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Assignment2: Loading data from Amazon S3 to Snowflake

1. Load the Data from Amazon S3 to Snowflake table by using below steps
a.Take this file from 1 drive and upload it to your s3 bucket
File: streaming_data.csv
b.Create a table with below structure
c.Create file format object and stage object pointing to file in s3 bucket
d.Create copy command and run and load the data
e.Tell me howmany records loaded to the table
f.Upload your queries file Assignments folder

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE myown_db.public.movies (

show_id STRING,
type STRING,
title STRING,
director STRING,
cast STRING,
country STRING,
date_added STRING,
release_year STRING,
rating STRING,
duration STRING,
listed_in STRING,
description STRING );

// Create file format object

CREATE OR REPLACE file format myown_db.file_formats.csv_fileformat
type = csv
field_delimiter = ','
skip_header = 1
null_if = ('NULL','null')
empty_field_as_null = TRUE

2. Load the data from User internal stage to snowflake tables

a.Take this file from 1 drive and put it to your internal stage using Snowsql
File: customer_data_2021.csv
b.Create customer_data table in snowflake
c.Create file format object
d.Create copy command and run and load the data, handle if any errors
e.Tell me howmany records loaded to the table
f.Upload your queries file Assignments folder

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