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$afety First


The Wood
The wood is a standard 2x4.
This can be bought at any place that
sells lumber. To fit most lunch bags, I
cut five pieces to roughly the length
of 4 ¼ inches. Most chain stores will
be able to cut them for you. This
wood comes from Home Depot. Some
local places can help when it comes to
drilling holes, but if you have no
resources whatsoever, consider
picking up a drill.

The Spike
Spikes can be bought at a very
cheap price. This spike also came
from Home Depot. It’s helpful to use
bolt cutters to cut the spike down to
the right size. Also, sand down the
point to make it less painful to palm.

Lunch Bags
Any standard lunch bags work
for the routine. It’s important to make
sure the bags you use aren’t too wide,
making the wood blocks slide around

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