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Select one of the concepts presented in this module and discuss why it is

important in software security.

Incident response plans are created to contain and mitigate the impact of cyber attacks on an
organization. Organizations should have a plan in place to respond to incidents with
appropriate actions.

The steps of an incident response plan are:

 Preparing for an attack

 Identifying the incident
 Containing the attack and mitigating its impact
 Recovering from the incident

An Incident Response Plan is a document that contains all the information about how to
respond to an emergency situation. It includes a list of people who are responsible for various
tasks, such as contacting the authorities, gathering evidence, and communicating with the

An Incident Response Plan can be used in software security to help minimize damage from an
attack or data breach. It helps in planning for an incident and dealing with it effectively.
Incident response plans are important because they help reduce damage from a cyber-attack or
data breach by providing the necessary steps and details needed when responding to an
emergency situation.

Companies that don't have an incident response plan are more likely to suffer from cyber
attacks. The first step for any business is to create an incident response plan. This is a
document that outlines your company's plans for responding to a cyber-attack or other crisis.
It should outline what you'll do if your company suffers from a cyber attack and how you'll
communicate with the public about what happened.

An incident response plan can help prevent costly mistakes by ensuring that companies have
the right information and resources in place when they're faced with a crisis. It also ensures
that employees know what their roles are during a crisis, which increases their efficiency
during times of chaos.


1.DeVoe, C., & M. Rahman, S. S. (2013d). Incident Response Plan for a Small to Medium-
Sized Hospital. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications, 5(2), 1–

2.Liu, P., Xu, B. Y., Hu, F., Yu, H. F., & Li, J. (2012c). A New Complex Incident Response
Plan Decision-Making Model. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 241–244, 1133–

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