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Sunday 32 of ordinary time

The main theme of God's word for this Sunday is in reference to the resurrection.

In a world where death is shown to us as the end of life, Jesus Christ comes and shows us
an opportunity to resurrect with him.

To understand the resurrection, it is necessary that it has a lot to do with the life that we
enjoy now and with the death we face sooner or later.

Many times, living is difficult.

We spend most of our time looking to survive every day, to be able to bring food to our
We spend the rest of our lives looking for the best for some children who will not
recognize the effort of the parents, until they as parents are in the same situation with
their children.

Living is complicated, in the end we end our life without being tender, wishing we had
more time to follow the projects, to see our children and our grandchildren to be able to
believe and realize themselves in life.

Life is beautiful, full of opportunities, full of surprises, comes from sadness, full of things
that we do not expect. Without a doubt, that is what makes life beautiful, because we are
not able to know what will happen to us tomorrow.

Certain people will say that living is complicated. And to a large extent they are right.

But I would say that our life without God makes no sense. That is the complicated thing.
Therefore, living without God does not make sense for this life, it is necessary to find it.

A first statement would be:

To die without God in our life would imply throwing ourselves into the void without a
rope, without a parachute, without a security.

That is why it is urgent that we find him and never leave him.

It is the security that the Maccabees felt in order not to succumb to problems, to
temptations, to the inevitable of life, that is, to death.

Living our life with God is the guarantee to be able to rise with him on the last day.
We seek to flee from death, we seek not to reach that day:

They have sold us the idea that we are born to die, that is why we have to look for the
impossible to avoid death, to avoid aging, as if that were bad.

The human being seeks to immortalize their bodies, so as not to die, because they are
sure that there is no more life after death.

The problem they have is that they live their life without God, that is the problem.

Our life is part of a project of God. This project of God, gives us opportunities to live this
life, with our families, parents, children, brothers, friends.

We believe in a God of life.

A God who gives us an opportunity here and in the next life.

The resurrection is not the postponement of this life, that is, to continue as we live. It
would be very difficult to think that some were born having everything and others who
never had something concrete in their life.

Let God with his love and his mercy show us, what the resurrection will be like, let's live
this life as children of God, as brothers, as children of God.

The Jews as a people, as a religion do not believe in the resurrection, at least they did not
understand it until Jesus explained them.

The key to understanding the intention of the Pharisees is that they do not believe in the
resurrection, they were not interested in knowing about the resurrection.

The Jews required to set Jesus a trap, for them the wife is a possession, they wanted to
know, what was Jesus' response regarding the issue of seeing a person as property in the
next life.

That is why Jesus responds to the Sadducees by correcting the absurd idea that exists in
many of us.

That is, it is not about who is going to be a wife. It is about understanding that this life has
its privileges and opportunities to change this world, but that the resurrection is a gift that
God will give his children, in time.
That's why brothers and sisters.

We have many options, that society tells us, according to the way men see, many ways to
live this life.

Many of them are an illusion that we know will not end well in our lives.

God is a God of the living, not the dead.

That is why we seek to find God and God will show us the path we must follow.

Advent is approaching our life, Jesus wants to be born in our life.

Let him come in and stay with us.

We only have two options: live with God or try to live without him.

May the Lord help us.

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