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Codependency Quiz

Thank you for taking part in my online codependency quiz. Check your score in the email
you would have been sent and then read the following explanations.

Score between 1-6

If you scored between 1-6 you may not be necessarily codependent, but you could be a
highly sensitive person with empathic tendencies. You could be the kind of person that is
naturally considerate of others feelings, but you most likely know when to set a bounda-
ry, even if it might be difficult to do so.

Score between 7-11

If you scored between 7-11 you are surely struggling with some codependency and pos-
sibly enabling tendencies. It may be difficult for you to understand when to draw the
line and you may easily fall prey to ruminating over what other people think about you.
Although you may be able to function day to day, below the surface, you most often
struggle with not feeling enough not matter how hard you to try to fix or cater to others.

Score between 11-18

If you scored between 11-18 you most definitely struggle with feeling invisible, not
enough, and with codependency issues most likely in many areas of your life. You may
suffer from anxiety, rumination, and an ongoing need to gain approval from outside of
the self. In spite of being super empathic to other people’s needs, there is a great chance
you feel continually let down by others in your life. You may be someone who absolutely
believes they are doing everything right, but yet, no matter how hard you try, you never
feel good enough for yourself or for others. Shame, guilt, and self-doubt may be constant
companions and you may secretly cry to yourself and wonder if your life will ever change.
If you have scored between 11-18 you are someone who will benefit greatly from learning
about how to heal from the patterns that were created in childhood when you were a
powerless child.

Next steps... (continued)

Copyright © 2018 Lisa A. Romano • All Rights Reserved • No Unauthorised Duplication or Distribution Permitted
Next Steps...
We cannot fix a hole in the wall we cannot see. Imagine having a hole in the
roof of your home. Imagine the snow falling in on top of you and your family
and imagine if you had no understanding of holes in roofs. No matter how
many times you cleaned up your floor or how many sweaters you put on, the
house remained cold.

You could not fix a hole in a roof you did not know was there. And although this
is a silly analogy, it represents what it is like to have this terribly dysfunctional
childhood programming rooted in our subconscious minds we are not aware
of that is responsible for what we do, how we think, how we behave, and even
who we attract into our lives, as well as allow to stay a part of our lives.

If you are codependent that is not your fault. If you feel unloved, unworthy and
invisible, that is not your fault. If you feel like no matter how hard you try to
feel enough, you just cannot seem to satisfy that gaping hole in the middle of
your chest, Dear One, that is not your fault either. In fact, growing up feeling
unloved creates all sorts of beliefs that keep us stuck and none of them are our

But, if we are to recover, we must do all we can to accept what has been and
do what we can to address what is holding us from living the lives we deserve.

I have dedicated my life to helping awaken abused adult children to the true
nature of what is causing their dissatisfaction with life. If you would like to
learn more about what products and offers I have available, please feel free to
join my newsletter. When you do, we will make sure you receive all the infor-
mation you need to begin taking control over your life.

Discover more resources, meditation audio’s, books and

programs over at

Copyright © 2018 Lisa A. Romano • All Rights Reserved • No Unauthorised Duplication or Distribution Permitted

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