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Agus Thohawi, Juni Iswanto, F. Ari barata

Faculty of syariah and Islamic Law
Institute of Islamic Studies (IAI) Pangeran Diponegoro Nganjuk
East Java Indonesia

Abstract: This research is motivated by schools can take full advantage of

the strategy carried out by the opportunities so as to be able to implement
management including collaborating with strategies that support aggressive growth
alumni to promote their alma mater in new policies.
prospective students in their
neighborhoods and workplaces. This Keywords: Strategic Management,
strategy is considered to be able to increase Competitiveness
competitiveness, by building a culture of
scientific excellence that makes quality and Introduction
tough students face the challenges of the The dynamics of community life really
times. This research uses a qualitative
approach. Data collection techniques are need madrasa, madrasa experiencing changes
in-depth interviews, observation, Focus and developments regarding its management.
Group Discussion, and documentation.
Data analysis techniques used in this study Today not a few boarding schools in
are data reduction, data presentation, and Indonesia have adopted a formal education
drawing conclusions / verification. From
the results of this study, the researcher system such as that held by the Indonesian
concludes that: competitive strategies are government. In general, formal education
carried out by: a) an increasingly greater
demand for good communication with the established in Islamic boarding schools is still
foundation for the advancement of in the path of Islamic education, namely
madrasas, increasing education staff and
infrastructure, b) Offers to outsiders by Madrasah Diniyah (Madin), Madrasah
preparing and managing students well, Ibtidaiyah (MI), Madrasah Tsanawiyah
integrating Learning from the curriculum
of the Ministry of religion and the salafiyah (MTs), and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) to higher
curriculum. c) Marketing by combining education (Rahim, 2001) .
learning of the Ministry of religion
curriculum and the Salafiyah curriculum, Considering the process of change that
costs allocated according to the budget, has taken place in Islamic boarding schools, it
alumni become real live brochures, using
the website and having a marching appears that to this day the institution has
competition, access to madrasas is very made an important contribution in the
easy, and location expansion. Based on
internal and external analysis above, the administration of national education. The
institution is in a stable growth strategy existence of Islamic boarding schools as
which means that the situation is favorable
because boarding schools have educational institutions, both those that still
opportunities and strengths, boarding

maintain traditional education systems and education units still exist and even developed
those that have undergone changes, have a rapidly.
profound influence on the lives of Indonesian The high demand for the Madrasah
people. From time to time, the existence of Tsanawiyah can be caused by several factors,
madrasas is growing and developing both in including the different supply patterns of the
quantity and quality. Not a few people who price or budget required. Madrasah
pay attention and hopes for the madrasa as an Tsanawiyah from the Al-Ghozali Foundation
alternative education. Moreover, with various Islamic boarding school in offering products
innovations in the education system and / or services through several activities,
developed in madrassas by adopting a general including: first, conducting visits or direct
education style, madrasas are increasingly socialization to students in some public and
competitive in offering education to the private elementary and MI primary schools in
public. Despite having made various Nganjuk through an alumni network ,
educational innovations, to date madrasa secondly, through the provision of various
education has not lost its unique competitions by inviting or bringing in
characteristics that distinguish itself from the participants from every elementary and MI
general education model that is formulated in school, both public and private in Nganjuk
the form of formal education. Regency. Third, collaborate with alumni to
One of the boarding schools capable of promote their alma mater in prospective new
gradually re-actualizing is the Islamic students in their neighborhoods and
Boarding School under the auspices of the Al- workplaces. With the strategy carried out by
Ghozali Foundation or named administrators of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah
MiftahulMubtadiin Islamic Boarding School from the Al Ghozali Islamic boarding school,
or better known as "PondokKrempyang" it is hoped that it can improve
which was established by KH. Moh. Ghozali competitiveness in the Industrial Age 4.0.
Manan. After he died, precisely on Monday, With this endeavor to build a superior-
24 RobiusTsani 1411 H / 12 December 1990 scientific culture that produces quality and
AD, MiftahulMubtadiin Islamic Boarding resilient students who face the challenges of
School was raised by his sons, KH. Moh. the times.
RidlwanSyaibani and KH. Moh. The phenomenon experienced by
HamamGhozali. In this period, the Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ghozali
development of Islamic boarding schools Foundation Islamic Boarding School is in line
appeared to be increasingly rapid and with the concepts in the theory of demand and
progressed quite significantly, the existing supply. Mankiw (2004) explains that demand

in general is the demand for an item or Educational institutions are actually

service, which is not only influenced by the non-profit organizations that provide services
goods themselves, but is also influenced by to the community who use education in the
the prices of other related goods, consumer years to come, the educational climate is no
incomes, population and number of requests longer like the past. The atmosphere has
in the previous year. Mankiw Offer (2004), begun to be felt, with a business approach,
states that the quantity (quantity supplied) of education is slowly moving to a competitive
an item or service is the amount of goods that market mechanism. In this market
are willing and able to be sold by the seller. competition map, the winners will be those
There are many things that determine the who are able to be efficient, effective, serve
amount of supply of goods, but when we well, have quality, and are market-oriented.
analyze how the market works, one of the Therefore, it is fitting that the management of
determinants is the price of the goods. educational institutions must change through
The uniqueness of MTs at the Al- better management and management. If so,
Ghozali Foundation Islamic boarding school, then the importance of building an image is
Nganjuk Regency, which combines the very important. While the best approach in
following things as well as its competitive building image is through marketing.
strategy: 1) becomes the center of Therefore, marketing for educational
strengthening and developing scientific, institutions today is very important.
Islamic, and nationalist perspectives within Based on the above background
the framework of aqidahahl al sunnah wa al explanation, the authors are interested in
pilgrims imbued with morals al karimah. 2) conducting research under the title "Strategic
Madrasah Diniyah MTs Darussalam Program Management of Education in Improving
is a salafiyah-based educational activity Environmental Oriented Competitiveness in
program that must be followed by all MTs the Industrial Age 4.0 (Study at the Al
Students in the Ministry of Religion GhozaliNganjuk Islamic Foundation)".
Curriculum. 3) Supporting the development Based on the background given above,
of Lifeskill and Achievement by providing the formulation of the problem presented is:
qiro'atulqur'an training, khitobah every "What is the model for developing a
month, computer courses, bahtsulmasail, competitive Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
tahfidz al-Qur’an, coaching programs, and strategy from the Al Ghozali Foundation
developing achievement of special subjects Islamic Boarding School, Nganjuk Regency?"
and programs.

organizations, so that it can be used as a policy

to be implemented for the common welfare.
Research Methods In order to obtain a qualitative conception
Research Design
in this research, the researchers conducted a
According to Sugiyono (2014: 9)
study of the things around the object under
qualitative research method is a method based
study, both directly related or not directly
on the philosophy of post-positivism, used to
related to the object under study. Researchers
examine natural conditions of objects, (as
will try to express and explain everything
opposed to experiments) where researchers are
related to the object to be examined in the
as key instruments, data collection techniques
actual conditions.
are carried out by triangulation (combined ),
Method of collecting data
data analysis is inductive / qualitative, and
In conducting data collection,
qualitative research results emphasize more on
researchers used several alternatives in the
meaning than generalization. Basically, a
form of ways, for further analysis. This, as
qualitative approach involves the
explained by Bungin (2008) which classifies
conceptualization process and results in the
the procedure or method referred to in three
formation of classification schemes (Silalahi,
forms, including:
Research with a qualitative approach 1) Observation

emphasizes the analysis of the process of Is a data collection technique used to

thought processes inductively related to the collect research data, research data can be
dynamics of the relationship between observed observed by researchers? Observations in this
phenomena, and always using scientific logic. study use direct observation, the meaning of
Qualitative research is meaningless without direct observation is observation made
using support from quantitative data, but rather directly on the object being observed. This
emphasizes the depth of formal thinking of study uses observation techniques to be able
researchers in answering the problems they to gain an in-depth understanding of the
face. Qualitative research aims to develop the object of research.
concept of sensitivity to the problem at hand, To obtain depth in observation
explain the reality associated with the search for researchers conducted observations in the
theories from below (grounded theory) and madrasa environment from morning activities
develop an understanding of one or more of the
to students going home. In this case
phenomena encountered. Qualitative research is
researchers were fully involved in
a research method used in expressing problems
observations related to learning activities
in the working lives of government, private,
from the beginning to the end of learning. As
social, youth, women's, sports, arts and cultural
for the observed environment is the physical

environment, social economic environment The FGD aims to collect data on

and cultural, work environment, human participants' perceptions and views on
environment. something, not trying to find consensus or
2) In-depth interview (indepth interview) make decisions about what actions will be
Interview is a process of obtaining taken. Therefore, open ended questions are
information for research purposes by means used in the FGD, which allows participants to
of question and answer by face to face provide answers accompanied by
between the interviewer and the respondent or explanations.In this case the researchers will
interviewee, with or without using interview do include:
guides. In conducting in-depth interviews by a. Set up a strategy for implementing
exploring information related to internal and the FGD between the Head of
external strategies conducted by Madrasah Madrasah with the Foundation and
Tsanawiyah (MTs) in the Al Ghozali employees and the Head of
Foundation Islamic Boarding School in Madrasah.
Nganjuk Regency. b. Establish topics that will be
The determination of research discussed include internal and
informants is based on the results of external strategies
considerations in the analysis of position, c. Making FGD policy guidelines
reputation and decisions. Position analysis is including ethics, rules, procedures,
determined to look for individuals who have and steps for implementing the
positions and positions that are important in FGD
providing key information needed in research, 4) Documentation
so it can be expected that the information Data collection techniques with the
provided will be useful according to what is method of documentation is the search for
needed in the formulation of the problem and data in the form of notes, transcripts, books,
research focus Parties informants involved in newspapers, magazines, inscriptions, minutes
the interview include : Foundation of meetings, agendas and others related to
administrators, madrasa committee, teachers, research. In qualitative and descriptive
badal teachers, non-educational staff and research, data is collected through
guardians of students in Tsanawiyah photographs, documents related to the
Madrasah (MTs) in the Al Ghozali research topic, or researchers' field notes at
Foundation Islamic Boarding School in the time the research is conducted.
Nganjuk Regency. Data that will be explored by
3) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) researchers include Infrastructure, Teachers,

Student data, non-educational personnel and method widely in a variety of study

madrasa facilities contexts, especially in the study of
Data Analysis Technique development planning and formulation, as

1. Descriptive Analysis well as the development of competitive

Data analysis is the process of strategy models for Madrasah Tsanawiyah

systematically searching for and (MTs). In the context of the study model

compiling data obtained from interviews, of developing a competitive Madrasah

field notes, and documentation, by Tsanawiyah (MTs) strategy, the object of

organizing data into categories, breaking analysis is the Madrasah Tsanawiyah

down into units, synthesizing, organizing (MTs) from the Al Ghozali Foundation

into patterns, choosing what is important Islamic Boarding School Nganjuk

and which will be studied, and make Regency. Thus aspects related to and

conclusions so that they are easily influencing the Madrasah Tsanawiyah

understood by themselves and others competitive strategy development model

(Sugiono, 2010). (MTs) become the analysis variable.

Descriptive analysis is used to Because the SWOT method makes it

explain various conditions and possible to comprehensively review the

developments over time and the latest of aforementioned aspects, in this study the

the various indicators that will be needed SWOT method is placed as a terminal of

later. Descriptions can later be displayed analysis. Where, the results of the analysis

either in the form of tables, pictures / of quantitative and other qualitative

graphics, or general explanations making models then become input or SWOT

it easier for general readers to understand analysis material.

from the data and / or information The strategic decision making

provided in writing. Analysis can be done process is generally always associated

for centralizing statistics (including with the mission, objectives, strategies

average, minimum, and maximum and policies of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah

values), distribution (in the form of (MTs). Therefore, as a Model for

standard deviations, etc.), and the developing a competitive Madrasah

direction of development (positive, Tsanawiyah (MTs) strategy in conducting

negative, or constant trends). an analysis, it is necessary to pay attention

2. The SWOT method to various aspects related to the factors

The multi-dimensional SWOT that influence it. These factors can be

analysis framework allows the use of this broadly grouped into 4 categories called

Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and tetapi juga merupakan suatu kegiatan

Threat, so they are known as Forward pengklasifikasian dan pra analisis.
Analysis or SWOT Analysis. Even though Umumnya data akan dikategorikan
it looks simple, the SWOT analysis can sebagai data internal dan eksternal. Data
provide a complete identification of these internal meliputi laporan keuangan
Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) factors. Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) , laporan
SWOT analysis can simultaneously tentang sumber daya manusia, laporan
be used to evaluate internal and external kegiatan operasional dan pemasaran.
factors at Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) at Sedangkan data eksternal yang diperlukan
once, so that the solution can then be antara lain meliputi analisis tentang pasar,
sought. What are the strengths and pesaing, pemasok, pemerintah, serta
weaknesses of Madrasah Tsanawiyah kelompok yang mempunyai kepentingan
(MTs) will be identified in the IFAS tertentu. Data eksternal ini mempunyai
(Internal Factor Analysis Summary) hubungan yang sangat erat dengan
matrix, while the things that become stakeholder.
opportunities and threats will be reflected b. Analysis phase
in the EFAS (External Factor Analysis The positive part of each X axis and
Summary) matrix. The combination of the Y axis will be occupied by Strength and
two matrices through the SWOT diagram Opportunity, while the negative portion of
will reflect the position of Madrasah each X axis and Y axis will be occupied
Tsanawiyah (MTs) known as positioning. by Weaknesses and Threats. Plotting is
Furthermore, this position will be used to done in the following ways:
identify strategic business planning 1) The total score that reflects the
carried out using the SWOT / TOWS Opportunity of the EFAS matrix
matrix, GE-Mc Kensey, Product Life is plotted into the Y axis on the
Cycle and so on. positive part.
2) The total score that reflects the
3. Stages of SWOT Analysis Threat of the EFAS matrix is
To conduct a SWOT analysis in plotted to the Y axis on the
outline, it must be carried out through negative part
three stages, namely: 3) The total score that reflects the
a. Data collection stage. Strength (Strength) of the IFAS
Dalam tahap ini bukan hanya matrix is plotted to the X axis on
sekedar kegiatan mengumpulkan data, the positive part

4) The same is done for the total weaknesses obtained after

score that reflects the Weaknesses conducting interviews with
of the IFAS matrix on the X axis informants. From the results of the
on the negative part. interview, strengths and
5) Next do the positioning. The ideal weaknesses in the Madrasah
position is a position that has a Tsanawiyah (MTs) will be
level of weakness and the level of identified. These strengths and
threat that is close to zero. By weaknesses are analyzed internally
knowing the last position, it is using the IFAS matrix.
hoped that various strategies can 2) External Factor Analysis of
be very useful for Madrasah Strategy Analysis (EFAS))
Tsanawiyah (MTs). The external factor
6) Calculate the area of each evaluation matrix (EFAS) enables
quadrant and then rank according strategists to summarize and
to the highest area order. To evaluate economic, social,
provide a clearer picture of the cultural, demographic,
SWOT Diagram, the following environmental, political,
format will be presented as well government, legal, technological,
as a full explanation. and competitive information
c. SWOT Matrix (David, 2006). Identification of
1) Internal Factor Analysis Strategy opportunities and threats obtained
(IFAS) Matrix Analysis after conducting interviews. From
IFAS matrix analysis the results of the interview,
summarizes and evaluates the opportunities and threats will be
main strengths and weaknesses in identified and analyzed externally
the functional areas of the using the EFAS matrix.
business, and also provides a basis
for identifying and evaluating the Research Results and Discussion
Description of Internal Conditions
relationships between these areas.
The following Internal Factor Analysis
The IFAS table is compiled to
(IFAS) is described in the table of grading
formulate internal strategy factors.
and weighting and assigning weights and
Identification of strengths and

Table 1. Determination of IFAS Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Weight Value from Al

GhozaliFoundation Islamic Boarding School Nganjuk Regency

Internal strategic factors Answer Value Weight

1. the number of students every year can be √ 3 0.096
said to increase,
2. maintain the characteristics of salafiyah. √ 3 0.096
3. curriculum set by the ministry combined √ 4 0.129
with the salafiyah curriculum,
4. good quality alumni √ 4 0.129
5. expand location √ 4 0.129
Sub Total 18 0.58
1. there are still teaching teachers who do not √ 3 0.096
fit their fields,
2. facilities need improvement, √ 3 0.096
3. the location needs to be expanded, √ 2 0.064
4. promotion needs to be improved, √ 2 0.064
5. The teacher must meet academic √ 3 0.096
qualifications by increasing further study.
Sub Total 13 0.42
Total 31 1.0
� �
1. Weight = � � �

ℎ = = ,
� �
2. Weight = � � �

ℎ = = ,
� �
3. Weight = � � �

ℎ = = ,
� �
4. Weight = � � �

ℎ = = ,

Based on Table 1, there are four b. The second factor is about maintaining
factors that are closely related to strength the characteristics of salafiyah with an
factors (strength), among them: assessment of 3 and a weighting of
a. The first factor regarding the number 0.096 is obtained from the calculated
of students each year can be said to calculations.
increase, with an assessment of 3 and c. The third factor regarding the
obtained a weight of 0.096 from the curriculum set by the ministry is
calculation that has been processed. combined with the Salafiyah
curriculum with an assessment of 4

and a weighting of 0.129 is obtained c. The third factor regarding location

from the calculated calculations. needs to be expanded, with a rating of
d. The fourth factor regarding the quality 2 and a weighting of 0.064 obtained
of alumni is good with a rating of 4 from the calculated calculations.
and a weighting of 0.129 is obtained d. The fourth factor regarding promotion
from the calculated calculations. needs to be improved, with an
e. The fifth factor is regarding location assessment of 2 and a weighting of
expansion by rating 4 and a weighting 0.064 is obtained from the calculated
of 0.129 is obtained from the calculation.
calculated calculations. e. The fifth factor regarding teachers
must meet academic qualifications by
Based on Table 1. there are also five
increasing further studies, with an
factors that are closely related to
assessment of 3 and a weighting of
weaknesses, including:
0.64 is obtained from the calculated
a. The first factor is that there are still
teaching teachers who do not fit their
fields with assessment 3 and obtained Description of External Conditions
a weight of 0.096 from the calculated The following Analysis of
calculations. External Factors (EFAS) is given a table
b. The second factor regarding facilities of grading and weighting and assigning
needs to be improved by rating 3 and a weights and ratings:
weighting of 0.096 is obtained from
the calculated calculations.

Table 2. Determination of EFAS Weight of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) from the Al Ghozali
Foundation Islamic Boarding School Nganjuk Regency

Answer Value Weight

External strategic factors

1. the sons of the alumni themselves who go to
√ 4 0.16
school and boarding school,
2. the number of new students and overall more
√ 4 0.16
than any other cottage,
3. alumni as a reality brochure in the
√ 3 0.12

Answer Value Weight

External strategic factors
4. the addition of facilities can provide comfort
√ 3 0.12
to students.
Sub Total 14 0.56

1. many madrassas that offer convenience,
√ 3 0.12
2. the influence of modern culture on the
√ 3 0.12
madrasa is considered to be tacky,
3. competitive ability that is still competitive,
√ 2 0.08
4. the image that developed in the madrasa
√ 3 0.12
graduate community was unable to fill
functional positions in government.
Sub Total 11 0.44

Total 25 1.0

� �
1. Weight = � � �

Weight = = ,
� �
2. Weight = � � �

Weight = = ,
� �
3. Weight = � � �

Weight = = ,
� �
4. Weight = � � �

Weight = = ,

Based on Table 2, there are seven b. The second factor is the number of
factors that are closely related to new students and the total number of
opportunity factors, including: students compared to other huts, with
a. The first factor concerns the children an assessment of 4 and a weighting of
of the alumni themselves who go to 0.12 is obtained from the calculated
school and boarding school, with an calculations.
assessment of 4 and a weighting of c. The third factor regarding alumni as a
0.16 is obtained from the calculated reality brochure in the community,
calculation. with a rating of 3 and obtained a

weight of 0.12 from the calculation 0.12 is obtained from the calculated
that has been processed. calculations.
d. The fourth factor regarding the
3. SWOT Analysis Model of developing
addition of facilities can provide
competitive Madrasah Tsanawiyah
comfort to students with an
(MTs) strategies
assessment of 3 and obtained a weight
In this study, the SWOT analysis is
of 0.12 from the calculation that has
used to find out what strategies should be
been processed.
implemented by the Madrasah
Tsanawiyah (MTs) of the Al Ghozali
Based on Table 4.6, there are also
Foundation Islamic Boarding School in
four factors that are closely related to
Nganjuk Regency. Take advantage of
threat factors (Treath), including:
market opportunities through analysis of
a. The first factor is the number of
internal and external factors that influence
similar madrasas that offer
the efforts of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
convenience, with a rating of 3 and a
(MTs) from the Al Ghozali Foundation
weighting of 0.12 from the calculated
Islamic Boarding School Nganjuk
Regency. SWOT analysis involves
b. The second factor regarding the
internal factors, namely the strengths and
influence of modern madrasa culture
weaknesses of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
is considered tacky, with an
(MTs) from the Al Ghozali Foundation
assessment of 3 and a weighting of
Islamic Boarding School Nganjuk
0.12 is obtained from the calculated
Regency and external factors, namely the
opportunities and threats faced by the
c. The third factor is the competitive
Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) of the Al
ability that is still competitive, with a
Ghozali Foundation Islamic Boarding
rating of 2 and a weighting of 0.08 is
School Nganjuk Regency.
obtained from the calculated
From the results of determining the
value of weights on internal and external
d. The fourth factor regarding the image
factors Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) from
that develops in the madrasa graduate
Al Ghozali Foundation Islamic Boarding
community is not able to fill
School Nganjuk Regency in table 1 and
functional positions in government,
table 2 the next step is to calculate the
with a rating of 3 and a weighting of
weight and rating values, as listed in
tables 3 and table 4 the following:

Table 3. Calculation of IFAS in Madrasah External strategic Weight

Tsanawiyah (MTs) from pondokpesantren Weight Rating x
factors rating
Al Ghozali Foundation Nganjuk Regency
Weight 1. the sons of the 0.64
Internal strategic factors Weight Rating 4 0.16
x rating alumni themselves who
Strength go to school and
1. The number of 0.096 3 0.288 boarding school,
students every year can 2. the number of new 0.64
4 0.16
be said to increase. students and overall
2. Maintain salafiyah 0.096 3 0.288 more than any other
characteristics. cottage,
3. The curriculum 0.129 4 0.516 3. alumni as a reality 0.36
3 0.12
established by the brochure in the
ministry is combined community,
with the salafiyah 4. the addition of 0.36
3 0.12
curriculum. facilities can provide
4. Good quality alumni 0.129 4 0.516 comfort to students.
5. Expand location. 0.129 4 0.516 Sub Total 2
Sub Total 0.58 18 2.124
Weaknesses 1. The number of 0.36
3 0.12
1. there are still teaching 0.096 3 0.288 similar madrassas that
teachers who do not fit offer convenience,
their fields, 2. the influence of 0.36
3 0.12
2. facilities need 0.096 3 0.288 modern culture on the
improvement, madrasa is considered
3. the location needs to 0.064 2 0.128 to be tacky,
be expanded, 3. competitive ability 0.24
2 0.08
4. promotion needs to be 0.064 2 0.128 that is still competitive,
improved, 4. the image that 0.36
3 0.12
5. The teacher must 0.096 3 0.288 developed in the
meet academic madrasa graduate
qualifications by community was unable
increasing further study. to fill functional
Sub total 0.42 13 1.12 positions in
Whereas the calculation of external Sub total 1.32
factors (EFAS) is arranged in the same way as
by compiling an internal factor matrix (IFAS) Based on table 3 above the strength

but strengths are replaced by opportunities, factors have a score of 2.124 while the

whereas weaknesses are replaced by threats. weakness factors have a score of 1.12. Means

The EFAS calculation results are shown in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) from Al

the following table: Ghozali Foundation Islamic Boarding School

Nganjuk Regency has a higher weakness

Table 4. Calculation of EFAS in Madrasah compared to the strength factor in

Tsanawiyah (MTs) from Al Ghozali determining the Model of developing
Foundation Islamic Boarding School
Nganjuk Regency competitive Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
competitiveness. Furthermore, in table 4

above, opportunity factors have a score of 2 Nganjuk Regency. Once it is found in which
and threats have a score of 1.32. The score quadrant, the Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
shows that the competitive strategy will be able to find out the strategy to be
development model of Madrasah Tsanawiyah implemented into seen in Figure 1 SWOT
(MTs) Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) from the analysis diagram.
Al Ghozali Foundation Islamic Boarding From the results of the arrangement of
School Nganjuk Regency has the opportunity internal and external factors above, it
and strength so that it can take full advantage produces a series of scores as follows:
of opportunities so that it can implement a. Strenghts = 2.124
b. Weaknesses = 1.12
strategies that support aggressive growth c. Opportunities =2
policies. d. Threats = 1.32
Based on the results of data processing
on the internal evaluation matrix and the
Development Strategy
external evaluation matrix obtained the value
After knowing the SWOT matrix
of each of these matrices, which then
which is obtained combines the internal
becomes input for quadrant analysis.
factors in developing the competitive strategy
Internal Evaluation Matrix Value = Total
of Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) from the Al Strength - Total Weakness
Ghozali Foundation boarding school Nganjuk = 2.124 –
Regency with external factors in realizing the =
development of the Tsanawiyah Madrasah
Competitive Strategy (MTs) from the Al Nilai Matriks Evaluasi Eksternal = Total
Peluang – Total Ancaman
Ghozali Foundation Islamic Boarding School = 2 –
Nganjuk Regency. To find out the conditions
= 0.68
of achieving the development of a From this set of scores, an IFAS and
EFAS Score Score Recapitulation table can
competitive Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs)
be prepared as follows:
strategy from the Al Ghozali Foundation Table 5. Recapitulation of IFAS and EFAS
Islamic Boarding School in Nganjuk
Internal Eksternal Choice of
Regency, it will be illustrated in the SWOT Score Score Strategy
S > W (+) O > T (+) Growth
analysis diagram from the IFAS and EFAS 1.004 0.68
weighting results. This is to find out the right S < W (-) O < T (-) Survival
S > W (+) O < T (-) Diversification
strategy for Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) to S > W (-) O > T (+) Stability
be able to develop competitive strategies for
Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) from the Al To determine the choice of strategies
Ghozali Foundation Islamic Boarding School that are more specific than the values

obtained are included in the strategy choice madrasa has opportunities and strengths so
diagram, because the results from table 4.8 that it can take full advantage of opportunities
show that the existing score leads to the next so as to be able to implement strategies that
choice of strategy growth determines more support aggressive growth policies. The
specific growth strategies. quadrant coordinate position of the
Position of competitive strategy development competitive strategy development model can
model in Quadrant I. This position illustrates be presented in Figure 1. below:
that the situation is advantageous because the

Figure 1. Quadrant Analysis Results

Furthermore, the SWOT matrix will be made as follows:

Table 6. SWOT Matrix Analysis

Strenght (S) Weakness (W)
1. The number of 1. there are still teaching teachers
students every year who do not fit their fields,
can be said to 2. facilities need improvement,
IFASEFAS increase. 3. the location needs to be expanded,
2. Maintain salafiyah 4. promotion needs to be improved,
characteristics. 5. The teacher must meet academic
3. The curriculum qualifications by increasing further
established by the study.
ministry is
combined with the
4. Good quality
5. Expand location.
Opportunities (O) Strategy S-O Strategy W-O
1. The number of 1. Teachers who teach teach not
1. the sons of the alumni
students that according to their fields to
themselves who go to
increase each year immediately make improvements
school and boarding
is due to the given the increasing number of

school, children of the alumni.

alumni who go to 2. Facilities need to be updated due to
2. the number of new
school and boarding the increasing number of new
students and overall
school students.
more than any other
2. Curriculum 3. Promotion needs to be increased by
determined by the increasing the number of alumni
3. alumni as a reality ministry combined scattered in the community.
brochure in the with the Salafiyah
community, curriculum, so that
4. the addition of facilities the number of new
can provide comfort to students is more
students. than the total
number of students
3. Good quality
alumni can be seen
from existing
alumni in the
4. Adding locations
can provide comfort
for students.

Threats (T) Strategi S-T Strategi W-T

1. many madrassas that 1. The growing 1. Madrasas must immediately
offer convenience, number of improve teacher qualifications,
students does not given the large number of
2. the influence of affect the number madrasas that offer convenience.
modern culture on the
of other madrasas. 2. Increased promotion will increase
madrasa is considered
to be tacky, 2. Maintaining the the ability to compete between
characteristics of madrassas.
3. competitive ability salafiyah, is not a 3. Madrasa quality graduates can
that is still plebeian. reduce the negative image that
3. curriculum set by develops in the community.
4. the image that the ministry
developed in the combined with the
madrasa graduate salafiyah
community was curriculum
unable to fill
becomes the
functional positions in
ability to compete

Based on the external internal matrix overcome opportunities. Analysis of the

above CV MatolDjaya is on the value of the strategy carried out in the development model
IFAS matrix is Strength (Strenghts) is 2.124 of the competitive growth strategy is the IE
and from the EFAS matrix is opportunity Matrix strategy and the SWOT diagram is to
(Opportunity) is value 2, This means that the show Quadrant I which means the situation is
recommended strategy is the Strength strategy favorable because the madrasa has
(Strenghts) and Opportunity (opportunity) or opportunities and strengths so that it can take
known as SO strategy, that is, use power to full advantage of opportunities so as to be

able to implement strategies that support as well as to expand their roles and take
aggressive growth policies. advantage of various opportunities.
Alternative models of developing The policy direction is the basis for a
competitive strategies in Madrasah stable strategy shown by Quadrant I, which
Tsanawiyah (MTs) that can be taken are: means the situation is favorable because the
1. The number of students that increase madrasa has opportunities and strengths so
each year is due to the children of the that it can take full advantage of opportunities
alumni who go to school and boarding so as to be able to implement strategies that
school support aggressive growth policies. That is, in
2. Curriculum determined by the ministry future development, Madrasah Tsanawiyah
combined with the Salafiyah curriculum, (MTs) can use an aggressive growth strategy
so that the number of new students is that is carried out in stages according to
more than the total number of students priority scale. And the strategy is supported
before. by the number of students who are increasing
3. Good quality alumni can be seen from every year due to the children of the alumni
existing alumni in the community who go to school and boarding school, the
4. Adding locations can provide comfort for curriculum set by the ministry combined with
students. the Salafiyah curriculum, so that the number
Based on the calculation of the SWOT of new students is more than the total number
analysis method in Madrasah Tsanawiyah of students before, good quality alumni can be
(MTs) from the Al Ghozali Foundation seen from existing alumni in the community
Islamic Boarding School Nganjukdari District and the addition of locations can provide
results of analysis of internal and external comfort to students can improve the
factors, means that the strength of the development of aggressive competitive
Tsanawiyah Madrasah (MTs) is superior strategies in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs).
compared to opportunities, while the
environment currently faced is more equal to
Conclusion and Recommendation
the threat. Therefore, Madrasah Tsanawiyah
(MTs) have the ability to turn potential into
The competitive strategy is carried out
better performance and performance. So that
by: a) greater demand for good
the right strategic direction to be implemented
communication with the head and foundation
is to increase and enlarge the role of
for the advancement of madrasas, increasing
Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) in various
education staff and infrastructure, b) Bidding
activities in accordance with their capabilities
by preparing and managing students properly,

integrating the Learning curriculum of the study are expected to be used as reference
Ministry of religion and the salafiyah material for subsequent research related to
curriculum. c) Marketing by combining the development of competitive strategies
learning of the Ministry of religion and marketing strategies of
curriculum and the Salafiyah curriculum, environmentally-oriented private schools
costs allocated according to the budget, in particular. Especially for researchers
alumni are real life brochures and through who take the same title and theme to be
websites and competitions lined up, and used as references and additional material
access to madrasas is very easy and extends in their studies, with the hope, more
locations. Based on internal and external specific and accurate data can be obtained
analysis above, in a stable growth strategy and can be useful to add data and
condition which means that the situation is knowledge in the study of economics. The
favorable because boarding schools have results of this study are also expected to
opportunities and strengths, boarding schools be an inspiration and motivation for the
can take full advantage of opportunities so as development of competitive strategy
to be able to implement strategies that support development models.
aggressive growth policies.
Recommendation Best, Rogers. 2000. Market Based
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