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Amidst the chaos of a worldwide pandemic, my life changed and took an unexpected turn.
The peace among the environment around me suddenly turned into noise, A noise where one
would be feeling uncertainty, A feeling where one would have jumbled thoughts, fearing the
unknown set for the future. Nevertheless, The global pandemic made me realize the things I
haven't considered before, such as the importance of human connection, the fragility of a
person’s well-being, the need for adaptability, and the significance of essential workers.
Overall, the global pandemic has provided a unique perspective on various aspects of our lives,
bringing forth realizations and lessons that may have previously gone unnoticed or taken for

For instance, I have a tale myself regarding my life during the worldwide pandemic that made
me grasp the reality of living during a pandemic. To be truthful, I was happy at first when the
A 1- week suspension for school was announced. I thought that this suspension was a nice
break from school and didn’t realize that this glimpse of happiness would turn to fear, sadness
and emptiness. I didn’t know what to feel, yet. My mind has been scattered into pieces trying to
comprehend the situation happening around the world. Like, Is this the reality? Or am I in a
state of dream right now?.As days pass, I understand more. Indeed, the world around me has
changed significantly. Fatalities have increased, and uncertainty has spread among the people.
I couldn’t help but feel disheartened concerning this matter. However, I knew that I couldn’t let
this feeling take the best of me. It wasn't easy, but I learned to adapt and find strength in the
face of adversity. During the pandemic, I made sure I had enough time to work more on myself,
whether it’s emotionally, physically or mentally, in short, I was able to focus on myself more as I
had a lot of free time to do so, Starting out with my daily routine by getting up early in the
morning, eating a balanced diet, taking break from screens, maintaining social connections by
message or video chat my loved ones, do my hobbies (including biking, online gaming and
playing basketball with my friends) for my entertainment and practicing mindfulness and
gratitude for the things I currently have. In addition, The pandemic brought our family together,
making us spend more time together than before and creating more lively memories to
reminisce. We ate meals, gave the Lord our prayers together, supporting and uplifting each

As I reflect on the impact of this pandemic, I am humbled by how it has reshaped my

perspective on life. It has taught me to find joy in the simplest of moments and to appreciate the
beauty that surrounds me. I have discovered a newfound strength within myself, learning to
navigate uncertainty with resilience and determination. Through it all, I have witnessed the
power of human connection and the importance of supporting one another, leaving me with a
deep sense of gratitude and hope for a brighter future.

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