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Supervised learning explained.

What is supervised learning

Supervised learning is a machine learning approach where an algorithm is trained using

labeled data, meaning that the input data is already paired with the desired output. The
algorithm learns from these labeled examples to make predictions or decisions about new,
unseen data.

In supervised learning, the algorithm tries to identify patterns and relationships between the
input features and the corresponding output labels, with the goal of accurately predicting the
output for new, unseen input data. The labeled data is typically split into training data and
test data, with the training data used to fit the model and the test data used to evaluate its

Common examples of supervised learning include image classification, speech recognition,

and natural language processing, where the algorithm is trained on a set of labeled examples
to recognize and classify different types of images, speech, or text. Supervised learning is
widely used in many fields, including finance, healthcare, and transportation, to make
predictions or decisions based on large amounts of data.

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