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The Castian Knights and The Corrupted

Once upon a time, there was a village named Castia. This village is always struck by wars
and faces threats from dangerous entities. This place is protected by the four heroes called the
Castian Knights. They are Leon, a great wizard, Viktor, a strong warrior, Alev, a duelist, and
Ilyah their leader. Together they protect Castia against anyone that intends to harm it. But years
had passed, and Castia have achieved peace from across the lands and had neutralized the
threats. Then they have lived in harmony and peace since. Ilyah and the others eventually lived a
normal and strife-free life. Pursuing their passions and hobbies and venturing around the
One day, while Ilyah is purchasing items from a local merchant, he notices something is
off. Soon after dark stormy clouds loomed over the village, blanketing the place with darkness.
Ilyah rushed over to the village center, alarming the other Castian Knights. Then they prepare
the village for what might happen, evacuating the Castian residents to a safer place. Suddenly, a
huge sword falls to the edge of the village. After that, the Castian Knights go to the place where
the sword lands to investigate.
When they reached the location where the sword pierces the ground. They've found that it
emits a deadly aura that withers the land it contacts and spreads. Then suddenly, a mysterious
humanoid figure appears from the back of the sword. He has horns protruding out of his head, a
black cloak covering his entire body, and other features that make him appear to be a demon.
Ilyah confronts the enigmatic figure. “Who are you? Why are you in this place?”. The
mysterious figure grits his teeth, then he shouts. “Who am I? Who am I!” The man then fires a
burst of dark energy at them. “Y’all abandoned me, threw me in the abyss, let me be tortured by
the devils. How dare you all forget me!”. Leon was shocked to hear what the man had just said.
“Abyss… It can’t be.” But before he can finish what he will say, the man fires another burst of
dark energy at them. Ilyah, being the nearest to him, was knocked back by the burst. After Ilyah
said that he was fine, Leon, Viktor, and Alev ready their selves to fight. “Y’all will feel my
wrath! Y’all will feel my vengeance! Y’all feel my pain!” the figure cried to them. After that, the
man starts to channel dark energy on his hand. The three saw this as an opportunity to strike him.
However, Ilyah sees this as a trap late. He tries to stop them, but he was too late. The man shoots
another powerful burst of black energy knocking them and opening a big gateway beneath them.
But before Ilyah could intervene to save them, the three fall inside it and immediately close. The
figure grins and turns to face Ilyah. The man said to him, “You will be next.” Then he rushed
towards Ilyah threatening him with his claws. Ilyah pulled out his sword to block the attack.
Ilyah said fiercely, "What did you do to them?!" The man replied, “Why don’t you find out.”
before flying out and preparing another channeling like earlier. Ilyah, on the other hand, is ready
for what the man would do, and as he launches the attack, Ilyah produces a reflective barrier,
which deflects the magic blast back at him. The magic blast explodes on the man, and he
vanishes into black smoke.
Ilyah then picks himself up following the man's disappearance. He observes that the
enormous sword is still there and that a sizable portion of the landscape has already begun to
wither, with trees beginning to wilt and die. Then, in an effort to break the curse, Ilyah raises the
blade. But the heaviness of the sword prevents him from raising it, only causing the curse to
spread more quickly. Ilyah begins to fear, unsure of what to do and believing that he was to
blame for what had happened. He heard a faint cry while he was still deciding what to do. He
hurried over and saw a young kid who was filthy, bruised, and worn out. He attempted to assist
the boy, but when he noticed the guy, the boy screamed in fear, he is confused and scared. Ilyah
calms the kid and helps him. The kid then becomes happy and starts to gain trust in him. then he
brings him over to the village to get some help.
When Ilyah returned, the villagers in the village center helped him. Ilyah enquired while
they cleaned and took care of the child if they had located Leon, Viktor, or Alev. The locals then
reported that they had discovered the three, however, they were in an odd state. Ilyah then tries to
head toward the location of the three, before being stopped by Abel. Abel expressed his desire to
join Ilyah to go to the others, but Ilyah responded that it would be preferable if he remained with
the locals. "Don't leave me! Don’t abandon me!" the kid screamed on his insistence. It made
Ilyah slightly disturbed, and then he agreed for him to join. Once they reached the place where
the three people were found, Ilyah made a distressing discovery—they had suffered significant
memory loss. Despite his best efforts to communicate with them and hope for some recognition,
they failed to remember him. The only memories they retained were from many decades ago.
Ilyah's attempts to revive their lost memories appeared to be an uphill battle. Ilyah discovers that
the curse that affected Leon, Viktor, and Alev also broke their connection to their past
experiences as he tries to restore their lost memories. Ilyah consults Leon's books, which contain
information on magical artifacts and ancient spells, in an effort to learn how to save his friends
and restore their memories.
Together with Abel, the young boy whom Ilyah had rescued, they embark on a quest to
locate a mythical artifact known as the "Runaan's Diamond." The book says that this magical
gem possesses the power to break curses. Ilyah believes that finding and utilizing the Runaan's
Diamond is their best hope of bringing back the memories of his comrades. Their journey takes
them through a dungeon underneath one of the towers in Castia. Going through traps and puzzles
along the way. In their Journey, Ilyah investigates more about Abel's mysterious background. He
thinks that Abel might have a connection with the man who attacked them earlier. Supported by
the fact that he suddenly came out of nowhere and he doesn’t want to be left. Their journey takes
them through a dungeon under one of Castia's isolated and old towers. Along the way, Ilyah
learns more about Abel's mysterious background. While on the way, Abel opens up to Ilyah
about the truth about the man that attacked them. He explained to him that he becomes a living
host of the demon after he was abandoned to be a sacrifice. Had been banished to the abyss and
tormented for centuries, which explains his initial anger and desire for vengeance. Abel confides
in Ilyah about his past and the suffering he went through as their bond grows stronger. Ilyah
assures Abel that he won't be abandoned, just as he didn't abandon the child when they first met,
because he understands the importance of empathy and redemption. Abel gains Ilyah's trust and
grows close to him sincerely, finding comfort in their friendship.
Finally, after a series of trials and tribulations, Ilyah and his companions locate the
Runaan's diamond in a chest at the undermost part of the dungeon. With the crystal in hand, Ilyah
performs a powerful ritual that unleashes its restorative energy, aiming to bring back the
memories of Leon, Viktor, and Alev. The Runaan’s Diamond was successfully used to help break
the curse from Leon, Viktor, and Alev. They have regained their memories of their friendship,
their shared purpose, and their duty to protect Castia. After that, they planned to go back to the
end of the village to stop the curse of the giant sword. Leon suggested that they try to teleport to
easily stop the spread of the curse. They all agreed and in seconds they all vanished in a flash.
Not knowingly, they have left Abel behind.
They all show up close to the enormous sword. The Curse of the Withering has already
spread out over a sizable area, almost reaching the village's closest homes. Ilyah now breaks the
curse on the sword using the Runaan's Diamond. The curse stops spreading after the deadly aura
of the sword vanishes. They rejoiced after ending the curse. But it was interrupted by a loud roar.
Then a flying figure appears near them. Ilyah looks confused and colors suddenly drains from
him. There they see Abel has again taken over by the demonic entity. Ilyah has already explained
the situation to the other Castian Knights, so they can be careful in helping Abel and defeating
the entity.
You gave me your word! You still leave me!" shouted Abel. Ilyah answered, "I'm sorry, I-
". Abel yelled at them, "Lies! " Before Ilyah could finish what he was going to say.”. Then Abel
took hold of the giant sword and got ready for incoming battle. Ilyah and his companions brace
themselves for the confrontation. They engage in a fierce battle with him, using their skills and
abilities to defend themselves and protect Castia. They try carefully to attack the controlled Abel
and fend off his attacks. Ilyah observes that the demon in control of him feeds on his ingrained
bitterness and resentment throughout the tense battle. Ilyah makes an effort to reason with him,
pleading with him to let go of his rage and find a way to move on because she is determined to
find a peaceful resolution. Ilyah's words manage to reach Abel's heart as they struggle,
temporarily weakening his attacks. Ilyah sees this as an opportunity and uses the Runaan's
Diamond to expel the demon from him. As it begins to emerge from his body, the demon
assumes a terrifying form. The demon deteriorates and becomes more vulnerable without a host.
Then, as retaliation for using Abel, Ilyah dealt the demon its fatal blow, killing it.
After defeating the demon and saving Abel, Ilyah rushes to his side, making sure he's
safe. The other Castian Knights, Leon, Viktor, and Alev, join them in celebration. They embrace
the young boy, relieved that he is no longer under the influence of the demonic entity. After the
danger is over, Abel returns to Castia with Ilyah and the Castian Knights. The villagers accept
them with open arms, appreciating their courage and the reestablishment of peace. The curse has
been lifted, and the village's beloved protectors have returned, causing lots of joy and a cause for
a celebration. Ilyah and the Castian Knights share the tale of their adventures with the villagers,
recounting their struggles, sacrifices, and the power of friendship and redemption. The villagers
are moved by their story, inspired by their resilience and determination. Recognizing Abel's
bravery and his potential, Ilyah proposes that the young boy be trained as a squire, to one day
become a Castian Knight himself. The villagers wholeheartedly support the idea, acknowledging
Abel's growth and the bond he has formed with Ilyah.
Years pass, and Castia thrives under the watchful eyes of Ilyah, Leon, Viktor, Alev, and
their newest member, Abel. The Castian Knights stand as symbols of hope, protecting the village
from any threats that may arise. Together, they ensure the lasting peace and prosperity of Castia.

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