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1. Set up jenkins server

2. set up elk server
3. configure kibana, logstash, elasticsearch
4. set up credentials for jenkins to access git lab, container registry, sonarqube, etc
5. write docker file for images
6. write ansible config files
7. write terraform config files
8. write helm charts for app deployment to k8s

Stage: checkout
9. get source files from repo
Stage: update version
10. increment version
Stage: build artifact
11. build artifact using docker agent
Stage: unit test
12. run tests (docker agent)
13. save report to s3
Stage: integration test
14. run tests (docker agent)
15. save report to s3
Stage: sonarqube
16. run tests (docker agent)
17. save report to s3
Stage: build docker image
18. build image
Stage: push docker image to repo
19. login into repo
20. push image
Stage: launch staging server
21. launch ec2 using terraform
Stage: configure staging server
22. configure necessary software with ansible
Stage: deploy to staging server
23. configure access to ec2 for jenkins
24. deploy docker container
Stage: e2e tests
25. run tests using cypress
26. save report
Stage: deploy to prod cluster
27. configure access
28. copy deployment.yaml to master
29. kubectl apply
Stage: obtain SSL(certbot)
30. install cerbot
31. obtain certificate
Stage: set up elk
32. install metricbeat on worker node
33. configure metricbeat
34. send email if deployment was successful or not

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