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9/18/2022 6:34:35 PM ET - Penguin.

GG#5233 (1002261231442333837): Embed - Welcome

<@720544207906799627> to your ticket! Please be patient and **do not tag staff
members** unless you are told to
9/18/2022 7:41:23 PM ET - MCGamerEllie#4513 (308281167696887809): Were you in
/warzone when you were banned ?
9/18/2022 8:52:25 PM ET - Floppa#0979 (720544207906799627): nope (sorry it took me
long to respond)
9/18/2022 8:52:35 PM ET - Floppa#0979 (720544207906799627): i was at my base
9/18/2022 8:52:52 PM ET - Floppa#0979 (720544207906799627): or at a player's island
with the name of Taneax with pvp disabled on it
9/18/2022 8:55:19 PM ET - MCGamerEllie#4513 (308281167696887809): If you weren’t in
warzone your inventory will be the same when your ban finishes, any other questions
9/19/2022 6:02:20 AM ET - Floppa#0979 (720544207906799627): alright, good. No more
9/19/2022 6:02:23 AM ET - Floppa#0979 (720544207906799627): thank you, you can
close the ticket
9/19/2022 6:39:08 AM ET - Penguin.GG#5233 (1002261231442333837):

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