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‘’Saint in disguise,billionare pledges to donate his entire amount to

charity’’reads the newspaper.A victorious win,I mutter to myself as a
grin passes over my face–surely this is enough of an evidence
against our elders’s slow faculty.I wander through the pages,light
hearted before an old woman knocks herself down infront of
me.The groceries flying in the moving bus,she trips over badly
before our eyes meet.It bespeak of loss and misery,those deep
wells of mistrust glares angrily through their curtains thwarting my
attempt to help.She recollects herself in a routinely manner as I look
at my fellow passengers eyes fixed in a certain direction,engrossed
with their own certain concerns–none comes out to help her.
’’Does our world today lack generosity?’’I am forced to ask myself.

I peer through the remaining of the glistening window unoccupied

by the ungenerous fog.I see a man on his knees,helpless,broken as
he runs around with a banner over his head.’’My 4 year old
daughter’’ it says ’’has stage four cancer,please be generous to
financially help.’’Pleadingly,he looks through those rushing lavish
cars,past the decorated cafes and corporate centres,through the
jewelry embracing people—they brush past
him,uninterested.Ultimately those eyes metamorphosis to
shame,anger and finally mourning as it comprehends the inevitable
outcome.Where is generosity in today's world?

Pondering over this irreconcilable concerns,going through the

metaphoric -,I implore my mind in whirlphool to direct itself over the
other official matters as I sit down near my desk.My eyes falls upon
the shy,petite cleaner greeting everyone with warm smiles
everyday.She passes through the narrow rows of desk,bustling with
news of stock exchange,each in anticipation over the next dollar
rise.Arriving at the literary desk she asks the man towering over her
hoarsely,’’Could you please help me fill out my sons application
form.The man turns visibly annoyed at this interruption over his
phone conversation as he dismissed her with the wave of his hand.
‘’Mr Parker’’says the secretary breaking my thoughts’’The boss
would like to see you’’.As you know Parker,we have suffered heavy
loss over our financial reserves last month’’ speaks the boss before
I even enter the room–he doesnt offer me to sit down.I ponder over
those remote grey expressionless eyes,cragged

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