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Speech Communica on Associa on of South Dakota

2023 Annual Conference

“Planning for the Future”
July 26th & 27th, Sioux Falls South Dakota

Tuesday, July 25th

7:00 – 8:30 Early Registra on – Jefferson HS Commons
On-line Tabroom training - Travis Dahle
Digging into Discourse - Kama Konda-Varilek & Ma hew Ingram
Travis Dahle has created two 30 minute video to help guide you through the use of
Kama Konda-Varilek & Ma hew Ingram created a video that is A Self-Guided Session on SCASD’s Journal
If you are working on your graduate credit requirements, these two videos will be a part of the requirement.

Wednesday, July 26th

7:30-8:30 Registra on - Jefferson HS Commons & Theater

8:30-9:30 If You Knew, It Wouldn’t Seem So Wonderful - SCASD Keynote – JHS Theater
Daniel Hodges - Director of Speech, Apple Valley, MN
Daniel Deshon Hodges has been a compe ve speech coach for over 15 years and is currently the Director of Speech at Apple
Valley High School in Minnesota. Prior to Apple Valley, Daniel began coaching the year a er gradua ng high school at Sioux Falls
Lincoln High School in South Dakota where he competed in both speech and debate events as a student. While he has coached
both interpreta on and public address events, his primary focus is interpreta on events. Daniel has coached na onal finalist in all
NSDA interpreta on events. Most recently, he coached the 2020 NSDA Drama and Duo Champions, the 2021 NSDA Duo
Champions, the 2022 NSDA Humor Champion, 2023 POI Na onal Finalist and Duo Na onal Runner’s Up. Across the major high
school na onal tournaments (NSDA, NCFL, NIETOC, TOC), Daniel has 44 Na onal Finalists with 16 of those being Na onal
9:45-10:45 Novice LD Topic Discussion - Larson, Daniel Hodges - Teaching Ac ng in Speech and Oral Interp - Black Box
Dahle & Debate Coaches - E209/208 Theater
Last year was the first year that South Dakota Join Daniel Hodges for a presenta on on how to teach ac ng for your speech
tournaments agreed to use the na onal novice and Oral Interp students. Daniel has coached na onal finalist in all NSDA
topic limit for Lincoln-Douglas for the interpreta on events. Most recently, he coached the 2020 NSDA Drama and Duo
November-December season. The na onal office Champions, the 2021 NSDA Duo Champions, the 2022 NSDA Humor Champion,
decided to change the topic it had been using for 2023 POI Na onal Finalist and Duo Na onal Runner’s Up. Across the major high
several years due to different concerns and is school na onal tournaments (NSDA, NCFL, NIETOC, TOC), Daniel has 44 Na onal
Finalists with 16 of those being Na onal Champions.
planning to release a new novice topic limit (to
be named some me this summer). This session
will explore the new novice topic and discuss
some ways to bring Lincoln Douglas to your
debate class or to the new student that would
like to learn the ac vity.

11:00-12:00 Reworking Kruger's "Handling An Relaunch or Revitalize Your Journalism Program - Marina A. Hendricks,
Opposing Argument" - Ryan Clark, BHSU SDSU - Black Box Theater
- E209/208 Once upon a me, your school had a newspaper, or a yearbook, or both. Would you like to
Arthur Kruger's classic textbook, Modern bring back one or both of these? Or, your school has a newspaper and/or a yearbook, but
Debate: It's Logic and Strategy offers a sec on you’re looking for fresh ideas, new ways of doing things and reasons to branch out into
that surveys two strategies for handing opposing broadcast or digital. If either descrip on fits you, this workshop is for you. Marina
arguments, the Direct A ack and the Indirect Hendricks is coordinator of the South Dakota High School Press Associa on and the
A ack. Useful as this categoriza on is, it is Journalism Educa on Associa on’s state director for South Dakota. In this workshop, she is
incomplete and conceptually forced at the joints. offering ps, resources and advice for relaunching or revitalizing high school journalism
This essay and discussion will address these programs. She also is providing best prac ces and innova ve examples from student-run
limita ons by offering a more conceptually print, broadcast and digital publica ons. Her goal is for workshop par cipants to end the
polished schema za on which fleshes out session feeling inspired and ready to take the next steps in bringing back journalism or
op ons available to debaters facing opposing branching out in new journalis c direc ons.
claims. In addi on, pruden al and ethical advice
is offered regarding these tac cs to assist
student advocates in assessing where and when
to use them.
12:15-1:15 Lunch Business Mee ngs
Rushmore & Northern NSDA Mee ngs followed by a combined mee ng to discuss the combined Qualifiers tournament. New
coaches are welcome to join and ask any ques ons about the Na onal Tournament that they may have. College groups will also

1:30-2:30 Student Congress’s Future in SD - Jordan It’s Ge ng Hot In Here!! – Steven Oral Interp Roundtable - Black
Bakken, Watertown HS - E209/208 Hirsch - JHS - Theater Box Theater
This session will look at what Student DMX? Well, not THAT DMX. Join the Join veteran coaches to discuss
Congress has been over the years and more Jefferson theater department to get a look things like the new Storytelling topic,
importantly, what it CAN become in South at LED, DMX and ligh ng for some new and rules vs expecta ons in interp
Dakota. Jordan will present ideas on what crea ve ways to use your ligh ng for judging, building your programs and
Congress can look like in the future for South musicals, one-acts and even show choir whatever else comes up in
Dakota Speech & Debate. compe ons! discussions.

2:45-3:45 ChapGPT—The good, the bad, the One-Act Choices - Steve Hirsch - What is New at the Colleges and
ugly,.....the unknown – Kathy Tyler - Theater Universi es? Joshua Westwick,
E209/208 Are you struggling to find the right One-Act SDSU - Black Box Theater
Kathy will introduce the concept of AI play? Want to find more op ons? Join the This roundtable panel invites
programs including ChapGPT, Bing, and theater teachers to find that right script for members from college and university
others using a presenta on designed using your own theater’s needs communica on, theatre, and English
ChatGPT. She'll start at the beginning with programs to gather and discuss
an explana on of what it is; move on to issues facing higher educa on in
what it can do; and then show how it South Dakota. We will begin with
can/help hurt speech/debate programs. She updates from representa ves of each
will cover the good, the bad, and the ugly ins tu on about what is new in their
aspects of AI, poten al policies, and programs. We will then discuss
resources for educators. topical issues within higher
educa on.
4:00-5:15 "It is all it's cracked up to be! Culturally Responsive Teaching Frameworks and Ac vi es: Transforma ve
Lessons from the 2023 Tournament of Wri ng, Performance, and Digital Storytelling - Professors and students,
Champions and NIETOC." - Luke Cumbee SDSU - Black Box Theater
The word Wokini, Lakota for “new life” or “new beginning,” is the name of “SDSU’s
& Michelle McIntyre - E208/209
collabora ve and holis c framework to support American Indian student success
You can agree or disagree with the direc on and Indigenous Na on-building” h ps:// In a workshop
debate is going, but there is no be er way on culturally responsive teaching at the 2022 SCASD conven on, five Wokini
to get an idea of what you will see at students shared their transforma ve wri ng and performance-based works in
Na onals than to keep an eye on what is progress. The session provided the scaffolding for their showcase of these ar s c
happening on the na onal circuit. There gi s in a performance session, which took place at that year’s NCA annual
conven on in New Orleans. This year, we are adding the element of digital
does appear to be some movement in Public
storytelling through mini-documentaries to further amplify Indigenous
Forum Debate norms and this session will undergraduate students’ crea ve voices and resilience narra ves as they explore
discuss what those changes are and how we the role of culturally responsive teaching in suppor ng students’ intersec onal
can prepare our students to produc vely iden es.
engage in those strategies.

5:30-6:15 “We’ve got your backs” Teaching and Coaching Roundtable - Black Box Theater
Teaching and Coaching is at mes very rewarding, but can also be very detrimental to our physical and mental health. This
roundtable will discuss ideas and strategies that we as coaches and directors can use to ensure that we not only are able to
con nue being involved in the ac vi es we love, but also what we can do to support each other over the years.
Bring any and all of your ideas that you have to improve the quality of our lives in this community!

6:30-8:00 SCASD Business Mee ng & Awards Banquet – Held at Jefferson HS Commons

8:15-10:00 Social Get Together at Woodgrain Brewery – include door prizes!

Thursday, July 27th

7:30-8:00 Late Registra on - JHS Commons

8:00-9:00 How To Train Your Dragons Judges – Pat Pope & Kathy Tyler - E208/209 You want to Coach What? Oral Interp? –
We all know the struggle that is finding good judges and having enough judges to Sandy Christensen, Milbank HS - E203
run tournaments. Pat Pope will share what he’s been doing to train new judges and This session will focus on new or newer
Kathy will discuss what she did when hos ng a new tournament and training a lot coaches (and even those who’ve been
of new judges all at once. around for a while) who have been asked to
All coaches in Interp & Debate are invited to share their thoughts & ideas on how coach Oral Interp and are not sure what to
we can improve the experience for all kids do. Sandy will give some prac cal advice as
well as encouragement – you CAN do it!!

9:15-10:15 What do you want to know? Teaching & Logis cs of coaching for future sustainability - E208/209
Are you a newer coach/teacher or just someone who has some ques ons about things? This session will have a variety of tables
set up to help you answer those ques ons. Some tables will include: College credits for cer fica on/PD, prepping your kids for
college (what is needed), Paperwork, policies for students, traveling ps, scheduling prac ces and what tournaments to plan for to
keep your sanity!

10:30-11:30 Annual “It’s the End of the World as we know it” SDFCA Mee ng – Kerry Konda & Travis Dahle - E208/209
There won’t be any singing of R.E.M., but there will be lots to discuss regarding Interp, Speech and Debate in the state of South
Dakota. Join us for the always fun and entertaining SDFCA mee ngs. Not an FCA member? Talk to Travis Dahle and get more info or
stop by and see what all the fuss is about!
Agenda items will include:
1. Discussion of ge ng blocks of hotel rooms for tournaments, including Na onals
2. Established programs assis ng new programs
3. Tournament schedules - do we want to have more debates during the week and fewer weekends?
4. Travis will introduce some ideas to possibly change the State Debate and Individual Events Tournament - be prepared for a
lot of angry people yelling at him in the process 😀

11:45-12:30 SCASD Exec Board Mee ng - E208/209

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