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- in response to reduced
RENAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION blood volume, decreased
blood pressure, or
Kidney’s increased secretion of
1. Primary responsibility catecholamines
➔ to maintain the composition and - stimulates the production of
volume of the body fluids in the angiotensins, which
equilibrium. produce arteriolar
❖ To maintain this constant internal constriction and
environment, the kidney must respond - an elevation in blood
appropriately to alterations in the pressure and
internal environment caused by - stimulate the production of
variations in aldosterone by the adrenal
a. dietary intake cortex.
b. extrarenal losses of water and
➢ accomplished by the formation of
urine (the product of glomerular
filtration), tubular reabsorption, Nephron
and tubular secretion. - structural and functional unit of the kidney
❖ Reabsorption is the transport of a
substance from the tubular lumen to the Contains a complex system of:
blood in surrounding vessels. ● Tubules
❖ Secretion is transport in the opposite ● Arterioles
direction (i.e., from the blood to the ● Venules
lumen). ● Capillaries
➢ These processes are either active
or passive. Consists of the:
● Bowman capsule
❖ Excretion is the elimination of a - which encloses a tuft of
substance from the body, in this case capillaries and is joined
urine. successively to the
proximal convoluted tubule
2. Secondary function ● the loop of Henle
➔ production of certain humoral ● distal convoluted tubule
substances. ● straight or collecting duct

a. Erythropoietin-stimulating factor
(or erythrogenin)
- which acts on a plasma
globulin to form
erythropoietin, which in turn
stimulates erythropoiesis in
the bone marrow.
- Its production increases in
the presence of hypoxia
and androgens.
❖ Few red blood cells form in the
absence of erythropoietin
- anemia associated with
advanced kidney disease
❖ Situated between these layers is the
basal lamina, or basement membrane.
Collecting tubules join larger ducts ❖ The glomerular membrane is permeable
because the capillary endothelium is
fenestrated with pores, or fenestrae.
all the larger collecting ducts of one renal ❖ The outer surface of the glomerular
pyramid join to form a single duct that opens into epithelium consists of fingerlike
a minor calyx projections (pseudopodia, or podocytes)
that cover the entire surface to form slits
called slit pores.
number of calyces empty into one of several ❖ Basement membrane has no visible
major calyces that converge into the renal pelvis openings but behaves as though it
contains pores or channels.
❖ glomerular filtrate (which has essentially
renal pelvis narrows after it leaves the kidney and the same composition as plasma
forms what then becomes a ureter through which except for the large protein molecules
urine drains into the and cellular elements) passes through
these three layers at a rapid rate.
❖ The structure of these layers becomes
urinary bladder altered in kidney disease.

❖ blood supply to the kidneys constitutes Glomerular Filtration

approximately one fifth of the total cardiac ➢ governed by the same mechanism as
output; therefore profuse bleeding can filtration across other capillaries in the
accompany renal trauma. body
● size of the capillary bed
Afferent arteriole ● permeability of the capillaries
- separates into capillary loops that ● hydrostatic and osmotic pressure
constitute the glomerular tuft, supplying gradients across the capillaries
each nephron.
- deliver blood to the glomerulus The filtration capacity of the glomerulus is the
product of permeability of the glomerular
Efferent arteriole capillaries and three pressure forces:
- carry blood away from the glomerulus 1. glomerular hydrostatic pressure
- efferent arterioles branch into a 2. colloidal osmotic (oncotic) pressure (COP)
peritubular capillary network and 3. intracapsular pressure
hairpin loops called the vasa recta,
which parallel the loops of Henle and ➢ Blood enters the nephron at a substantial
collecting ducts. pressure (def: the action of a force
against an opposing force)
❖ total surface area of the renal capillaries is ➢ hydrostatic pressure forces plasma fluid
approximately = to the total surface area and solutes through the capillary
of the tubules membrane and into the unit’s collecting
Bowman Capsule ➢ water and solutes are selectively
reabsorbed back into the vascular
Two cellular layers that separate the blood from compartment
the glomerular filtrate ➢ not reabsorbed is excreted as urine
➢ Filtration takes place as long as
1. capillary endothelium hydrostatic pressure within the
2. a layer of tubular epithelial lining cells glomerular capillaries exceeds the
opposing COP of the plasma proteins.
➢ If the pressure becomes equal through ➢ Ex. the proximal tubule
decreased hydrostatic pressure or reabsorbs essential
decreased COP, no further filtration substances such as
takes place. glucose, amino acids, and
sodium ions and returns
In a state of dehydration them directly to the blood.
➢ more water is reabsorbed - have a limited capacity, or
➢ when water intake is increased, more is threshold, for moving the solute.
excreted as urine - When the maximum of the
transport mechanism is
reached, no more substance is
Osmotic diuresis reabsorbed, and the remainder is
➔ when large solutes, such as excreted in the urine.
glucose, are filtered through the
capillaries in such excessive ➢ For example, when blood
amounts that they cannot be glucose concentrations
reabsorbed exceed their transport
capacity, the surplus
In conditions that produce osmotic diuresis remains in the filtrate to be
➢ the osmotic attraction of the solute causes excreted in the urine
less water to be reabsorbed, resulting in (glycosuria).
water being excreted in the urine with the - When two substances share a
solute. common transport mechanism, the
first substance may be blocked by
Tubular Function the addition of a second substance
(selective inhibition).
Function of the renal tubules - The effect of many therapeutic
➔ is to modify the glomerular filtrate. agents (e.g., diuretics) depends on
this process.
❖ Tubular cells may add more of a
substance to the filtrate (tubular Electrolytes
secretion) - are moved by both active transport and
❖ remove some or all of a substance from diffusion
the filtrate (tubular reabsorption), or - the transport of certain electrolytes,
both. particularly sodium, has important
❖ The reabsorption is selective and effects on other substances.
discriminating for substances essential to
body processes and equilibrium, whereas ➢ For example, sodium is actively
nonessential substances are eliminated transported from all parts of the
as waste. nephron.
❖ The substances are secreted or ➢ The movement of sodium ions
reabsorbed in the tubules by produces both an electric and an
➢ Osmosis osmotic gradient, which causes
➢ Passive movement down a chloride ions and water to
chemical or electric gradient, or diffuse from the tubules in an
➢ actively transported against these effort to establish equilibrium.
gradients. ➢ There is a limit to the concentration
gradient against which sodium can
Active transport mechanisms be transported out; therefore when
- move vital substances both inward larger than normal amounts of
and outward from the tubular sodium ions remain in the
filtrate. tubules, water is obliged to remain
with the sodium.
Loop of Henle
- the site of the urine-concentrating
Under normal conditions the kidneys are: mechanism
➔ able to adjust the urine and solute - short in the newborn, which reduces the
excretion in response to the requirements ability to reabsorb sodium and water
for body water and electrolyte balance. and therefore produces very dilute
➔ able to excrete or conserve both water urine.
and most electrolytes in addition to - newborn pituitary gland secretes adequate
excreting the end products of protein amounts of antidiuretic hormone.
metabolism, principally urea.
➔ The volume of urine excreted by the Third month of life
kidneys in a given period depends on the - length of tubules gradually increases
water balance (including intravascular until concentrating ability reaches adult
filtration pressure), the quantity of levels
solutes presented to the kidneys, and the - urea synthesis and excretion are slower
capacity of the kidneys to dilute or during this time
concentrate the filtrate.
First weeks of life
Renal Development and Function in Early - newborn retains large quantities of
Infancy nitrogen and essential electrolytes to
meet the needs for growth
within the first weeks of embryonic life - the excretory burden is minimized
➔ development of the kidney begins
➔ but is not completed until about the end
of the first year after birth
principal end product of nitrogen metabolism
➔ urea
34 to 46 weeks of gestation
➔ nephrons increase in number and
❖ The lower concentration of urea also
➔ reach their full complement
reduces concentrating capacity because it
● at this point they are immature
contributes to the concentration
and less efficient
❖ glomeruli enlarge considerably after birth.
Newborn infants
❖ In infant,
➔ unable to excrete a water load at rates
➢ Glomerular filtration and absorption
similar to those of older persons
are relatively low
➔ Hydrogen ion excretion is reduced
❖ between 1 and 2 years of age
➔ acid secretion is lower for the first year of
➢ Glomerular filtration and absorption
reach adult values
➔ plasma bicarbonate levels are low
❖ Newborn
❖ Because of these inadequacies of the
➢ unable to dispose of excess water
kidney and because of less efficient blood
and solutes rapidly or efficiently
➢ the newborn is more liable to
tubular length of nephrons = highly variable
develop severe metabolic
Glomerular size = less variable
❖ Juxtaglomerular nephrons show more
❖ Sodium excretion is reduced in the
advanced development than the cortical
immediate newborn period, and the
kidneys are less able to adapt to sodium
deficiencies and excesses.
Ex. An isotonic saline infusion may ● Renal Pelvis
produce edema because of impaired ○ stores only a relatively small
ability to eliminate excess sodium. volume of urine (approximately 15
ml in adults) before a contraction
❖ inadequate reabsorption of sodium from is triggered that pushes the urine
the tubules may increase sodium losses in toward the bladder.
disorders such as vomiting or diarrhea.
❖ Infants Efflux
➢ have a diminished capacity to - forward movement of urine from the
reabsorb glucose and, during the kidney to the bladder
first few days,
➢ to produce ammonium ions. Reflux
❖ Kidney functions during fetal life and - abnormal (or backward) urine
produces urine that contributes to the movement
amniotic fluid volume.
❖ 24-hour urine volume is low at birth ❖ mechanical stretching, neurogenic and
❖ rapidly increases in the neonatal period hormonal factors modulate ureteral
❖ steadily increases with normal growth peristalsis.
❖ Kidneys continue to grow in size until
body growth is complete in adolescence. Ureterovesical junction
- joins the ureters and bladder
RENAL PELVIS AND URETERS: STRUCTURE - made up of three principal components:
AND FUNCTION 1. the lowest segment of the ureter
2. the trigone muscle, and
3. the adjacent bladder wall
Renal Pelvis
- a funnel-shaped structure that originates During bladder filling
at the major calyces and terminates in the ➔ intravesical pressure remains relatively
funnel-shaped ureteropelvic junction. low and the
➔ detrusor muscle remains in a relaxed
Ureter state
- a thin mucomuscular tube that extends
from the ureteropelvic to the ❖ peristaltic contraction of the ureter
ureterovesical junction in the base of the propels urine into the bladder.
- allow the passage of urine from the upper
urinary tracts while preventing backflow of
urine from the bladder to the ureters - The action of urinating.

Principal function of the renal pelvis and

During micturition
➔ there is an increase in intravesical
➔ the transport of urine from the kidney to
pressure as the detrusor muscle
the bladder
◆ this raises the potential for harmful
● Urine
reflux into the upper urinary
○ moved via a process called
○ whereby muscular movements
❖ The normal ureterovesical junction has
originating in the renal pelvis
several mechanisms to prevent reflux.
propel a bolus of urine toward the
❖ The terminal (intravesical) ureteral
urinary bladder for storage and
segment tunnels through the bladder wall
eventual evacuation when the child
at an oblique angle.
❖ This change in position is due to the
During bladder contraction maturation of the pelvic bone rather
➔ tension in the detrusor muscle squeezes than migration of the bladder and urethra.
the intravesical ureter closed.
➔ The trigone muscle that surrounds the
ureteral orifice of the terminal ureter
enhances this process. The bladder has:
➔ longitudinally arranged muscle of the ● two inlets (the ureteral orifices)
intravesical ureter contracts, providing ● a single outlet (the urethral orifice)
further resistance to reflux.
➔ Anatomic defects of the ureterovesical ❖ The base of the bladder is a relatively
junction, such as: ➢ fixed, triangular area consisting
● lateral displacement of the ureter of the:
● reduced length of the intravesical ● bladder neck
ureter ● trigone.
➢ predispose the child to
primary reflux. ❖ The body of the bladder is distensible
➔ Secondary reflux ➔ tetrahedron (four-sided shape)
➢ can result from high pressure in when relatively empty
the bladder causing failure of the ➔ to a nearly spherical shape as the
ureteral vesical junction to close bladder fills.
during bladder contraction.
❖ One of the four layers of the bladder wall
There is a recognized correlation between lower consists of smooth muscle bundles that
urinary tract dysfunction and persistent reflux promote bladder evacuation via
and evidence suggesting that reflux in older micturition.
children with lower urinary tract dysfunction is
secondary rather than primary. ❖ muscular tunic is called the detrusor.
➢ also contains collagen
- a tough, nonelastic substance that
maintains the integrity of the
Urethrovesical unit consists of the bladder wall while also preventing
● Bladder overdistention.
● Urethra
● Pelvic muscle Pathologic factors:
a. denervation of the bladder
Additional information: b. obstruction of the outlet
Kidneys & ureters - upper urinary tract ➢ may cause an overabundance of
Bladder & Urethra - lower urinary tract collagen in the detrusor muscle
➢ Causes:
Urinary bladder ○ loss of bladder compliance
- a muscle-lined sac that stores and (distensibility)
empties itself of urine ○ abnormally high filling pressures
○ trabeculation (irregularity) of the
In the Infant bladder wall
➔ bladder lies entirely in the
abdomen Urethra
❖ bladder assumes its place in the true - a mucomuscular tube that connects the
pelvis shortly before puberty external meatus and the bladder

Male Urethra
- originates at the bladder neck, 3. competence of the urethral sphincter
piercing the prostate and pelvic mechanism
floor before tunneling through the —must function normally for an individual to
posterior portion of the penis achieve and maintain continence.
and terminating at the glans penis.
- proximal portion of the urethra ❖ Detrusor control requires successful
comprises the sphincter integration of neurologic structures in
mechanism the:
- distal portion serves as a conduit ➢ Brain
for the passage of urine or semen ➢ spinal cord, and
- urethral meatus is a vertical slit ➢ peripheral nervous
located: at the summit of the glans systems.
Female Urethra - influences bladder function via its
- follows a relatively short, straight inhibitory role on detrusor contractions.
course compared with the male. - The stable detrusor contracts only when
- It originates at the bladder base its owner gives permission and several
and terminates at an external areas of the brain work together to control
meatus located immediately detrusor stability.
superior to the vaginal orifice.
- The distal two-thirds of the female ❖ A pathologic condition of one of these
urethra are fused with the vaginal areas may produce detrusor
wall. overactivity, or the loss of control over
detrusor contractions.
Primary responsibilities of the bladder
➔ to store urine manufactured by the Spinal cord
kidneys and to evacuate this urine at - influences lower urinary tract function
regular intervals via the process of because it transmits messages between
micturition. the brain and the target organ.
- Two areas in the spinal cord are
During infancy the bladder particularly significant.
➔ expected to empty spontaneously
➔ by the fourth year of life (or earlier) ➢ The thoracolumbar cord (spinal
◆ the child is expected to gain levels T10–L2)
control of detrusor and urethral - influences bladder and
sphincter function urethral sphincter function.
- Sympathetic impulses
Urinary continence. from the brain travel to the
- control of the urethrovesical unit bladder body and smooth
muscle of the urethra,
Continent individuals are expected to: causing relaxation of the
● hold their urine for at least 2 hours while detrusor muscle and
awake. contraction of urethral
● During sleeping hours smooth muscle.
○ may arise once to urinate - This combination of actions
○ many children and young adults promotes bladder filling
sleep for 8 hours or more without and storage of urine.
interruption. ➢ The sacral spinal cord (spinal
segments S2–S4)
Three factors - influences the bladder
1. anatomic integrity of the lower urinary tract muscle, promoting
2. detrusor control, and micturition.
- Parasympathetic microscopic fissures
impulses travel from these against urinary leakage.
nuclei, causing contraction
of the detrusor muscle and
indirectly promoting
relaxation of smooth ❖ The vascular cushion
muscle in the urethra. - also acts as an element of
compression (in addition to
❖ Two peripheral nerve plexuses directly producing tension), contributing to
influence control of the detrusor muscle. urethral closure during physical
1. pelvic plexus - The vascular cushion, or
- provides parasympathetic network of the arterioles,
innervation to the bladder venules, and arteriovenous
and urethra, and communications in the urethra,
2. inferior hypogastric plexus promotes urethral compression
- provides sympathetic by transmitting pressure from the
innervation muscles surrounding the urethra
and those intrinsic to its walls.
Urethral sphincter mechanism - contributes to urethral closure
- final mechanism pressure because it is filled with
- responsible for the attainment and an incompressible fluid that has
maintenance of continence its own intrinsic pressure.
❖ The elements of tension in the urethral
➢ Traditionally two sphincters are sphincter mechanism consist of the:
described. ➢ vascular cushion
1. Internal sphincter ➢ intrinsic smooth and skeletal
- consists of the smooth muscles
muscle of the bladder and ➢ periurethral striated muscle
proximal urethra, and
2. External sphincter - These muscles are specially innervated
- consists of the periurethral to maintain the tension needed for urethral
striated muscle. closure between episodes of micturition
and to provide an extra measure of
However, it is better to describe a single urethral tension, which is needed when
mechanism consisting of elements of significant physical exertion stresses
compression and elements of tension. sphincter closure.

❖ Elements of compression are necessary ❖ The pelvic muscles

for the urethra to form a watertight seal - receive somatic innervation,
between episodes of urination. ➢ which allows voluntary
- The softness (collapsibility) of interruption of the urinary
the urethral wall is important for stream and provides
continence, particularly when a added protection against
catheter alters urethral integrity. precipitous rises in
- The mucus abdominal pressure.
➢ produced by the epithelium
➢ further enhances the Clinical Manifestations
watertight seal of the ➔ incidence and type of kidney or urinary
urethra. tract dysfunction change with the age
➢ reduces surface tension, and maturation of the child.
promoting collapse of the Example:
walls and sealing the 1. a complaint of enuresis
- has greater significance at 8 years ● Dehydration
old than at 4 years old ● Enlarged kidneys or bladder
2. In newborns, renal abnormalities may be
associated with a number of other
Ex. 3. Childhood (2 to 14 Years)
➢ obvious neural tube ● Poor appetite
defects to the subtle ● Vomiting
abnormal shape or ● Growth failure
position of the outer ear. ● Excessive thirst
➢ Failure to thrive in children ● Enuresis, incontinence, frequent
may be a sign of impaired urination
renal function. ● Painful urination
● Swelling of face
➔ Obtain further information from the child’s ● Seizures
● History ● Pallor
● family history ● Fatigue
● and laboratory studies ● Blood in urine
- as part of a complete ● Abdominal or back pain
physical examination. ● Edema
● Hypertension
Signs and Symptoms of Urinary Tract ● Tetany
Disorders or Disease
Suspected renal disease can be further evaluated
1. Neonatal Period (Birth to 1 Month) by means of laboratory tests, radiographic
● Poor feeding studies, and renal biopsy.
● Vomiting
● Failure to gain weight Laboratory Tests
● Rapid respiration (acidosis)
● Respiratory distress Detection of renal problems
● Spontaneous pneumothorax or ➔ Both urine and blood studies contribute
pneumomediastinum vital information.
● Frequent urination
● Screaming on urination Routine urinalysis
● Poor urinary stream - single most important test is probably.
● Jaundice
● Seizures ➢ Specific urine and blood tests provide
● Dehydration additional information.
● Other anomalies or stigmata
● Enlarged kidneys or bladder Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
- is generally accepted as the best overall
2. Infancy (1 to 24 Months) index of kidney function.
● Poor feeding - Though the gold standard for
● Vomiting measurement of GFR has been the
● Failure to gain weight filtration of the small carbohydrate inulin
● Excessive thirst this is not a practical test clinically.
● Frequent urination
● Straining or screaming on urination ➢ The kidney handles creatinine,
● Foul-smelling urine - an end product of protein
● Pallor metabolism in muscle, in a
● Fever similar way so that its plasma
● Persistent diaper rash concentration can be used to
● Seizures (with or without fever) estimate GFR.
- Creatinine clearance tends to
slightly overestimate GFR.
- Serum creatinine is a function of
both creatinine excretion and
production, so it varies, depending
on muscle mass.

❖ Equations have been developed to

estimate kidney function using serum
creatinine and variables such as:
● Age
● Sex
● Race
● body size.

➢ In the past, 12- or 24-hour urine

collections have been used routinely to
measure creatinine clearance, and
therefore GFR, but studies have shown
these difficult to obtain urine collections do
not provide a better estimate of GFR
than the equations
➢ In the case where a 24-hour urine
collection is indicated, the nurse is
responsible for assisting in obtaining a
complete and accurate collection.
Table 24.1 outlines the major urine and blood tests.
Radiologic and other tests of urinary system function are described in Table 24.2.
Blood tests of renal function are outlined in Table 24.3.

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