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Journal 2 - Sufferance

Harisan Naguleswaran

The reader is introduced to a shocking key point in chapters 9 to 16 as an essential aspect

of Mr. Camp's character is revealed. Readers learn that Mr. Camp, the protagonist, has an
extraordinary power enabling him to look into the heart of humanity to see patterns that offer
opportunities and profits for the wealthy and powerful to take over. Given this power, Mr.
Camp's nickname is unveiled: the "Forecaster." When Camp worked with The Locken Group,
Thomas Locken (CEO/father of Ash Locken) exploits him and makes him use his power several
times, resulting in him feeling used and miserable. One thing he is made to do is create a list of
billionaires in the world, but then he sees something unknown and leaves the organization for
good. A couple of years later, Ash Locken goes on a hunt to look for Mr. Camp and demands to
know why the 12 billionaires are dying at such a fast pace. Ash Locken wants to know what he
saw the day he made a list. Therefore, once they find him, they take him to The Locken Group
headquarters and make him go to work despite knowing he is fragile. "Ash Locken and Oliver,
they stand at the edge of the powwow ground, the crows begin screaming[…] My every move is
being analyzed […] shared interest is an entity called Ankh Technologies" (King 72, 110). This
is significant because when Camp sees Ash and Oliver, the "crows'' begin to scream, signifying
that there is danger in the Locken Group. Related to Mr. Camp not being able to do anything
freely, it correlates to the section in the excerpt which says, "[his]every move being analyzed", as
it shows The Locken Group is exploiting his power for their own benefit. Finally, "Ankh
Technologies" is repeated many times throughout the novel, symbolizing a new mystery and
leaving the reader curious to figure out what Ankh Technologies motives are and how it relates
to Mr. Camp.

Throughout the novel, the theme pertaining to inequality created by those who have
privilege and power is reinforced, as seen even when The Locken Group takes away Mr. Camp
to do what they please with no regards towards Camp. Camp was told to find out why the list of
billionaires were dying, and without letting Mr. Camp responds, they put him in a room with no
windows and went to work for three days. "I'd like you to stay with us, Forecaster. This is not a
question that is open for debate… Fifth floor, in a windowless room with reduced lighting" (King
103, 108). In this, Ash states, "not a question open for debate", Camp is demanded that he stays
with the Locken Group and does as told. In addition, he is in a "windowless room with reduced
lighting", showing that the underprivileged do not get treated equally and is also a symbol
towards how kids in residential schools were treated. "No freedom and doing as told".

Post-colonial theory can be applied using resistance and subaltern when Roman decides
to cut off power to a group of government officials as an act of resistance/protest to show them
how it feels when the reserve's power and water is shut off for long periods of time. However, it
did not go as planned towards Roman. Roman wanted to make a statement and thought the
government would come to the reserve to help bring back power and water. Instead, they gave
him jail time which is ironic because if you are a minority (First Nations), you can be taken
advantage of so quickly with no punishment. "They f*cked the entire reserve, and what happens
to them? … I cut power to five people and get nine months in jail? Should have shut down the
entire town" (King 94). "f*cked the entire reserve", states the government can shut down the
reserves (subaltern) power with no penalization. "cut power to five people". On the other hand, if
one decides to cut power to a couple of officials as an act of resistance, he is given jail time
which restricts the choices taken by the subaltern.

The northern quadrant of the medicine wheel is represented well due to the fact that Mr.
Camp can look into the heart of humanity gives him a lot of wisdom which is a vital point of the
northern quadrant. The wisdom that Mr. Camp has within telling the future and seeing patterns
that could lead to specific events, gives him the ability to spread wisdom only for good. Camp
predicted significant events like the S&L collapse, the collapse of Wall Street, Hurricane Katrina
and many more. Thus, Thomas Locken is curious and starts to integrate Mr. Camp. "So tell me.
What do you know" (King 88). In this flashback, Thomas Locken is asking Mr. Camp in an
aggressive way of what he "knows." He is asking about how Camp predicted significant events
in the world. Mr. Camp's response to this was to give only a little information but to be subtle
and respond as if he had just researched and used an educated guess. Thus, he passes wisdom on
to others, but in an impactful and peaceful way.

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