is to produce its energy and use by-products from the
waste generated in each sub-system of coconut oil production.
Each sub-system of coconut oil production will produce several wastes that can be used as biomass
fuel in producing energy, namely by-products (copra dregs pellets), exhaust steam, heat from gas
emissions, and solid waste (organic and inorganic), and liquid waste.

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

Table 5. Net energy at coconut oil production

Energy Input Energy Output
(MJ) Potential (MJ)
Sub System of Water Supply 2,051,930 -
Sub System of Boiler Plant 179,272,471 2.223.086
Sub System of Crude Coconut Oil Plant 144,602,491 162.945.958
Sub System of Solvent Extraction Plant 27,777,284 173.577.023
Sub System of Refined Oil Plant 68,356,451 124.632.656
Sub System Transportation 319,639 -
Total Energy 422,380,266 463.378.722
Net Energy Value (NEV) 40,998,456
Net Energy Ratio (NER) 1.0971

3.4. Interpretation of assessment results

The sustainability program in reducing energy use in each sub-system of coconut oil production is a
challenge for coconut oil producers because it will positively impact reducing potential GWP,
acidification, and eutrophication due to high energy use. Energy reduction programs can be carried out
in several ways, namely increasing efficiency in energy use and producing their energy using materials
from the waste produced. All sub-systems in coconut oil production use energy. Therefore, optimization
of energy use can be carried out in each sub-system of coconut oil production. The optimization program
for energy use can be carried out by 1) optimizing the use of fuel, 2) optimizing the use of water, and 3)
optimizing the use of electricity in each sub-system of coconut oil production.
Optimization of fuel use can be done by reducing coal and diesel. Optimizing the use of coal can be
done by minimizing the use of coal and choosing other alternative fuels. Optimizing diesel fuel can be
done by maintaining vehicle engines, regulating mileage, using more efficient vehicles, and using
renewable diesel (biodiesel).
Optimization of water use can be done by reducing water use. This can be done by minimizing the
use of operational water and reusing wastewater which is reprocessed into ready-to-use water in the
coconut oil processing industry.
Optimizing the use of electricity in each sub-system of coconut oil production can be done by
reducing electricity use. This can be done by minimizing the use of equipment with high electrical power
and operational electricity. The use of electricity from environmentally friendly power plants is an
innovation that industry players must consider.

4. Conclusion
The input for coconut oil production consists of copra as the main raw material and several supporting
materials. In addition to the main raw materials, other inputs are water, electricity, coal, and diesel. The
output of coconut oil production is coconut oil as the main product, coconut pulp pellets as a by-product,
and waste (liquid, solid, and gas).
The total potential GWP, acidification, and eutrophication per unit mass of coconut oil products in
coconut oil production are 2.9271 kg CO₂ₑq/kg coconut oil, 0.0178 kg SO2-eq/kg coconut oil, and
0.0145 kg PO₄³-eq/kg coconut oil, respectively. The highest GWP is produced from the Crude Coconut
Oil Plant sub-system, namely 1.2045 kg CO₂ₑq/kg coconut oil (41.15%) due to the high use of electricity
and steam. The potential for acidification in the coconut oil production process is produced in the Boiler
Plant and Transportation sub-system with a potential value of 0.0094 kg SO2-eq/kg coconut oil
(52.71%) and 0.0084 kg SO2-eq/kg coconut oil (47.29%). The other sub-systems did not produce
acidification potential. The coconut oil production process produces eutrophication potential in the
Boiler Plant and Transportation sub-system with a potential value of 0.0026 kg PO₄³-eq/kg coconut oil,
respectively (17.66 %) and 0.0119 kg PO₄³-eq/kg coconut oil (81.69 %). In other sub-systems, the
acidification potential is so small that it can be ignored.

ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

The sustainability program in reducing energy use in each sub-system of coconut oil production is a
challenge for coconut oil producers because it will positively impact GWP, acidification, and
eutrophication. The optimization of energy use can be carried out in each sub-system of coconut oil
production. The optimization program for energy use can be carried out by 1) optimizing the use of fuel,
2) optimizing the use of water, and 3) optimizing the use of electricity in each sub-system of coconut oil
Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it is deemed necessary to carry out
further research in a wider scope of the study (cradle to grave) so that the results of the study of GWP,
acidification, and eutrophication on coconut oil production as a whole are obtained.

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ITaMSA 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (2022) 012017 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1063/1/012017

6. Acknowledgements
The authors would like to thank Prof Nastiti S Indrasti from IPB University who provided insight and
expertise that greatly assisted in conducting the research and writing this article.


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