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Safety within the therapeutic relationship is a fundamental aspect of therapy. The therapeutic

relationship is built on trust, empathy, and openness, and clients need to feel safe to explore

their innermost thoughts and feelings. In the Satir Family Therapy video, McLendon

emphasized the importance of creating a safe environment for the clients, Janice and

Jonathan, to engage in therapy. To increase their sense of safety, McLendon established a

relaxed and informal setting where everyone could feel comfortable. She also used humor to

lighten the mood and create a sense of warmth and trust.

McLendon employed several strategies to help clients feel safe within a family therapy

session. One of these strategies was to encourage open and honest communication among

family members. By promoting an environment where family members could speak freely

without fear of judgment, McLendon was able to create a sense of safety that allowed

everyone to be more vulnerable and authentic. Another strategy was to establish clear

boundaries and expectations for the therapy session. By setting clear rules and guidelines,

McLendon was able to create a structured and predictable environment where clients could

feel safe and secure.

In addition to safety, validating and affirming members of the family session is also

important. McLendon engaged Janice and Jonathan to validate and affirm themselves and

their experience by encouraging them to express their emotions and thoughts openly. She also
used active listening skills to ensure that everyone felt heard and understood. By

acknowledging and validating each family member's experience, McLendon was able to

create a sense of empathy and connection within the family.

In the Experiential Family Therapy video, Whitaker's decision to address the father and not

the son at the beginning of the session was intentional. Whitaker was following his

theoretical construct of setting the therapeutic tone, which involves disrupting patterns of

behaviour and communication within the family. By engaging with the father first, Whitaker

was able to challenge the family's existing power dynamics and encourage the father to take a

more active role in the therapy session.

Whitaker's reference to Aaron's father as the "oldest child in the family" was another way of

exploring power dynamics within the family. This approach helped to shift the power

dynamic away from the son and towards the father, who was initially resistant to therapy.

Whitaker's theoretical construct of setting the therapeutic tone emphasizes the importance of

disrupting established patterns of behaviour and communication to promote change within

the family.

When it comes to diversity considerations in the Carl Whitaker Family Therapy video,

several factors are relevant. Wally's history of Polio may have influenced his worldview and

impacted his ability to participate fully in the therapy session. As a therapist, it is essential to

consider how a client's cultural background and life experiences may affect their perspective

and approach to therapy.

In this case, addressing Wally's history of Polio may be necessary to understand how it has

impacted his life and his relationships with others. However, it is important to do so in a

respectful and sensitive manner. Using language that is inclusive and avoids stigmatizing

terms like "cripple" is essential in creating a safe and affirming environment for clients.

Overall, the videos highlight the importance of safety, validation, and cultural sensitivity

within the therapeutic relationship. Creating a safe and inclusive environment that fosters

empathy, connection, and openness is critical to the success of family therapy. As therapists,

we must be mindful of diversity considerations and tailor our approach to the unique needs

and experiences of each client.

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