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Case study

- Hollow thin tube
- Fixed at one end, load of 200 N at the other end
- Shell-able modelling
This case study focuses on exploring effective methods for creating a proper connection between a
solid body and a shell body in structural design. The study aims to identify connection techniques
that ensure optimal load transfer, structural integrity, and longevity. By analyzing different
connection approaches, this study provides insights into selecting the most suitable method for
achieving a robust and reliable connection between these two types of structural components.
Solid body results:
Stress pattern:

Deformation result:

Solid-Shell discussion
This case study focuses on a hollow tube that has been split into two parts: one part remains as a 3D solid body,
while the other part is converted into a shell body. This case study focuses on exploring different connection
techniques to assess their mechanical behavior and determine the most suitable approach for joining the solid
and shell bodies. The connections type will be use:
• Shared topology
• Contact (Bonded)
• Contact (Bonded tweaked)

The shell body will be offset in 3 different positions:

• Middle
• Top
• Bottom

Solid-Shell Shared topology result (Deformation)

Solid-Shell Shared topology result (Equiv. Stress)

Solid-Shell Bonded automatic contact result (Deformation)

Solid-Shell Bonded automatic contact result (Equiv. Stress)

Solid-Shell Bonded tweaked contact result (Deformation)

Solid-Shell Bonded tweaked contact result (Equiv. Stress)

Explanation and conclusion
By observing the results, it is evident that the tweaked bonded contact
method has the closest stress values and patterns compared to the 3D model.
Why was that? The reason behind this lies in the differences in degrees of
freedom (DOF) between shell elements and solid elements.
Shell nodes typically have six DOF, representing translations along the x, y,
and z axes as well as rotations around these axes. On the other hand, solid
nodes have only three DOF, corresponding to translations along the x, y, and z
axes. Due to the differences in the degrees of freedom (DOF) between shell
elements and solid elements, adjustments are necessary for proper behavior
when establishing contact between them.
In order to address the differences in degrees of freedom between the
shell and solid elements, the Multiple Point Constraints (MPC) formulation
should be used. By using the MPC formulation, the contact between the shell
and solid elements can be accurately modeled, taking into account the
variations in DOF at each node. This approach provides a reliable and robust
method for achieving proper behavior and accurate results in the analysis of
the connection between the solid and shell bodies. Moreover, to achieve even
more accurate results, it is recommended to change the constraint type to
Projected and set the Uncoupled U to ROT. MPC contact


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