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Received: 18 July 2022 Revised: 28 September 2022 Accepted: 5 October 2022

DOI: 10.1111/ssm.12557


Promoting social and emotional learning competencies

in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
project-based mathematics classrooms

Yi-Jung Lee

Department of Curriculum and

Instruction, University of Arkansas, Abstract
Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA In this Information Age, mathematics learning has shifted from independent to
collaborative, and the ability to utilize both intrapersonal and interpersonal
Yi-Jung Lee, University of Arkansas, skills in learning has become essential. To cultivate multiple intelligences in
Fayettteville, AR, USA. mathematics classrooms, integrating project-based learning into mathematics
instruction can be a promising approach. In this study, we analyzed 15 elemen-
tary interns' project-based mathematics (PBM) lessons and observed their imple-
mentation at two public elementary schools in the southern United States. The
findings revealed that the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) PBM lessons conducted by the interns shared five common features:
(a) enhancing empathy and social awareness, (b) solving real-life mathematics-
related problems, (c) utilizing personal strengths to enhance the utility of mathe-
matics, (d) supporting wide-ranging and collective mathematics learning, and
(e) cultivating personal responsibility in mathematical problem solving. We fur-
ther discussed how these STEM PBM lessons guaranteed an opportunity to fos-
ter students' social and emotional learning competencies in mathematics
classrooms. We conclude that PBM provides a practical way to effectively engage
students and enhance learning purpose in elementary classrooms and recom-
mend this innovative pedagogy to both novice and veteran elementary teachers.

communication, cooperative learning, learning processes, problem solving, projects/
applications, teachers and teaching

1 | INTRODUCTION difficulties becomes challenging when mathematics disposi-

tion and achievement are related exclusively to learners'
When mathematics learning is perceived as an embodiment intrapersonal skills (Allen & Schnell, 2016). The mathemati-
of intrapersonal intelligence, mathematics performance cal content goals addressing the domains of numbers and
is closely associated with the logical-mathematical intelli- operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data anal-
gence reflected in standardized assessments (Shearer, 2018). ysis and probability in Principles and Standards, the first set
This perception limits mathematical exploration and of- of standards published by the (National Council of Teachers
ten ignores the socioemotional aspects of learning (Lee of Mathematics [NCTM], 2000), have remained similar in
et al., 2019). Consequently, promoting students' positive the Common Core State Standards (National Governors
mathematics identity or helping them overcome learning Association Center for Best Practices & Council of Chief

Sch Sci Math. 2022;122:429–434. © 2022 School Science and Mathematics Association. 429
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430 LEE

State School Officers [NGA & CCSSO], 2010). However,

how students construct mathematics knowledge has chan-
ged in the 21st-century project-based environment, as illus-
trated by the anticipated 60% of U.S. employees who will
work as contract employees across multiple project teams
by 2025, striving to solve all kinds of social problems
(Boss & Larmer, 2018). In this article, we present the fea-
tures of mathematics-focused, project-based lessons
designed and implemented by elementary interns and
explain, through example lessons, how students' socioemo-
tional learning can be promoted in project-based mathemat-
ics (PBM) classrooms.


To respond to learning-style changes in the project-based

Information Age (Buck Institute for Education [BIE], 2021)
proposed gold-standard project-based learning (PBL) with
seven essential elements for developing high-quality pro-
jects: a challenging problem, sustained inquiry, authenticity,
student voice, and choice, reflection, critique and revision,
and public product. PBL integrates rigorous knowledge and
hands-on activities in which students experience both indi-
vidual and collaborative learning through analyzing situa-
tions, exploring resources, and optimizing products to solve
relevant real-world problems (Craft & Capraro, 2017). More- F I G U R E 1 Student-created popsicle-stick egg grabber
over, PBL relies on core strengths in social–emotional learn- measured with base-10 tiles

ing (SEL), including self-awareness and social-awareness,

positive relationships, and responsibility (Collaborative for
Academic, Social and Emotional Learning [CASEL], 2020), course required for the STEM graduate certificate at a
that are considered to “make for successful adults” southern U.S. university. The lesson design involved
(Markham, 2011, p. 41). Researchers have confirmed that identifying mathematics and PBL components with fel-
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) low educators and the course instructor before imple-
PBL positively influenced students' mathematics achieve- mentation. During PBM class time, semistructured
ment and affective engagement (Han et al., 2015; Lee observation forms were filled out by the researcher, men-
et al., 2019). The STEM PBM classroom has the advantages tor teacher, and/or fellow interns. The collected PBM les-
of PBL and encourages students to apply specific mathemat- sons and field notes were then analyzed through constant
ics knowledge to complete projects that solve real-world comparison that identified and categorized the teaching
problems. Every PBM lesson in this article was developed and learning practices documented in the observation
based on BIE's (2021) gold-standard PBL and invites stu- notes under emerging themes. Although different PBM
dents to solve real-life problems with appropriate grade-level lessons provided various learning experiences to students,
mathematics knowledge introduced in the Common Core we were able to report five common features emerging
State Standards (NGA & CCSSO, 2010). The tasks in PBM from the implemented PBM lessons, which could be con-
lessons could be as simple as using measurement to solve a sidered supporting evidence for school educators in estab-
space-management problem or extended to an interdisci- lishing a PBM learning environment.
plinary exploration involving multiple mathematics
In spring 2021, a cohort of 15 elementary interns was 3 | FEATURES OF ELEMENTARY-
recruited to participate in planning and implementing L E V E L P B M L E SSO NS
lessons at two public elementary schools. These student
teachers were in the last year of their Elementary Educa- All the implemented PBM lessons were based on either a
tion Master of Arts program and enrolled in the PBM U.S. holiday-themed event or a real-life context with a
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LEE 431

challenging problem, constituting a fundamental differ- following from students: “We need to use the timer
ence between a PBM lesson and a conventional mathe- because we could count too fast or too slow” and “If the
matics lesson. Below, five features observed in PBM timer is too far away, people might spend time starting it
lessons are presented. and won't wash their hands for the full 20 s. Can we
design a waterproof timer?” Situating a problem in real-life
settings not only allows students to connect mathematics
3.1 | Enhancing empathy and social with the real world (e.g., the relationship between distance
awareness and time) but also promotes their emotion and behavior
management skills in terms of how to interact with the
The PBM lessons in this study provided an environment device properly to achieve the goal: in this case, following
in which elementary students could demonstrate under- beneficial health measures to protect community
standing and empathy for other community members members.
through designing useful devices. For example, the first-
grade students in the “Grabber” lesson completed an
Easter-themed project that underscored empathy (i.e., for 3.3 | Utilizing personal strengths to
children who cannot bend down to pick up an Easter egg) enhance the utility of mathematics
and social awareness (i.e., with your help, everyone can
have fun on this holiday) in one class period. Students also In the PBM classrooms, we encouraged students to recog-
had to share the responsibility to help peers collect Easter nize the value of their existing knowledge and ongoing
eggs with the designed egg grabber. We observed that one work while exploring mathematics concepts. In the “Val-
student in a pair operated the product and reported on its entines” lesson, third graders spent two class periods cre-
effectiveness in terms of strength, length, and angle while ating a box to hold cards for Valentine's Day, a holiday
the other subsequently revised and extended the length of event in U.S. schools. This lesson reinforced utilizing per-
the grabber in the unit of 10 (see Figure 1). In addition to sonal preference and knowledge as strengths by measur-
discussing measurement, geometry, and operations in base ing the dimensions of the box with rulers, determining
10, students collaboratively improved the device for a which face should be used to show card accumulation,
classmate with limb injuries: “Sarah needs to stay in her appropriately partitioning the box face, finding the area
wheelchair, so we should make the grabber longer for her of a rectangle, applying the distributive property, and rec-
so she can lift the egg off the ground” and “How about ognizing area as additive. The concept of volume is nor-
doubling the length of the grabber handle and seeing if it mally introduced in fifth-grade mathematics lessons;
works?” Both students contributed specific mathematics nonetheless, when students received differently sized
knowledge (e.g., doubling the length) to this project and Valentine cards, it sparked natural discussion about vol-
took responsibility for ensuring the utility of the egg grab- ume measurement in students' conversations via ques-
ber with the intention to help other students succeed in tions such as “If I want my box to hold as many cards as
Easter egg hunting. possible, how should I rearrange them in the box?”

3.2 | Solving real-life mathematics- 3.4 | Supporting wide ranging and

related problems collective mathematics learning

The second-grade “Timer” lesson was implemented for When mathematics learners are unable to assimilate
three class periods to address a consequence of the corona- taught content knowledge, they experience struggles and
virus disease 2019 pandemic in everyday life: washing frustration (Stuart, 2000). Algebraic learning is relatively
hands for the recommended 20 s (Centers for Disease Con- abstract for elementary students, and previous research
trol and Prevention [CDC], 2021). Through working on has shown that many have trouble understanding equiva-
this timer design project, second graders were invited to lent ratios and demonstrate overreliance on computa-
apply measurement knowledge by answering the guiding tions in proportional reasoning (Siegler et al., 2010). To
questions: “How can we precisely measure 20 seconds address this difficulty, the “Mural” lesson invited fourth
while washing our hands?” and “How does your timer graders to create a mural project involving 2D scaling
work and help us?” In addition, students' self-management within three-class periods. In this class, this scenario was
skills matured through demonstrating self-motivation, announced: “The school principals have asked us to cre-
goal setting, and organizational skills in this hands-on pro- ate a mural of them to put in the school cafeteria. They
ject (Zins et al., 2007). In the observation, we heard the want it to look just like them! Can you help them create
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432 LEE

well-being. In the “Upcycle” lesson, for instance, fifth

graders recycled materials from their living surroundings
that were otherwise headed to the landfill and spent three
class periods upcycling them into something practical for
their community members. Three participating students
created a mini air-hockey table (see Figure 2) with a
recycled cardboard box and different-sized bottle caps.
They precisely measured the sizes of the goal, strikers, and
pucks for the team, and each student contributed ideas
and suggestions about the practical and aesthetic aspects
of their project. Their conversations included the follow-
ing: “If all bottle caps people collected are almost the same
size, the goal should also be that size. Everyone can just
bring their bottle caps and join the game on our mini
table” and “Should the size of strikers be smaller for our
air-hockey table made from a small box? It's difficult to
move a large striker in a small box.” In addition to using
measurement in the process, they created a two-column
T-Chart denoted as the areas of hockey table and a goal to
identify and analyze numerical patterns and relationships
by applying operations and algebraic thinking skills. Their
mathematics knowledge, design ideas, and creativity were
recognized and praised by their teacher and classmates,
and the completed mini table was popular among peers.
Students attributed the project's success to team members'
responsible choice-making regarding personal knowledge
F I G U R E 2 Air hockey table created from recycled cardboard and community benefit.
box and water bottle caps by three fifth-grade students

a mural that is to scale?” Students then began generating 4 | T E A C HI NG M O V E S I N P B M

shape patterns matching the scaling rule for their mural TH A T PR O M O T E D S E L
creation, recording measurement equivalents using differ- COMPETENCIES
ent length units, and managing the presence of geometric
shapes with the accuracy of lengths and directions on a In this study, teaching moves that aligned with the math-
mural. In completing the project, students were observed to ematics teaching practices (MTPs; NCTM, 2014) and pro-
demonstrate several mathematics practices through making moted SEL competencies were identified in every PBM
sense of the equivalent ratios and proportions (SMP#1), lesson besides the emerging five features. In this section,
sketching or modeling the scaling relationship (SMP#4), we first use the kindergarten “Teepee” lesson to enumer-
using appropriate measuring tools (SMP#5), determining ate the MTPs. The teacher specified the learning goal of
the exact height of the principals on the mural (SMP#6), composing a 3D teepee with marshmallows and tooth-
and manipulating the length measurement and conversions picks after introducing that teepees were used mainly by
structure (SMP#7; NGA & CCSSO, 2010). In this lesson, Plains Indians (Brophy & Alleman, 2000). During the
students applied proportional knowledge and collaborated class, the teacher posed purposeful questions to elicit stu-
with peers to finalize the mural project with accurate dents' ideas and reasoning about their teepee construc-
numerical representations, which reinforced positive rela- tion and facilitated productive discussion to examine
tionship building and effective conflict handling. students' knowledge of shape properties for the built tee-
pees at the individual, small-group, and whole-class
levels. Although students' teepees did not always function
3.5 | Cultivating personal responsibility well, the teacher supported student learning by con-
in mathematical problem solving stantly recognizing and appreciating each student's par-
ticipation and contribution. At the end of the class, these
The PBM classrooms emphasized social solidarity and per- kindergarteners could describe the attributes of the 2D
sonal responsibility for promoting community members' and 3D shapes used in their teepee and apply
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LEE 433

computational ability to count and compare the number because it required students to upgrade their product
of vertices and sides of their product, demonstrating their through identifying useful resources, coordinating labor,
development in both conceptual understanding and pro- ensuring authenticity, and resolving unpredictable difficul-
cedural fluency. These observed student behaviors were ties. All of these practices relied heavily on students' self-
effectively supported by the teacher's MTPs in this PBM management of time and effort invested into the project.
classroom. Third, responsibility in the decision-making process was
We then explain how the PBM lessons and the advocated through emphasizing final products' functional-
observed MTPs promoted students' SEL competencies ity. Students watched items that could be reused through
through two lessons due to space limitations. First, the upcycling being taken away by recycling trucks biweekly,
kindergarten “Teepee” lesson promoted students' self- so they felt responsible for improving their living environ-
awareness by valuing individuals' cultural identities. ment and were eager to brainstorm solutions to pollution
Children were invited to share their cultural and linguis- through applying science and mathematics knowledge
tic heritage, which was a particularly invaluable opportu- (e.g., how to clean, dry and transform a container). The
nity for children with a connection to Native American final products included pen holders, photo frames, and the
tribes in the region. Second, the lesson supported self- aforementioned air hockey table (see Figure 2). Students
management because teepee construction involved a con- provided justification for the authenticity, functionality,
tinuum of improving the product through asking and and entertainment of their products. For example, the
answering questions, demonstrating resourcefulness, hockey-table team concluded that the dimensions of their
managing time, meeting authentic criteria, and persisting product were proportional to a real-size hockey table, and
through challenges rather than following step-by-step, many schoolmates took turns playing with this product
one-size-fits-all procedures prescribed by the classroom during recess. Fourth, this lesson strengthened students'
authority figure. Third, the teacher advocated decision- social awareness as the teammates collaborated to create a
making responsibility when she incorporated the history beneficial product for the community with collected recy-
of Thanksgiving, a national U.S. holiday, into the lesson. cling items. Last, students developed their relationship
Nearly all the students celebrated Thanksgiving annually, skills while interacting with peers and teachers. For exam-
so they showed strong interest in and felt responsible for ple, we heard conversations from the hockey-table team
learning about its history. Although the teacher had stu- including: “Can you hold this piece for me? I'll return the
dents build a teepee as the final product, she accepted favor when it's your turn to install the goal” and “How did
shape diversification with justifications (e.g., triangular you find the center to install the goal on that side? Can we
faces are stronger than rectangular faces). Fourth, this work together to make sure that the two goals are
lesson increased students' social awareness through aligned?”
exchanging ideas and collaborating with partners for the
same learning goal: Use 2D and 3D shapes to build a tee-
pee. Researchers have asserted that young children's ego- 5 | CONCLUSION
centric thinking can be decreased earlier when they work
on meaningful tasks that allow them to take other peo- In this article, we exemplified each of the five emerging
ple's perspectives through reasoning (Hedegaard, 2020). features using only one grade-specific PBM lesson due to
Last, the teacher supported productive struggles and space constraints, but in practice, all five features were
encouraged students to compare and contrast different found in every PBM lesson implemented by our interns.
strategies and products with peers, thereby helping We then used the kindergarten “Teepee” lesson and the
develop students' relationship skills in intensive but mean- fifth-grade “Upcycle” lesson to illustrate how the five
ingful verbal and literal mathematical interactions. SEL competencies were promoted by the teaching moves
The PBM also promoted elder elementary students' observed in these PBM lessons. It is worth noting that the
SEL competencies in the fifth-grade “Upcycle” lesson. teaching moves observed in other PBM lessons func-
First, the lesson promoted fifth graders' self-awareness by tioned similarly to those in the “Teepee” and “Upcycle”
respecting recycling habits situated in different living envi- lessons. Therefore, we concluded that the five SEL com-
ronments and cultures. For example, one Asian American petencies can be supported in almost every elementary
student shared that his family always washed every con- classroom that incorporates PBM lessons.
tainer before recycling it. Being invited to share their per- The PBL approach has been implemented mainly in
spective and attitude toward the recycling issues triggered science classrooms to parallel real inquiries by scientists
students' environmental awareness, from their home to (Krajcik & Czerniak, 2018), so teachers might need sup-
the school with a potential extension to the community. port in developing and conducting mathematics-focused
Second, the “Upcycle” lesson supported self-management PBL lessons due to relatively inadequate resources.
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434 LEE

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