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CBQ Questions:
1.Happy moments are short-lived but provide a lifetime memory. They provide a cushion
to bear the difficulties which the future has in store for you. Comment in the light of the
poem ‘A Photograph’ by Shirley Toulson.

2.The poet has paid a tribute to her mother. Similar instances can be seen in ‘The Portrait
of a Lady’. This made you think that writing about a loved one is much better than
building their statues or drawing their portraits. Comment.

3.Read the extract given below & answer the questions that follow:
All three stood still to smile through their hair
At the uncle with the camera. A sweet face ,
My mother’s , that was before I was born
And the sea which appears to have changed less
Washed their terribly transient feet

i. Choose the INCORRECT statement:

a) The girls were having fun and their faces were covered with the hair.
b) The girls were posing for the photograph
c) The girls had gone for the picnic with the poet.
d) Uncle had accompanied the girls

ii. This extract bears a contrast

a) Between the beautiful beaches and the scenic hilly view
b) Between Mortality of human life and immortality of nature
c) Between childhood and old stage
d) Between the sea waves and calm nature

iii. Which stage is mentioned in these lines?

a) Childhood
b) Adulthood
c) Middle age
d) Old age
iv. The poetic device in “transient feet’ is:
a) Alliteration
b) Synecdoche
c) Transferred epithet
d) Onomatopoeia

v. The tone of the poet in the stanza is of ____________.

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